Chapter 1260 Disagreement
Jin Lao San was a little shocked and said, "It seems that this is really doomed. We can come back alive. I know who Bai Long is. He is Mr. Bai's apprentice. His name is Bai Long, and his strength is 10 points strong." , but he is a little younger now, only 10 years old, because I don't plan to let him go, but no matter how to stop him, I will go, but I didn't expect that we could rely on him to protect us and gain vitality."

The fortune teller suddenly showed a slight smile, and said with a haha ​​smile, "Now is really the right time, place and people are on our side, this time we really made a big fuss."

Three days later, everyone finished repairing directly and quickly, and rushed to the desert after meeting with the Blood Knife King.

"Are you sure the Longmen Grottoes are in the desert? Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Jin Laosan said with a cold smile.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you. Longmen Lime is in the desert because of this, so no one can find him, and I found him because of an accidental coincidence. Now you just need to Just follow me."

The fortune teller snorted coldly and said, "Although you really didn't lie to us, you are walking in the wrong place, because according to my estimation, the Longmen Grottoes should be going to the northeast corner, but now we are indeed heading southeast." Walking, this is simply impossible, you will not deliberately lead us to the wrong path."

The Blood Knife King smiled coldly and said, "We really need to take a detour now, but if we don't take a detour, then we will surely die. If you don't believe it, you can go and see for yourself."

The fisherman frowned and said, "Could it be that there is danger ahead, and you need to take a detour. Don't you think it's delaying time, or is it because you can make some settings in advance, so that you can continue to trap us?"

The Blood Knife King sneered and said, "You can rest assured that I will never do anything unfavorable to you before I get there."

One-eyed smiled coldly and said, "That's true, maybe you have so many people, and your subordinates are all 10 points strong. If you really plan to kill us, it should be 10 points easy." Well, I really don't know what you are worried about, you have found so many subordinates, don't you know that there are so many people, and some agencies will definitely be triggered at that time, and some problems will definitely arise."

Blood Knife King shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "As for the reason, you don't need to know, you just need to know that they will absolutely obey my orders, and will not do any unnecessary things, and they will never touch any institutions." That’s enough, and sometimes they can be the best helpers, don’t underestimate them, they are all experienced masters, and they will never make low-level mistakes.”

Jin Laosan sneered and said, "Don't talk so much now, if there are some mistakes, then you will be responsible for it, or if you die, then don't Blame us, and blame your own people, who asked you to bring so many people by yourself."

The people behind the Blood Knife King didn't show any expressions, and just continued to stand behind him, staring at Jin Laosan and the others expressionlessly, as if they were staring at dead people.

Bailong frowned slightly, and said coldly, "You said just now that we have always considered this direction to be 10% safe, and going in the direction just now is very dangerous, but why did I feel a dangerous aura ahead? , as if there is a feeling that you can lose your life at any time, are you sure this is a safe passage?"

Blood Knife King frowned slightly, and said, "Of course I'm sure, because we have been here today, and I think this subject is very strong. If I encounter any danger, how can I make you doubt me? If I cheat If you say it, wouldn't that put me in danger as well?"

At this moment, the fortune-teller's face changed slightly, and he said to the Blood Knife King with some embarrassment, "Damn you, are you trying to kill us on purpose? Obviously, there is a dead end ahead, and you still let us go from the front. That's definitely fair." The truth is that you are close to death, and you deliberately let us die."

The Blood Knife King frowned slightly, and said coldly, "How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible. It must be your own illusion. If you don't want to go here, then you can go on other roads. Wait until See you when we arrive at the Longmen Grottoes."

All the people left here quickly in two groups.

Relying on his own feeling, Bailong led the people to leave the dangerous area directly and quickly, and after a while they came directly to the place where they stayed before.

Jin Laosan looked at the map in his hand, frowned slightly and said, "What the hell is this blood knife king doing? He clearly said that this road can be reached quickly, but he has to take a detour. Dangerous, what the hell is he doing?"

The fortune teller indeed frowned slightly, looked at the map carefully, and showed an expression of sudden realization.

"The reason why he made a detour was because it was indeed a must-death area before, and he chose to teach that he should be able to bypass this mutual area, but he didn't even know that this must-death area had been transferred, moved to where he was going to pass."

One Eye showed a slight smile, and said with a cold smile, "So that's the case. If this is the case, does it mean that they must die there? If this is the case, then we can easily achieve the idea we wanted before." , this is really a very good thing.”

The fortune teller shook his head slightly, sighed and said, "This is simply impossible, I looked at his face, his life is 10 points hard, it is not so easy to die, so he must able to get through there."

Jin Laosan chuckled and said, "That's pretty good, at least he can consume some of his people. The people he brings are indeed too many, and they can bring us a lot of trouble, but After this time, I believe that more than half of the people they brought in should die, so that it won't have any impact on us."

Leng Hanbing frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "Then why can't he choose to leave there directly and quickly? Return on the same road and pass by us?"

(End of this chapter)

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