Chapter 1265 Crazy Demon Sword
Bai Long frowned slightly, and said incomprehensibly, "But why did I feel it? There was no danger at all. On the contrary, he gave me a very kind feeling, and I was 10% sure that he would come to me. In the hands of me, I will have any influence on me, so you don't have to worry about it."

Bai Yunfei also smiled faintly at this time and said to Jin Laosan, "Just let him go, don't worry, there will be absolutely no danger, if there is danger, we will take action again."

Jin Laosan walked to the side helplessly, but he still stared at the two of them very carefully, and would step forward to rescue them if they were not careful.

Blood Knife King smiled coldly and said, "Principal, although you did think that I was 10 points strong before, but now I have become even stronger. If you dare to step forward, I think you are really asking for your own death."

The Blood Knife King quickly swung the Mad Demon Knife in his hand, and slashed towards Bailong quickly, but stopped on top of Bailong's head.

Bailong looked at the Mad Demon Saber in the hands of the Blood Knife King very curiously, he smiled, and said, "Why do you have to choose to follow him? A guy like this, what's the point of following him, like a Boring people, you just fall into the hands of more people after you follow him, and are used at will by others, don't you feel very boring?"

The Blood Knife King's face was flushed but he couldn't control the Mad Demon Knife in his hand at all, and saw that the Mad Demon Knife trembled directly, broke free from the Blood Knife King's hand, and fell into Bai Long's hand.

Bailong laughed haha, waved it lightly, and saw a red blade light flashing instantly, and the blood knife king flew out directly.

Looking at the blood knife king who looked like a fool there, Jin Laosan and the others all shook their heads helplessly, full of sympathy for him.

Blood Knife King reacted at this time and shouted loudly, "This is impossible, this is not real at all, all this is an illusion, I don't believe that all this is real!"

Cyclops raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment, and said quickly, "All of this is true, you'd better face the reality, the knife you want to get is not at your disposal at all, you have already done everything. I can't get it."

Blood Knife King looked at Bailong with cold eyes, and said viciously, "It's you, kid, who took everything from me. I'm going to kill you. As long as I kill you, these are all mine."

The Blood Knife King rushed towards Bailong directly and quickly.

Bai Long, he didn't react, but the Mad Demon Saber in his hand had already reacted, and with a direct and quick slash, he cut the Blood Saber King in half.

Bailong jumped immediately, but the blood knife king's body turned into ashes without leaving any blood, not even bones, and drifted away with the wind.

Bailong was startled, and looked at the Mad Demon Saber in his hand in a little bewilderment, and he also felt a very powerful energy in his body, which began to gather continuously, but this energy seemed to be stronger than his own cultivation. The ones that come out must be very weak, and they will be instantly wiped out by the energy they cultivated, and let their own energy start to absorb, so that they can finally break through and become the strength of Emperor Wu.

"Master, what's going on here? What's going on with me? Is it really the reason for this knife? If so, is this a good knife or a bad knife!"

Looking at the confused Bailong, Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "You just need to remember that power can be good or evil, it depends on how you use it. If you want to do evil, then he is Evil, if you want to be in politics, it’s positive energy, so everything is up to you.”

Jin Laosan was a bit of a money fan and said, "If you sell this knife, it should be worth a lot of money, why don't we sell it for a try?"

Bai Long, Kai Su trembled with the Mad Demon Knife in his hand, apparently wanting to unseat Jin Laosan as well.

Jin Lao San was taken aback immediately, and said with a hey smile, "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, I dare not really sell you, how many more years do I want to live if I sell you, I don't want to die so soon."

The fortune teller frowned, and said with some puzzlement, "I feel that this place is not that simple. There should not be only this one thing, there should be other good things, but they haven't been found. Otherwise, let's continue to look for it." ?”

Bai Yunfei looked at the people around him with a smile and said with a faint smile, "Go over and have a look, I believe there should be some special gains, it's not that simple here, this knife is inside It's not really a baby, but his reputation is a little big."

They walked directly and quickly, and when they came to a stone cave that no one had ever entered, they were all slightly taken aback.

Tian Yu'er said with a chuckle, "You must be wrong about these things, there may not be anything in it, and it must be full of various organs, I am afraid that the most valuable thing here is the knife. "

Bai Long touched the Mad Demon Saber in his hand, scratched his head, and swung it in quickly.

A crescent-shaped blade glow quickly flashed through the inside, and all the hidden weapons were quickly triggered. It was like a thousand arrows being fired in an instant, and everyone inside quickly panicked.

After everything calmed down, they found that there was no function inside at all, so everyone quickly left here and looked forward.

"It's really strange. What kind of ghostly place is this place? How come there are so many traps, and it hasn't come to an end after walking for such a long time. Is there really something else in it?" Bai Long asked curiously.

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "You go in and take a look, don't you know? As long as you go in, you will know what kind of mystery is inside. I believe it will be unforgettable for you forever. The things inside are really strange, I have never really seen them before.”

All the people walked in quickly, wanting to see what Bai Yunfei was talking about, but when they walked in, all of them stared wide-eyed, which is unbelievable.

Jin Laosan's eyes widened completely, and he said, "My God, I've never seen such a situation before, who has such a big hand, can actually do such a thing, it's really bright and blind my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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