Chapter 1218 The Storm is Coming
Several bodyguards directly and quickly dealt with all those people who were hiding in the dark. They didn't ask them anything, but just helped them all out. After all, they were already dehydrated in the desert, so even if they didn't kill them They, they are also bound to die, killing them like this is tantamount to giving them a good time.

Fang Ziming was puzzled and said, "Who did you offend? How could so many people want to kill you? Fortunately, this is in the desert. If it were outside, it would be really difficult to kill them." , I think they are relatively strong, and it is a very remarkable thing to be able to survive in the desert for such a long time, but it is a pity that they all died here."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "There is nothing regrettable about this, let's hurry up, it's not a good thing to delay in the desert."

All the people started to continue on their way again, but this time all the people were a little silent. After all, what happened in the desert, all of them already knew that they had come this way, and how many people died. Although their own people did not die, but because of them, the number of people who died is really not small.

After the crowd walked for a week, Fang Ziming said to everyone with an ugly face, "No, according to the weather ahead, there may be a storm in the desert. It is very terrifying. We must To find a place that can avoid the storm, you must find a very strong place that can withstand the storm, but this place is full of sand, there is no such place at all, this is really bad luck .”

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Don't worry, there will be no problems. Even if there is a storm, I can clean them all up. Now hurry up and let me deal with it when it happens." gone."

Fang Ziming shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Stop joking here, do you know how powerful those storms are? Do you really think you can teach them to destroy them all? No matter how powerful you are , It is simply impossible to achieve such a point, we must now find a place that can shelter from the wind, I can't take everyone's life to accompany you here to joke."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "I'm not joking, I'm serious, do you really think I'm joking? When the storm comes, you just need to wait here, At that time, I will let you not see how I completely wiped out these storms."

Tian Yu'er walked over at this time and said with a smile, "Are you going to perform martial arts that surpass this world? If so, then you will lose."

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly and said, "Does destroying these storms count as martial arts beyond this world? Don't worry, I will never perform martial arts beyond this world. I will follow a special method in front of him." It must not be destroyed, so it will be fine.”

Bai Yu'er smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I don't think you need to go to such great lengths to destroy those storms, because you can let everyone experience the power of these storms, because only in this way can they let them There are more insights, so we should listen to Fang Ziming and find a place where we can escape these storms."

After Bai Yunfei pondered for a while, he nodded slightly and said, "You're right, it's true that my considerations are not very good, we really should find some places that can avoid these storms, so that everyone can be safe and sound." Experience these, the power of the storm, only in this way can they work harder to practice martial arts."

Bai Yunfei found Fang Ziming, and said calmly, "Although I can indeed destroy all the storms, after thinking about it, I think I should follow your idea and find a place where I can avoid the storm first, because this can give me some exercise." Their guts, I am destroying these storms when necessary."

Fang Ziming nodded, and said with a faint smile, "This is really great. It's great news that you can think about it. I'm going to find you a place that can take shelter from the wind. I hope there's still time. The storm, depending on the situation, should not come too fast."

Fang Ziming led everyone to change direction and quickly found some places with dead trees. However, he did not let everyone hide here immediately, but led everyone to quickly dig deep pits.

Mo Da was a little puzzled and said, "Aren't we going to avoid these storms? What are we doing with these deep pits here? Are we really going to bury ourselves alive?"

Fang Ziming shook his head and said, "Put all the goods in the deep pit here, which can effectively prevent them from being blown away by these storms, and we can also use them as a fixed point, so that we can Not blown away by these storms."

Lao Zhou nodded in agreement and said, "This is indeed a very good way, and there are so many dead trees around, they have obviously been here for many years, and they have not been proved by Guo Afei that they are absolutely 10 points strong, so As long as we are all tied together with them, it should be very safe."

Looking at the distance, Wang Bo began to change the weather constantly, and said, "But can you be sure what kind of storm it is? Or can these storms come to us? Let's not waste our efforts here, in case the storm does not come , aren't we just wasting time for nothing?"

Fang Ziming shook his head slightly and said, "I'm definitely not mistaken. You haven't noticed. I'm afraid the storm will come in a short time. At that time, you will be able to experience the storm. It's getting stronger. We must prepare in advance, otherwise we will really be blown away by these storms, and if we are blown away, our lives will really be in danger."

Mo Da said lightly, "Is there really such a big storm power? Can it really blow people away? I don't believe that there is such a thing at all, I don't believe that they really have such a big power to be able to Blow me away."

(End of this chapter)

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