Chapter 1241 Nangong Changfeng
Zhang Tian nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Although I understand your feelings very well, I can try and tell you with 10% certainty that we have never met any of you, and we are just worried It was too chaotic and there was no way to protect the good people, so we withdrew early, as for whether they are dead or alive, we don’t know at all, you can investigate by yourself.”

The young man smiled and said, "That's right, what you said is really good, and the story is quite decent, but it's a pity, do you think anyone will believe your words? So obediently talk to us Go back and be investigated so that you can all keep your lives safe, but if you don't, your lives will be lost here."

Tian Feng snorted coldly at this time and said, "Nangong Changfeng, you are so majestic. It seems that you really think that your strength is 10 points higher than that, so big that you can arrest us at will. If this is the case, Then you just wait for the Tian family and your Nangong family to confront each other to see which side is stronger."

Nangong Changfeng laughed wildly and said, "So it's you, Tian Feng. I really didn't see you here. Let me see who else is here. I really didn't expect that you are here, princess. Look It looks like I can have a good harvest of 10 points this time."

Liu Fei frowned slightly and said, "Nangong Changfeng, what do you mean by that? Don't you think we can't be caught?"

Nangong Changfeng nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "You are really smart, if you are all arrested, your family will not dare to act rashly, and the whole country will belong to our Nangong family. .”

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "It's really interesting, don't you know that just now there is someone like you who is threatening the person I want to protect, and his end is very miserable in the end, I want to know if your end will be the same Will it become very miserable?"

"Boy, do you really think you are very powerful? I'll let you know how powerful we are right now." A man with a painted face said loudly with a double ax angrily.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said lightly to Wang Bo on the side, "Go and teach them a good lesson, don't waste our time here any longer, there is really nothing we can do about these people, they are just If you come to seek death yourself, can't you let us do the task safely?"

Wang Bo nodded slightly, jumped up high and quickly, and landed on the ground. The ground began to tremble continuously, and countless cracks began to open in the direction of those people.

Wang Bo jumped up high again, and quickly threw towards Nangong Changfeng and the others.

An old man quickly appeared and took out a huge shield to block Wang Bo's attack.

"Little guy, your strength is really strong enough, even I can't bear it. This really surprised me a little bit, but so what, you really think you can break open My defense?"

Wang Bo frowned slightly, snorted softly, and quickly took out his weapon, but slashed at the old man very lightly.

The old man's face changed slightly, and he quickly blocked the shield in his hand against his chest again, but everyone heard a click.

The old man looked at the shield in front of him in horror, which was split in two, took a few steps back, and said in disbelief, "How is this possible, how do you have such powerful strength, and how can your weapons be so sharp? "

Wang Bo sneered and said, "It's really good with 10 points. I didn't expect you to be able to stop my move, but you don't seem to be able to block your weapon with this knife. It's already broken. You people are really too good!" Embarrass me, you said if I kill you all, what will happen?"

At this time, Nangong Changfeng said coldly, "Boy, don't think that your martial arts are a little strong and you are 10 points crazy. We have so many people here. I don't believe that you can kill all of my people." I was killed, so I think you still have some skills to come to me, and I can give you a fortune."

Wang Bo slowly raised the knife in his hand, and said with a sneer, "It's ridiculous. Do you think that the people behind you can stop us? It's so naive. I'll give you the last notice. Hurry up!" I'm going!"

Nangong Changfeng suddenly said coldly, "Do you think we can survive if we let them leave here? Do you really think we have a way out? Since we are planning to rebel, do you think we Is there anything else to be afraid of? With just a few of you, it is simply impossible to block so many of us. Today, I will let you know what is called crowd tactics."

"Give me a lot of rewards for killing them!"

All the soldiers behind him quickly took out the weapons in their hands, and killed Bai Yunfei and them!
Wang Bo snorted coldly, "If I want you to rush over, wouldn't I be practicing in vain? Since you all want to do this, if you want to die, then I will send you to die now! "

Wang Bo directly and quickly swung the big knife in his hand, and saw a 10% terrifying knife glow, which quickly burst out from his knife, sweeping everything around.

All the soldiers around rushed halfway and fell to the ground, and all the soldiers turned into two halves.

Wang Bo stepped on their corpses and walked forward step by step. All the surviving soldiers retreated quickly, and no one dared to charge forward anymore.

Nangong Changfeng snorted coldly, and said to the people around him, "If you take a step back, I will kill all your family members, and do you think there is anything else you can do to back off? You guys If you don't kill them now, I'm afraid your family will be killed by the Pig Nine Clan, so for your own family, work hard."

I saw all the soldiers looked at each other, all showing a look of despair, but they had no choice but to quickly strengthen their spirits again, wanting to continue to kill in Bai Yunfei's direction, but their hearts, their hearts All hands are shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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