Chapter 1219 After the Storm
At this time, Bai Yunfei coughed slightly and said, "I just said that everything is under his control, so you can do whatever he asks you to do. Do you really think that your strength can't be blown away by a big storm? If If you want to die, then you can take no protective measures, experience the power of the storm yourself, and see if he can blow you away."

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew over, but Fang Ziming's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously, "There is no time now, everyone hurry up and get ready, the storm is coming soon!"

All the people acted quickly, all the people quickly gathered together, and tied themselves very tightly, for fear that they would really be blown away, while those children and old people were gently blown away by Bai Yunfei With a light wave of his hand, a transparent energy shield appeared on their bodies. If they really couldn't resist, these transparent energy shields could block the wind force of those storms for them, so that they would not be blown Walk.

Regarding Bai Yunfei's actions, Tian Yu'er just smiled lightly, and didn't take it seriously, because this is what they all wanted to achieve before, even if Bai Yunfei didn't do it, he would do it, The betting between the two of them was just for fun, and it didn't really cause trouble to themselves.

Whirring whirring! ! ! ! !

The strong wind came directly and quickly, and the storm quickly hit everyone. The yellow sand all over the sky almost seemed to bury everyone.

Lao Zhou frowned slightly, and quickly took a picture of the yellow sand all over the sky. He saw a very mighty white tiger rushing towards the yellow sand, but soon, this mighty white tiger rushed towards the yellow sand. The fierce white tiger was completely buried by the yellow sand.

Lao Zhou gasped, he didn't expect that his best ability would be so wanted, and he would be destroyed in one fell swoop, which was a very incredible thing for him.

Fang Ziming said loudly, "Don't waste your energy, you won't be able to completely block them at all, it's better to hurry up and use your skills for as long as you can, as long as you can survive, we can survive."

All the people were blinded by the yellow sand, and they couldn't hear any voices, so they could only wait for the yellow sand to disappear.

All the people felt the sting brought by the yellow sand and the danger brought by the storm, so that all of them quickly resisted the attack of the yellow sand.

Just when everyone's expressions changed, Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and punched forward lightly.

I saw the huge fist print quickly blocked, and the storm continued to walk.

After the storm passed, all the people crawled out quickly with lingering fear, seeing that everything around them became exactly the same as before, and all of them immediately showed a trace of fear.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any yellow sand on his body, so he sat at the side in a very unrestrained and comfortable manner, looked at the distressed people, and said with a soft smile, "Now you should have experienced the yellow sand surface, it's terrible, these storms can easily To tear your body apart, don't think that you can resist everything because of your strength, then you really underestimate the power of nature. The power of nature can destroy many people, including your current strength. That's even simpler, so you'd better be honest with me and don't use your abilities indiscriminately, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Mo Da said with lingering fear, "Yeah, I really didn't expect it to be so dangerous. If I hadn't really listened to what you said, Brother Bai, I'm afraid we would really be blown away, but can you stop being a fool now, Boss?" , and Brother Fang was too unsteady in what he said before, otherwise we wouldn't have raised such questions."

Fang Ziming shook his head helplessly, and said with a slight smile, "Then if it's what you say, it's still my responsibility. If it's really my responsibility, then I'll say it in advance next time. But I think we should continue to look for the road first, I am afraid there is no way to continue walking according to the map at this time."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said with a smile, "Isn't it okay to just walk straight ahead now? Why can't we continue to walk? Could it be that there are other things that can't be done?"

Fang Ziming nodded slightly and said, "There are indeed other things. There will be a lot of animals after the storm, and some wonderful animals will come out. It is inevitable and we have to fight, so let's start a little bit." Wait a minute so we can get out of here faster."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a soft smile, "If this is the case, you don't have to worry so much. There are no such things. We can drink and eat meat better. In this way, we can provoke everyone At that time, we will be able to arrive more quickly.”

Fang Ziming shook his head helplessly and said, "Isn't that kind of cruel? You must know that they have escaped a catastrophe just now. If you kill them all now, it means that there is nothing for them." Leaving leeway, is this really a little too cruel."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said with a smile, "You are really too kind, don't you know? If you don't do this, all of us may be starved to death. You must know that the food, although We all made preparations in advance, and some were blown away, and now if we want to get them back, it may be difficult, so the appearance of these animals can just make up for our food."

Everyone acted directly and quickly, killing all the animals around them, cutting the skin and chopping the meat very smoothly. Obviously, they have all undergone arduous training, so they can master such skills.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said to Fang Ziming, who couldn't bear it, "You have to remember that nature's rule is survival of the fittest. If you become not strong enough, you will sooner or later One day you will be eliminated by others, so you'd better practice your martial arts now, and stop thinking about those heretical things, otherwise, you will only be lonely for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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