Chapter 1257 Blood Sword King

As time passed slowly, all the people outside came in quickly, and the man he couldn't move on the street also stood up quickly, but his face was very embarrassed at this time, and he didn't He should look at anyone, but just lowered his head, obviously he also knew how embarrassing he was just now.

Jin Laosan was slightly ready to peek at the person's name at this time, the old man in red said coldly, "It turns out that you are the blood knife king, I really didn't expect that you have been manipulating all this, tell me , What do you want to do? If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation, then you should know what kind of crazy things I will do.”

The Blood Knife King shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "I said, third child, you don't have to be so unkind to me, anyway, we are also brothers who have fought before, as for such a birthright, and you The current strength is almost the same as mine, so the two of us should have a good get together instead of looking like we are suffering and hating each other."

Jin Laosan smiled coldly and said, "I don't think you need to talk more nonsense here. What do you want to do? Or what are you going to do? Tell me what is your purpose. I don't want to Continue to entangle with you here."

Blood Knife King nodded slightly and said with a smile, "You are really the same as before, very happy, then I will not go around with you, I came to you because I have a business to do with you, because I discovered the Longmen Grottoes, and I still have a key to the Longmen Grottoes, and you should already have 6 keys, so the two of us will be able to enter it together, and we will be able to enter it with two people. Five points, what do you think?"

"Don't you find it very ridiculous? Do you really think that I don't know the tricks you play? There is indeed one key in your hand, and I do have six keys, but I Why must I leave it to you, why must I go to open the Longmen Grotto with you? Can’t I go to find the Longmen Grotto by myself?”

"It's useless if you find it, because you don't have a key at all, so you can't get in at all, and you can only get in if you cooperate with me. If you don't cooperate with me, You will never be able to get in for the rest of your life." The Blood Knife King said calmly.

Bai Long coughed lightly and said, "What I want to know more now is why we must split half and half with you? We have 6 keys and you only have one key. Why do we have to split equally? It should be our station. Big head, you're just a small head."

The Blood Knife King frowned, looked at Bailong coldly and said, "What kind of guy are you? Don't you know that children don't interrupt when I talk to adults? If you interrupt again, believe it or not, I will kill you right now." Your mouth is torn."

Bai Long showed his disdain once, and said with a faint smile, "Then I'm afraid you are really wrong, because if I disagree, no one here dares to do business with you, so I am the real person in charge, If you don’t believe me, you can ask yourself, or you can take a look yourself to see who is in charge here.”

Blood Knife King looked at Jin Laosan in surprise and said, "I just didn't expect you to go back as you live, and now even a child can remember to shit on your neck. This is really embarrassing to me, because I still I really have some peace of mind for you, but now I haven't found anything about you, I think you still care about everything, and you can leave some of it to me, otherwise you will all die here."

Bai Longhui shook his head and said with a smile, "You are really despicable and shameless, but it is a pity that you can't get anything here. As for the location of the Longmen Grottoes you mentioned Location, I'm sorry, I've found his location now, and I've completely found the entrance, you'd better leave here obediently, because even if you go in, you won't get anything useful. "

Blood Knife King shook his head slightly, and said with a cold smile, "What a joke, do you really think that you can deceive me with such a joke? That is really impossible, and you really think that you Is the Longmen Grottoes known to be true? Only I know the real Longmen Grottoes, and none of you know, so a key plus the real location of the Longmen Grottoes should be able to share these things with you. "

Jin Laosan smiled coldly and said, "How do we know that what you said is true? On the contrary, I believe our little white master more, but I will never believe what you say."

The Blood Knife King shook his head slightly, and said with a cold smile, "This is a very sad thing. You, an old Jianghu, would actually believe a child's words. I am really disappointed in you now. I am afraid that my previous The choices are all wrong, because I still want to take you to explore the Longmen Grottoes, but looking at it now, if I take you, I will only let my people die, so give me everything, otherwise If so, all the people in your entire yard will die without a place to bury them."

Bailong called out coldly and said, "Then can I understand that you are threatening me now, or that you are planning to kill me now, and you have already killed me?"

The Blood Knife King sneered and said, "What a joke, so what if I really wanted to kill you, don't you dare to kill me, even if I give you a knife, can you bear me?" ?You are a little doll, and you dare to meddle in the affairs of adults here. I really don’t know what your parents think. Don’t you worry about you being killed? I’m really on behalf of your parents now Feeling sad."

Bailong snorted coldly and said, "My parents are all dead, but I have my master and my wife, so I don't allow anyone to speak ill of them, whoever speaks ill of them, I will let him die without a place to bury him, if any of you don’t believe it, you can try it yourself, I believe it will definitely make you unforgettable forever, who is going to try it?”

(End of this chapter)

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