Chapter 1199
Lao Zhou frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Who is so conscientious and dares to snatch your things? Could it be that they didn't even leave you with anything? Then they are really worthless. Don’t worry though, we will definitely seek justice for you.”

The village chief's eyes lit up immediately, and he said happily, "Is it true that the original guest? Are you really willing to do such a thing for us? If it is true, that would be really great. If it is If you can really help us get everything back, we are willing to give it to you at the lowest price."

Lao Zhou nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Okay, it's a deal, we'll go back and tell our boss to see how he decides, but can you tell us who is responsible for your supplies?" Did you take them all?"

The village chief nodded slightly, pointed to a mountain in front of him and said, "There is a camp on that mountain named Humen. They are the ones who came down to snatch our things. If we don't give them back, they will It will kill us, and many of us have been brought up the mountain by them, and when they work hard, I am afraid that they have all become theirs now."

Lao Zhou nodded slightly, and quickly led the bodyguards to find Bai Yunfei, and quickly told Bai Yunfei about the situation in the village.

Bai Yunfei didn't show any other expression, instead he looked at Xue Wuzhan at the side and said, "What do you think? Do you think what the village chief said is true or not, or he said it Things, is there any adulteration in it?"

After thinking for a while, Xue Wuzhan raised his head and nodded and said, "There is a lot of water in it, because according to some of the plots they said before, there is definitely something wrong with this village, and they definitely didn't just get caught. Robbing things, because their expressions are not the same, and they only deal with it when the village chief shows his expression. Obviously, the performance is 10 points not in place, which can only show that they deliberately want to We led it to Humen."

Lao Zhou smiled slightly and said, "That's right, I've already seen their flaws as soon as they said it, and I also saw a little difference in them, that is, they are dressed in 10% rich and luxurious clothes." , It is definitely not something that ordinary villagers can afford, so these people are not from this village, they should all be lying in ambush here on purpose, and deliberately tell us some wrong information."

Xue Wuzhan chuckled and said, "If my guess is correct, there should be no one in the so-called Humen at all, and it should be full of all kinds of traps. As long as we go up, I'm afraid it will be a mess." We will fall into the trap directly, and we will be captured alive by them, and all our things will be robbed by them at that time, this is a typical tactic to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "That's right, these guys are so interesting, they can actually come up with such a way to kill all the people without a single soldier." It's really fun to catch and they're still able to fish so securely."

Lao Zhou chuckled and said, "Boss, what should we do now? Should we follow the plan, or just expose them?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Leave them alone for now, let's see if they have any other tricks, they finally set up a stage, how can we not have a good look at the play?"

Tian Yu'er chuckled and said, "You guys are really bad, but what do you think they will do next? I think they should use bitter tricks."

Bai Yunfei said curiously, "Yu'er, how can you be sure that he is not going to use bitter tricks?"

Tian Yuer chuckled and said, "10 points is simple, because those people must be 10 points anxious now, because we have not acted now, so they will definitely use flesh and blood to stimulate us, let us go to the so-called Go to Humen."

Ouyang Mu said curiously, "How can you be sure that they must have lied to me here and didn't go up? If they are here to delay the time and come here to waste our time on purpose, if it is really like what I said If that's the case, aren't we really caught in the trap?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "If it is really like what you said, it will be really fun, because it is something that satisfies us, because we are waiting for all The arrival of the killer, that's why we hurried on the road so unhurriedly. If it weren't for waiting for their arrival, we would have been far away from here. Do you think we really just want to drink some wine? Are there so many? Things? If you really think so, then you are really wrong, we are just trying to lure snakes out of their holes."

Ouyang Mu said with some puzzlement, "Then why do you have to lure those assassins? If they are really powerful in the world, wouldn't it be a failure? Are you really so sure that you can eliminate them?" Those killers?"

Tian Yu'er smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, there is absolutely no one who can hurt you with me, so you just obediently practice martial arts by yourself. As for the killers, leave them to big men." It’s enough to deal with it, we just need to protect the children and the elderly around us.”

Ouyang Mu nodded helplessly and said, "That's right, let them handle these things themselves, let's hurry back and take care of those old people and children, in fact, I am really happy these days, I I have never had so many friends like now, and I absolutely cannot let all of my friends be hurt."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said to Xue Wuzhan, "Tell all our brethren what happened here, so that they are all ready, ready to fight at any time, and no one can be careless. If it's wounded or dead, it's nobody's fault."

Xue Wuzhan smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, boss, I will make arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

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