Chapter 1267 Emergencies
Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, took out a bottle of pills, and said with a soft smile, "To satisfy your current wish, just apply these medicines on those, and all the poisons on them can be completely wiped out." If it is lifted, then you will be able to obtain rich harvests."

Jin Laosan happily went to get what he had gained.

Bai Yunfei and the others left the Longmen Grottoes directly here. This trip to the Longmen Grottoes was a very boring thing for them, but it was not bad, at least Bailong got a weapon that belonged to him, and it was still a weapon. A weapon that can grow with him, this is very good news.

At this moment, Lao Zhan suddenly contacted Bai Yunfei.

"It's not good, master, we accidentally fell into a space war, what should we do? The opponent's strength may not be that simple, so we need your help."

Bai Yunfei immediately frowned, and said, "You don't need to be so anxious, I'll be here soon, why did you suddenly get involved in a space war?"

Lao Zhan said helplessly, "We don't know what's going on, but when we were all playing in one world, suddenly this world collided with the world of another universe, and a cosmic war broke out. At this time, there is only one time. To be able to live, but there seems to be a very terrifying guy on the opposite side whose strength cannot be seen through, at least it should be at the Dao level."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and quickly led Tian Yu'er and Bai Long to disappear in this world in an instant, and appeared in Lao Zhan's world.

Tian Yu'er said curiously, "What happened, why are you so anxious, and what's going on in this world, how could there be a war suddenly? And it's a cosmic war. Only one aspect of it can survive. It is rare, even when I was in control of Dao, I rarely launched such a war?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I don't know the specific situation, but they asked for help, so I came here, I should ask them to find out what happened here, and it actually activated the universe. war."

Lao Mo directly and quickly came to Bai Yunfei's side, and said a little dumbfounded, "We didn't expect to be so unlucky. We encountered a world without any sense and it was from another universe. This time we directly collided with Together, only one side will survive."

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Bai Long curiously and said, "Who are you? Why are you following Brother Bai?"

Bai Long looked at Bai Xiaoxiao curiously, seeing this companion who was not much older than himself, said curiously, "He is my master, I don't know why he brought me into this world all of a sudden, who are you?" ?”

Liu Xuexing smiled slightly at this time and said, "You don't have to worry so much. You can call us two uncles, but why would Big Brother Bai accept you as an apprentice? Your qualifications don't seem to be very good?"

Bai Long said with some dissatisfaction, "Who says my aptitude is not good? In our world, my aptitude is the best. Almost no one can compare with me."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, snorted lightly and said, "You two guys, don't tease Xiaolong there, you should tell him some knowledge quickly, and you two need to take care of him, I have to deal with your own troubles." Trouble coming down."

"What the hell is going on? How on earth did you get into such a thing, and what kind of world is the opposite world? You call it a world without any reason. Could it be that their universe also There is no wisdom at all, so what is their Dao controller thinking? How could they suddenly do such a thing?"

Lao Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "We don't know what's going on with this matter. When we were playing in this world, suddenly there was an attack towards this side, and the whole avenue was completely integrated into it." Together, it became a cosmic war, and now both sides are waiting for the start of the war. As for why it suddenly became a war, we don’t know what it looks like, but the opposite world always feels very evil, and there are still people inside. There is an existence stronger than us, and that can only be an existence above the master of the Dao."

Bai Yunfei was slightly preparing to invest, and remembered to check the world, and countless information quickly appeared in his mind. With a slight sigh, Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "But I didn't expect that the other party is Chong They came after me, they already knew that you were my people, that's why they set up such a trap, waiting for your arrival, the people in the opposite world are all killing weapons, and they all have no reason of their own They are just a group, they only know the existence of killing, this is a well-set trap, but they seem to have underestimated my strength, otherwise they would never do such a thing."

Tian Yu'er said worriedly, "Does that represent the fact that all of them did it together? They are planning to wipe you out, and I'm afraid there are not only a few people involved, there should be many Dao level people." Get involved in something like this together."

Bai Yunfei nodded, smiled faintly and said, "Of course, there must be a lot of people involved, because they are afraid that I will beat them to dust, so they dare not deal with me openly, so it will be realized." Such a phenomenon, but it's a pity that they don't know that such a space war has no effect on me at all, because I think it is very simple to destroy a universe."

Tian Yu'er nodded slightly, but she still couldn't bear to say, "But if you do this, isn't it a little too cruel, if you do this, you will kill them all, leaving nothing behind. Then you said that this would be too bad for those innocent people, so I think you should just kill all those damn behind-the-scenes people, so that there will be no more people Dare to deal with you, after all, they don't even know what your strength is now, so it's better not to involve those innocent people."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, I have arranged a very interesting world for them, I believe they will be able to have more fun in that world, this is my punishment for them. "

(End of this chapter)

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