Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1274 Phoenix's Battle Index

Chapter 1274 Phoenix's Battle Index

Just when Bai Yunfei and the others were hesitating, they saw a middle-aged man walking out of the Heroic Soul Building, and said loudly to the busy people around, "Now there are new tasks in it, and there is no level selection. , you can pick it up at will and the bounty is 10 points."

Bai Yunfei and the others followed behind the crowd, and quickly mixed in.

A very huge screen appeared in front of them, and everyone was looking at the screen to face the new task that appeared.

"There is no level task. Recently, a new adversity has appeared. You need to explore it. All the items you get belong to you. You only need to provide some information inside to get it, and the corresponding money."

"It turned out to be an exploration mission, but this kind of mission seems to be completely unsatisfactory. Even if you really get some useful information, but there are too many people, I'm afraid it won't be worth much." An old man said with a slight frown. But there is a big five on his watch, obviously its level has reached level 5.

Bai Yunfei and the others all looked at their watches, only a level zero was displayed, obviously their level was the lowest.

What's more embarrassing for them is that all the tasks on the big screen are above level one, and even level one tasks are very rare, let alone level 0 like theirs.

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Brother, there seems to be something wrong, their level is at least level two, but you see, we are all level zero, which is obviously the reason why we just got it, but In this way, we can't take any tasks at all, so how can we earn money to support ourselves?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Isn't this an opportunity? As long as we receive the non-level mission, we should be able to enter. As long as we explore the information inside, we can exchange a large amount of money, and the level should also increase. Bar?"

Tian Yu'er shook her head slightly and said, "Now we don't have any information, and we don't know how to improve our level, so we should be cautious."

Bai Long whispered softly, "Then what should we do if we encounter danger inside? Are we really going to starve to death?"

Bai Yunfei said seriously, "So in order not to starve to death, we can only accept this task. No matter how dangerous it is, we have to try it."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly received the task, took them out of here, followed the instructions above, and quickly walked towards the place where the secret realm was located.

And those people around were all frowning slightly, they didn't intend to accept the task, they were all hesitating.

Bai Yunfei and the others came to the entrance of the secret realm, walked in quickly and directly inside, and the environment changed quickly, as if they appeared in a new small world.

When they were looking at the four weeks, they only heard the sound of Zhen's footsteps, and saw eight skeletons quickly appearing in front of them.

Bailong directly activated the watch and the man holding a big knife appeared quickly and merged into Bailong's body. A set of armor was seen covering Bailong's body, and Bailong's height also grew rapidly. The man with the big sword looks very similar.

Bailong took down the weapon in his hand, turned it back and forth a few times, and said with a smile, "It's really interesting, and I can also feel a set of sword skills, although this set of Tao skills is not so powerful , but it's really interesting, it turns out that there is such a combat mode, it's really interesting."

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, and also said with a smile on her face, "It's true, it's great, I've never seen such a model before, it's interesting to quickly check your combat index."

Bai Long took a quick look, and immediately showed a smile, and said happily, "It's really great, my combat index is 1 points."

Bai Yunfei said with bitterness on his face, "Now I think of a very important thing. You are the fusion of characters, so what will my golden rooster look like after fusion?"

Everyone also showed a hint of smile, looking at Bai Yunfei expectantly.

Bai Yunfei was a little helpless, he knew that there was no way he could escape, after all, the battle was about to start, so he directly and quickly activated the transformation.

The golden rooster in the watch flew out quickly, turning into a golden ray of light, and quickly enveloped Bai Yunfei's body.

When they dispersed, Bai Yunfei was wearing golden armor, but his head was actually a rooster's comb.

Bai Yunfei moved his hands and feet and found that he was still in human form. He was slightly relieved, but when he looked at himself, his hands were like chicken feet, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Liu Xuexing saw Bai Yunfei's battle index very keenly, and immediately exclaimed, "This is incredible, brother, your battle index is actually 5!"

Bai Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, showed a satisfied smile, and said, "It finally reassures me, I thought I would become weaker than anyone else."

Bai Xiaoxiao also couldn't wait to start the transformation directly and quickly, and saw that he was a young man holding a long gun, and he was also very handsome, and his combat power had actually reached 1.

It was no surprise that Liu Xuexing also had a combat index of 1.

Now Tian Yu'er was the only one left who hadn't transformed. After he activated the transformation, the flaming phoenix quickly merged into her body, and a burst of flame quickly enveloped his body.

A very powerful energy burst out from his body quickly, and everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Tian Yu'er took a look at the Phoenix armor on her body, and was 10% satisfied.

Bai Yunfei couldn't wait to take a quick look, only to see his eyes widen immediately, and said loudly, "This is really unfair, your combat power has directly reached 10."

Tian Yu'er said with a chuckle, "I am still in an ordinary state. If I am performing some special martial arts, I believe I can achieve a more terrifying combat index."

Bai Yunfei and the others all shook their heads helplessly and sighed softly.

"It's really too unfair. So many gaps have been exposed all of a sudden. It's really too unfair. It really makes people envy and hate."

(End of this chapter)

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