Chapter 1258
I saw that the aura of Bailong exploded instantly, and the fear of death quickly enveloped the field. In everyone's heart, everyone had some fear, some fear, and all backed away quickly, not daring to say anything. .

"Little brother, I was just joking, and you don't need to be so serious, you are really a hero. I didn't expect your strength to marry so powerfully. I really admire you, old man. If little brother is willing to go with us If you go on an adventure, I believe that you will be able to gain a lot, and then I will give you a [-]% reward in private, what do you think?" The Blood Knife King said with a embarrassed smile, but his back is already soaked, obviously he just now Also felt the threat of death.

"You said this yourself. Jin Laosan also promised me to go. You shouldn't stop me anymore, so let's go now. I really want to know what's inside the Longmen Grottoes. I'm really curious about that."

Jin Laosan shook his head, and said helplessly, "My little ancestor, do you think I can still change? But you must listen to me. If something unexpected happens inside, you must leave me first." , You can’t be brave, even if we all die in it, it doesn’t matter, but you must not die in it, otherwise I will not be at peace even if I die.”

Bailong shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Don't you worry about my strength? My heart is stronger than yours. If I want to leave, no one of you will be able to keep me , so any mechanism inside will not be my opponent, maybe you will have to ask me to save you when the time comes."

The Blood Knife King laughed and said, "The little brother is right, maybe we will have to really count on the little brother for help, and as far as I know, there are countless organs and some special settings, so we have to do some special things." We will set off in three days and three days, can you agree?"

Jin Laosan nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I can just go and prepare. After we are online, we will gather at my place and we will set off."

After the blood knife king left, Jin Laosan sighed, and said to the three of them helplessly, "You must remember to beware of him, this guy is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, and this guy is very insidious , is more cunning than me, so no matter what happens, just protect your own life. As for other things, don’t listen to him, just remember to protect yourself. Don't be greedy, don't think about it, don't move things that I don't want to move."

Bailong said curiously, "What kind of call is he that can make you so worried, and he is so deliberate in wanting you to help him enter the path, can he be 10% sure that you are safe?" Can you get in and get the treasure inside?"

Jin Laosan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "You are right, because there are really not many people who can compare with me in terms of exploration, which is why I have been staying here and I am not willing to go to other places. Because if I go to other places, more people will stare at me, and it will be even more inconvenient. Here, I can be a quiet underground king without anyone coming to disturb me. It just didn't occur to me that these damned fellows had their minds on me by now."

Tieniu frowned slightly, and said coldly, "I'm afraid he will do something, and kill them all at that time, isn't it all right? I don't believe that these guys can still have the ability to shake the world."

Leng Han said coldly, "After we go in, we can design it at will to see if we can kill them all. If we can kill them all, I believe everything will be fine."

Jin Laosan shook his head slightly, and said softly, "You all think things are too simple. If things were really that simple, I wouldn't be so worried, and they actually know where the Longmen Grottoes are. position, it means that they must know some things inside, but we don't know at all, which means that we may encounter some unavoidable problems, some dangers, maybe we will be designed by others Die, so when the time comes, you must listen to my command, and you must not act alone, otherwise the gods will be hard to save."

Bailong frowned slightly and said, "It's really strange to say it, haven't you noticed? This guy seems to be very sure about entering the Longmen Grottoes this time, because his face is full of confidence." , obviously it must think that he can get something in it, he never thinks that he can fail, so I doubt he must know some things in it, and I even doubt that he has the blueprint inside, if he is really in it, If you want to kill us, I am afraid it is very simple, we must be careful."

Jin Laosan nodded, and said with a faint smile, "That's right, we have to be careful, so I'm considering whether to find a few more helpers, after all, when there are more people, we can help each other."

Bailong nodded in agreement and said, "It is indeed necessary to find some people to help, otherwise there will be some problems, because they are many people, we do have a few people, and we should find a few experts to help. It can reduce some unnecessary risks."

Jin Laosan nodded, and said softly, "You rest here, I will find some helpers, I hope they can help us."

Jin Laosan left here, shuttled directly and quickly through the whole city, and disappeared after a while. When he reappeared, he came to a tavern.

"Drinking here alone, don't you feel 10% boring? Why didn't other people drink here with you?" Jin Laosan and the others strode away, went in and faced a one-eyed old man, and smiled softly said.

The one-eyed old man narrowed one of his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "What are you doing here? Could it be that you have encountered some kind of trouble again, but you should be able to deal with it yourself, and there is still a need to come here Are you coming to me? Or is it that you are in a huge trouble and there is no way to get over it?"

(End of this chapter)

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