Chapter 1200 Continue to Act
Bai Yunfei and the others were all waiting there, and those people who were hiding in the village couldn't wait any longer. Among them, the village chief said to everyone impatiently.

"Did you show your feet? Did they see it? If they didn't see it, why didn't they go up? People like them should have a 10-point sense of justice and will definitely go up to check, But they didn't make any movements at all, did they really notice it?"

"It shouldn't be, we all performed 10 points in place, and we will never be discovered by them. It may be that they still have some hesitation. I think we should start the second step plan now, let someone escape from the mountain, Only in this way can they really stimulate them to go up, after all, everyone cherishes their own lives very much, and they will never take risks so easily, so I think we can take the initiative."

The village chief nodded slightly and said, "That's right, we can take the initiative and lure them up with bitter tricks, otherwise all our plans will be in vain. If these fat sheep escape, Then our labor these days will really be useless."

They also got busy quickly, and saw that their plan was slowly being implemented, but they didn't know that their plan had been seen through long ago, and they were still implementing the plan foolishly here, if they knew Sometimes, I'm afraid I have the feeling of vomiting blood.

And each of them didn't know that everything they said here had already reached Bai Yunfei's ears. If they knew that someone could fix it so far, they would definitely run away in a hurry.

After Bai Yunfei told everyone about their plot, everyone showed a schadenfreude expression, because they were all thinking about whether the other party's performance would be more exciting.

"Help, help!"

I saw a figure on the mountain, running towards the place where Bai Yunfei and the others were. Although there were many scars on his body, it was not at all as fast as an injured person could have. It was as if someone was chasing him with a knife, but it was a pity that Bai Yunfei and the others watched for a long time and did not see anyone chasing him behind.

Mo Da smiled helplessly and said, "Boss, these people are really bad at acting, you should use a few people to chase him after all, but no one has chased him for so long, and she is still calling for help. The acting is really bad too!"

At this moment, Zhang Tian chuckled, took a quick step, and immediately said in a serious and loud voice, "Someone stop me quickly, if you keep approaching, don't blame me for being rude to you."

But the man didn't hear it at all, but continued to shout for help and ran hard.

Although he walked out quickly at this moment, just in time to see Zhang Tianyao launching an attack, he was immediately taken aback, opened his mouth and shouted "Don't attack!"

But the moment he yelled, Zhang Tian kicked quickly, and the man of his sister flew upside down in an instant, hit a nearby stone wall, and passed out directly.

Zhang Tian turned around and said to the village chief with some differences, "What were you talking about just now? I didn't hear you clearly just now, please say it again."

The village chief unconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth.But he still had to pretend, with an anxious look on his face, and quickly said, "Heroes, heroes, don't do it anymore, he is one of us, I don't know how he ran down from above, we just can Ask for information from above so we can save everyone."

Zhang Tian pretended to be surprised and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier, don't you think this is a misunderstanding? I hope he will not be kicked to death by me. My strength is very strong. If he is kicked by me If you kick it to death, that would be bad."

After Zhang Tian quickly ran over, he shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay, it's okay, he didn't kick him to death, but judging by his appearance, I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up today, so we'll wait until tomorrow for him to wake up." When you come over, please ask the information above, so that you can go up faster and help you get back the supplies you need."

The village head nodded with a wry smile on his face, and quickly asked the people behind to quickly carry the injured man back to the village.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly when he saw Zhang Tian came back and said, "I'm afraid they don't have any mood now, and continue to wait for us to go up. I guess they will definitely take action tonight. Tell everyone to be careful. If they Dare to go to the old, weak, women and children to kill Wushe."

Li Fushan nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, I've already made arrangements, and Lao Zhou is there to protect himself, so there won't be any problems."

At this time, Sun Liu quickly jumped down from the other side of the mountain, and said to Bai Yunfei with a smile, "Boss, I have re-arranged everything above, and now all the organs above are under our control." , I will definitely give them a very good surprise when the time comes, when do you think we will attract them?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "I'm afraid this may not be necessary, because they may take action tonight, and of course they are not sure, it depends on whether they have the courage, if they If there is no action, it would be more fun. If they dare to act tonight, then just get rid of them all, and finally find something interesting. I don't want them to be able to kill themselves. "

Tian Yu'er walked over at this time and said with a smile, "I'll tell you some good news, good news that you definitely never expected."

Bai Yunfei said in surprise, "Oh, what kind of good news is it that I never thought of?"

"The good news I'm talking about is that I found a very interesting treasure here, and if other Dao-level powerhouses know about it, they will come and snatch it. Do you think this is a good treasure?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly felt a little different, looked carefully at the fragment in Tian Yu'er's hand, and said a little puzzled, "This fragment is what you are talking about, and this fragment is not a big deal."

(End of this chapter)

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