Chapter 1275 Diversity of Combat

Bailong also shook his head slightly, leaving out all the helpless things before, and all the requirements, he is now waving quickly, and the big knife in his hand quickly slashed towards the few skeletons.

But what he didn't expect was that those few skeletons were cut in half by him very easily.

"The combat index of these skeletons is too low. I'm afraid I don't even need weapons. I can break them all with one finger."

Bai Xiaoxiao said with a faint smile, "It's true that some are too weak, but there is still a good news at that time, maybe this watch can also check their combat index, the main reason is that they can all be displayed if there is not much difference. , the combat index of these skeletons is only 10."

Bai Yunfei and the others continued to walk forward, exploring the world, but just before they had been walking for a long time, they stopped again, because a very huge building appeared in front of them.

Bai Xiaoxiao directly and quickly entered this very huge building first.

Bai Yunfei and the others felt a little helpless, and followed quickly.

When they entered, they found that the space inside was very large, and saw countless skeletons holding long spears, quickly killing everyone.

"The combat index of these skeletons is all 100, so they can be dealt with easily." Liu Xuexing said lightly after checking it.

Bai Xiaoxiao waved the spear in her hand and smiled softly, "Just wait by the side, and I will fight. These are very simple, and I can take care of them all by myself."

Bai Xiaoxiao directly and quickly waved the spear in her hand to kill those skeletons.

In this way, he rushed into the sea of ​​skeletons without any hesitation, and all the countless skeletons in the sea were thrown away by him, and no skeleton could block his shot.

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't have any fun at all, she jumped up quickly again, the spear in her hand was like a golden dragon, and quickly rushed towards those skeletons again.

After completely calming down, Bai Xiaoxiao laughed heartily, and returned to Bai Yunfei and the others.

Bai Yunfei frowned, shook his head slightly and said, "Now check how much energy you have left?"

After checking it with some surprise, Bai Xiaoxiao said with a slight smile, "There is still 90% of the energy left, and only 10% has been consumed after this battle."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said softly, "It's not bad, it's within the tolerance range, but I still have to think of a way to restore the energy I lost."

"I don't think it's necessary at all, because I can feel that the energy is starting to gather continuously, as if slowly recovering my energy, but the recovery is a little slow."

Tian Yu'er said thoughtfully, "It seems that there are some differences between us and them, but even though our bodies are self-sacrificing, they still have some functions that can absorb energy by themselves. This should be theirs. Something that everyone doesn't have."

Bai Yunfei said with a chuckle, "If this is the case, it means that we can fight freely without worrying about energy."

"Yeah, isn't this a very interesting thing? Finally, I can let go of my hands and feet and fight well." Bai Xiaoxiao said happily, jumping her feet.

At this moment, the huge building began to disappear, and all the people appeared outside again, but what made them feel a little different was that their watches all reminded them to upgrade and they all reached the first level.

"It turned out to be based on this way of upgrading. It seems that we have now found a way to upgrade. This time it is really the right time." Liu Xuexing said with some surprise.

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "It's really a very good thing. Yes, now we can receive those different tasks, and we won't be starved to death anymore. This is really a very interesting thing."

They walked again, and it didn't take long before they found a new huge building, and quickly walked in again.

This time the enemies inside are still skeletons, but all of them have been replaced with knives and shields.

Bai Xiaoxiao immediately showed a smile, Jian Jian continued to attack, but was blocked by Liu Xuexing.

"Leave it to me this time. You have already fought a little bit just now, so leave the next battle to me, and let me have a good time."

Bai Xiaoxiao stopped her desire to attack, nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you, let me see the same combat index, what is the difference between your martial arts and mine."

Liu Xuexing took the lead and quickly killed those skeletons, only to see a flash of sword light from the long sword in his hand, but all the skeletons stabbed by the sword light were turned into ashes.

Liu Xuexing quickly swung the long sword in his hand, beheading those skeletons continuously, without any doubt, all the skeletons were cut into several sections by the long sword in his hand, and many of them were even beaten by the sword energy. To be wiped out.

Liu Xuexing came back, frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Why is this? I consume so much more energy than him. I have consumed a full 20% of energy."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's because you used too much sword energy, and its long spear is only the most basic martial art, so it shouldn't consume much energy, but your sword energy consumes too much energy .”

Liu Xuexing nodded slightly and said, "It seems that he is more suitable for dealing with many enemies than he is suitable for dealing with few enemies, and I am suitable."

Bailong smiled slightly at this time and said, "If this is the case, then our long weapons will have the upper hand, no matter how you fight, they can be tough, but your short weapons must rely on energy to attack .”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "You can't say that, and you can't understand it that way. Although it is true that long weapons are more suitable for fighting than short weapons, but if you meet a master, your long weapons Not necessarily with short weapons, it will come faster."

Tian Yu'er smiled and said, "It can also be said that each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it needs the cooperation of the team to really persevere. If there is no cooperation from the team, one day sooner or later one person will be killed. defeated by enemies he is not good at."

(End of this chapter)

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