Chapter 1261 Baiyun Fei Arrives

Tieniu was also a little puzzled and said, "Yes, if they return the same way, there shouldn't be too many casualties, right?"

Jin Laosan showed a slight smile, and said with a faint smile, "I'm afraid you don't know at all. Once they enter, there should be no way to get out. If they can get out, there will be no such thing." When things happen, what is meant by certain death means that after entering, you will definitely die.”

Bailong smiled lightly and said, "If this is the case, it is very good news. I am afraid that these guys will suffer a lot in it, and even I can feel the threat of death, let alone them. , but the only visible thing is that they still have a key in there, and it would be nice if they could get the key out."

One-eyed smiled coldly and a key appeared in his hand.

Jin Laosan shook his head, and said with some admiration, "I really didn't expect you to be so powerful after so many years. When did you get it? I didn't see you approaching him. How did you do it?" ?”

One-eyed smiled slightly and said, "I have practiced now, I don't need to be close to your body, I can get what I want, but sometimes I don't succeed, but this time it was very successful, and I took It's time for you to separate, so I believe he has absolutely no awareness, now we don't need to manage his life and death at all, it has nothing to do with us if we love to die, now we just Hurry up and go."

A few of them rushed directly and quickly towards the location of the Longmen Grottoes.

Just when they exhausted all their efforts and finally found the Longmen Grottoes, an unexpected crowd made them all a little bit incredible.

Jin Laosan rubbed his eyes, walked over quickly, and said with a smile, "Mr. Bai, why are you here? Aren't you in the village? Why are you here?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's just that I feel that there are some interesting things here, so I came to have a look, but it's really interesting to see here. If I don't want violent sex, I would have gone in a long time ago." , but such a beautiful place, I am not willing to make such a violent breakthrough."

Tian Yu'er pouted at the side, and said in a dismantling manner, "If I hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid he would have already gone in."

Bailong bounced to Tian Yu'er's side, and said curiously, "Master, why did you come here? I haven't heard the news before, so you didn't go out?"

Tian Yu'er touched Bailong's head kindly, and said with a smile, "The main reason is that I heard some news today that there is an interesting one here, so I came here to have a look, but I met that one on the way. The road is really interesting, but it feels boring after a long walk, so I just shot it out."

Jin Laosan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in a daze, "I said why did it change suddenly, and I found out that it was so, but they were really unlucky enough to meet you, but Mr. Bai, who told you that there are good people here?" Stuff, I have never heard of someone being able to know that there is a Longmen Grotto so quickly, if I had known, I would have come here a long time ago."

Bai Yunfei curled his lips, and said lightly, "It's just that your own news is a little blocked, there is nothing else at all, and have you never heard of such a thing before?"

At this moment, the fortune teller frowned slightly and looked at Bai Yunfei and Tian Yu'er carefully, but after a while, he spat out a mouthful of blood and said in horror, "Where are these two people from? They are so terrifying. Even I can't see your faces, it's really terrifying, is there no way for this fate to leave any traces on your bodies?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It seems that you are really good at this physiognomy, and you were able to resist the power of backlash. It seems that you are really real."

The fisherman frowned slightly and said, "Where do you guys come from? Why haven't you heard of a master like you before?"

Jin Laosan hurriedly said, "This is what I told you, Mr. Bai, you must not be invincible, otherwise, if Mr. Bai gets angry, you will really have to say goodbye."

"Do you think I look like such a stingy person? If I were so stingy, do you think you can still be alive now? You must know that you have been talking back to me before, and you have been tearing down each other with me. If I If you were stingy, I'm afraid you would have passed away by now." Bai Yunfei said with a chuckle.

Tieniu accidentally bumped into the stone wall next to Longmen Grottoes, and there was a burst of clicking sound from Longmen Grottoes.

Bai Yunfei glanced at Tieniu in surprise, and said with a smile, "I really didn't expect you, little guy, Fuyuan is really deep, and you can touch such a hidden button. It seems that you should normally It’s pretty lucky, too.”

Tieniu was a little embarrassed, touched his head, and said with a smile, "You are right, I am indeed very lucky. I usually have a good luck of 10 points, but this should not allow you. It’s just that I touched the dead mouse first, and accidentally touched the button of this mechanism.”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "Then you have misunderstood it. This can really be explained by your waiter behind him. Even if ordinary people ask him to look for it, he may not be able to find it." , but now the mechanism has been touched, let's go in and take a look."

But just when they were about to go in, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance, and the Blood Knife King actually left there alive and came here.

Seeing that the organ had been opened, the Blood Knife King frowned slightly but didn't say much, but smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect you to arrive here so quietly. I'm still worried about you guys." I also encountered danger like me, but I didn't expect that your luck was so good that you didn't encounter any danger, and you should have been here for a long time, you are really lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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