Chapter 1242 The Return
Ji Yanran said directly and loudly, "You must not be so obsessed here, if you are willing to give up now, or just stand where you are and don't take any action, the country will not blame you."

All the soldiers were stunned again. They were really in a dilemma now, and they didn't know what to do.

Nangong Changfeng was very angry, and shouted loudly, "You bloody bastards, if you want to delay me any longer, I will kill them now and fuck me right away!"

Xue Wuzhan was a little angry, and said to Bai Yunfei next to him, "Boss, let me do it now, I want to kill them all, these soldiers are just tools in their hands, it's really disgusting !"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, nodded and said, "Then you have to act quickly, otherwise these soldiers will really become their tools."

Xue Wuzhan nodded and immediately exploded with his fastest speed, overcoming all the soldiers' obstacles and quickly arrived at the position where Nangong Changfeng and the others were.

Those old men guarding Nangong Changfeng quickly shot at Xue Wuzhan.

But Xue Wuzhan is not the same as Wang Bo, Wang Bo just wanted to be able to tease them, so he didn't use his full power at all, while he directly shot and killed them.

A huge murderous aura instantly enveloped these old men from his fist.

I only heard the screams of those old men, and they all flew upside down and hit the ground heavily, without any life.

Nangong Changfeng was frightened and wanted to run away quickly, but because he was too nervous, he was knocked over by a stick and fell to the ground.

Originally, according to his strength, there would be no problems at all, but because he was too scared, he lost his position in this way.

"What I hate the most is people like you. You are so scared to death that you want other people to die for you. People like you should die completely."

"If you dare to kill me, the Nangong family will never forgive you. At that time, all your family members will be killed by my Nangong family!"

Xue Wuzhan stopped in his tracks, laughed wildly and said, "It's really interesting, do you think your Nangong family can be so powerful? Can they still match our strength? You are really too naive, like you Such a person will only bring troubles and disasters to their own family, and will not bring them anything useful. For a person like you, death is the best, so go die! "


Xue Wuzhan raised his right foot, put it on Nangong Changfeng's body, kicked him to death completely.

At this time, Liu Fei said directly and quickly to the soldiers loudly, "Didn't you all hear what the workers said before? Get out of here now, you have no crimes, and you will run away immediately with your family and go to the We, none of you will die at that time, but if you continue to plan to completely rebel against the Nangong family, then you will all kill the Nine Clans!"

All the soldiers quickly knelt down. They thought that they had completely sank and floated under their feet, and they no longer dared to have any rebellious heart.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei said with a faint smile, "The matter is almost settled now, we should go back, there is no need to delay here any longer, but these little guys still need you to deal with them, after all there are so many It's not the same thing with people and so many dead bodies here."

Tian Feng smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, they will deal with it with these soldiers here. Let's go back quickly. We have to go back to our respective families to discuss such a big matter. After all, this matter is not A small incident may cause wars in the whole world, and the situation in other countries may not be much better than here."

All the people went back quickly again, but this time everyone was at the fastest speed. After all, what happened here was very important, so they didn't dare to delay.

In this way, they rushed back to the imperial capital as quickly as possible, each of them returned to their respective homes to discuss countermeasures, and Bai Yunfei and the others also returned to the Escort.

Tian Yu'er looked at Bai Yunfei and the others curiously, and came back so quickly and said, "The speed of your return is really too fast. Could it be that your mission failed?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "Because I took the shot, do you think there can be people who fail in the mission? It's just that there were some small problems, so I ended the mission early and came back, but then we're afraid There will be no business to do."

Tian Yuer asked curiously, "Why is this? How come there is no business to do suddenly? Could it be that our signboard was smashed by others? But no one came to smash our signboard. What is going on? Woolen cloth?"

Qi Tianyuan frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that something happened or someone wants to deal with us?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "That's not the case, it's just that the whole country is about to fall into war, how many people do you think will hire us to do things for them?"

Mo Da shook his head slightly and said in disapproval, "Boss, I think there should be a lot of people who are willing to let us deliver their things, and at this time, we should be more able to let all people hire us. They can guarantee the safety of their goods, so they will definitely use ours."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a smile, "That's right, your analysis is 10 points good. It seems that you can already take care of yourself. If that's the case, don't worry, I will leave it to you for management."

Lao Zhou looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise and said, "Boss, what do you mean? Are you leaving the Escort? Or are there some bad things we did that made you angry, and you plan to leave us?" "

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a swaying smile, "Don't think so nonsense, it's not that I intend to leave you, but now that Yu'er has broken through, I plan to take him to the outside world Let’s go play for a while, so the Escort Bureau is temporarily handed over to you.”

(End of this chapter)

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