Chapter 1266 A Different Truth
The reason why they were so surprised was because a different golden sculpture of a dragon appeared in front of them.

Moreover, the carvings of these dragons are more lifelike, and there are more differences, that is, there is a very different red bead in the middle of these carvings, each bead is different in size, but each bead has A common point is the center, with a red highlight, as if it was purposely placed there.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, checked carefully, looked at these, and said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that there are things that don't belong to this world. In what world are people so boring that they can actually do things?" Things like this are really interesting, but there are still some things missing, and if we add some more things, maybe there will be some special effects."

Tian Yu'er frowned slightly and said, "He wants to use these to condense the power against the sky, which is what we usually call reverse energy."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "If it's not bad, it should be that he wanted to use these energies to send him back, or he wanted to leave this world, but he failed and died here. It's a sad thing. Although I don't know how he came to this world, he has no ability to leave at all. Then he is really sad. The reason why there are so many masters in this world should be caused by him Bar?"

Tian Yu'er nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "It should be caused by himself, and it should be said that it was caused by the heavens of this world. The heavens of this world should use his hands to forcibly evolve this The world, that’s why there are so many different places.”

Bai Long patted his head, and said in a puzzled way, "But if you say that, are you Master and Mistress? Are you not from this world?"

Bai Yunfei touched Bailong's head, nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Yes, we two are indeed not from this world, but we just came to this world to play."

Bai Long said slightly sadly, "Does that mean that Master, you will leave me?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Don't be so worried, we don't intend to leave here yet, when we are about to leave, if your strength can reach ours With the goal in mind, we can also let you leave with us."

Bailong smiled immediately and said, "Don't worry, master, I will definitely work hard to improve my strength, and I will definitely leave here with you when the time comes, I don't want to be separated from you, I wish to stay with you all my life. "

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Really? That depends on your own efforts, and if what you do disappoints us, then we won't take you away, so you must remember what I told you earlier of those things."

Bailong patted his small chest, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, master, I will never do those things, I will never bully the weak, I will definitely protect them, and I will never kill innocent people at will .”

Tian Yu'er touched Bailong's head, smiled softly and said, "That's the best, but you are still a little too small now, so you need to grow up to continue to improve your strength. So don't force yourself."

At this time, Jin Laosan said cautiously, "Mr. Bai, it turns out that you are really not from this world. I still have some doubts, but now I have no other doubts. However, why can you go to other places at will?" What about the world?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's because our strength can already be ignored, and all things can go to other worlds at will. Your strength has not yet reached it, so you don't have such strength at all. You don't have it." It's probably 10 points difficult for money to reach my time, you should practice slowly, don't tell me when you can become a strong warrior at the level of a warrior."

Jin Laosan shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "We have never heard of the realm you mentioned. This is impossible. We may be afraid that we may not be able to reach such a realm in this life. However, I have finally learned a lot, and it turns out that my strength has reached a high level, and I can go to other worlds at will, which is really good news."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes helplessly, and said with a faint smile, "I think you should stop thinking about other things, I know what you are thinking, but this is impossible at all, and I will definitely not take it with you." You go to other worlds, let you go to other worlds to harm other people."

Tian Yu'er said with a faint smile, "Don't listen to him joking there. If you go there, you will be abandoned by the world there. You are simply unlucky. You may be able to drink a sip of water." It’s best to stay in your own world after producing many, many bad things.”

Bai Long asked curiously, "Does that mean that I am the same, if I go to other worlds with you, will I be unlucky too?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't think too much about what you think, this kind of thing will never happen to you, because you are different from them, your physique is exactly the same no matter where you go, so you just Don't worry, you are also the only one who can reach the realm I mentioned. In your world, only you can ignore all his regulations. This is your most special existence, and you don't even look at your master, I am Who, can I make you unlucky in other worlds?"

Jin Laosan sighed helplessly and said, "Anyway, as long as there is a good backstage, it will be the same no matter where you go."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You're right. It's the same no matter where you go. It depends on the person. However, what I want to know more now is what you want to do now? I can see you I know what you want to do just by looking at me, but I still want to know what new plans you have next?"

Jin Laosan said helplessly, "What else can I plan to do? Pick up some jewelry here, and it will be considered a waste of time. It will be enough for us to have a good meal and drink."

(End of this chapter)

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