Chapter 1240 Trouble is coming
Mo Da even said with some incomprehension, "If that is the case, why does he want to be resurrected so much? Is he sure that he can become stronger than before? I don't think he will become stronger than before. Is it really worth it if you grow stronger and become weaker instead?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "If you think this way, you are very wrong. Although he can indeed say that it seems that he is not too straightforward, but why doesn't he think so?" Let’s work hard again. Everyone wants to work hard to see if they can succeed. If they don’t work hard, how will they know if they can succeed? So sometimes he didn’t do anything wrong, what was wrong was, Being too persistent is also a bad thing.”

Huo Leifeng sighed slightly and said, "I've always regarded him as my best role model. I can achieve my current achievements because I took him as an example and worked hard, but I didn't expect that in the end, He actually completely shattered everything about me."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and when he saw Huo Leifeng's expressionless face, he suddenly said helplessly, "If you think so, then your strength will never improve again. Your strength is obtained by yourself through your own efforts, not by relying on other people, so now you only need to build up your confidence and practice hard. You can continue to take it as an example, although he made a wrong move in the end, but he didn’t make a wrong move before, so that’s fine.”

Ji Yanran said helplessly, "Such a big thing happened here, and so many people died. I'm afraid it won't be long before more people come here. I'm afraid it's too late to continue practicing here." It’s impossible, let’s go back to practice.”

The other people also nodded helplessly. After all, there is really no way to practice quietly here. With so many people dead, I am afraid that everyone will come here to investigate the matter. A few of them If it is here, it must be inseparable from any relationship.

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, patted Huo Leifeng's shoulder and said with a smile, "Go back and practice hard, as long as you can see through it, you will definitely be able to make new breakthroughs, and if I guess right , you will definitely become the new Valkyrie, and I will be waiting for your good news when the time comes."

When Bai Yunfei patted him on the shoulder, a wave of energy entered his body, but he didn't notice anything, instead it sank and floated in his body.

Everyone was here, and helplessly started to return again, but Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, directly and quickly sent an energy group to all these little guys, and said with a smile, "See You have introduced so much time to me, so I will give you a gift to go back and practice well. It will not be slower than here, or even faster than here. However, this must be done after you can completely let go. Open up your own voice, abandon everything, and practice hard."

Although these little guys didn't know what was going on, but when they saw the big guys around them looking at them enviously, they immediately knew that what Bai Yunfei gave was absolutely extraordinary, and they were all very happy immediately nod.

Bai Yunfei and the others set off to return quickly, but just after they had been walking for a week, a large number of soldiers and many martial arts masters came behind them, all of them were quickly heading in their direction. rushed over.

Bai Yunfei heard the commotion behind him, shook his head helplessly, and said to everyone, "What should come is still coming, all of you should protect me now, everyone, I can't Seeing any of them get hurt, remember that this is our task, so you guys protect them for me, those people behind Zhang Tian block them, and they can't let them take a step forward."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and walked over in stride, waiting for the people behind to come over. As for Bai Yunfei and the others, they were directly in front, and they all waited.

Seeing those people behind, Zhang Tian yelled loudly, "Stop whoever comes!"

All the soldiers rushing to the front were frightened by him, they backed up a few steps and collided with the people behind them, they immediately turned on their backs, causing chaos.

Zhang Tian touched his nose helplessly, waiting for all of them to tidy up again.

Soon after all these people were sorted out, some of the leaders came out quickly and said coldly, "Who are you? Why are you blocking our way here?"

Zhang Tian clasped his fists and said, "I am Zhang Tian from the Baiyu Escort Bureau. I don't know why everyone is walking towards us in such a hurry. There are people in front of us who we want to protect, so we must ask clearly to avoid any misunderstandings, so You should make it clear before leaving here."

An old man in the lead snorted coldly and said, "Did you come out of the endless forest just now?"

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said, "That's right, we just came out of it and are about to return, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with us going back and forth from where?"

"Then can you go in and accept the Martial God inheritance?" A young man said anxiously.

Zhang Tian shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "No, we didn't go in at all. We wanted to protect people's safety. We couldn't let the people we protected get into danger, so we didn't go in, but took them away directly. Endless Forest."

A small-eyed man smiled coldly and said, "It's really interesting. What you said really has a nose and eyes. Why don't I believe what you said? How dare you not go in with such a good thing? Who would believe it? I think you must have benefited, and dare not admit it."

Zhang Tian sneered and said, "I've already said everything, don't you believe it, if you really plan to do something bad to the people we want to protect, don't blame us Your knife is welcome."

The old man who spoke first shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "We will not embarrass any of you, we just asked some useful things, and because there are many of our people, all of them are dead." It's inside, so we have to understand clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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