Chapter 237 Teaching Experience
Bai Yunfei and Liu Xian'er watched the battle carefully from a distance. The two of them didn't plan to directly join those battles, but planned to grab the elephant and leave here when the time was right.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I have a bold plan, but it is very likely that the plan will fail, do you dare to take this risk?"

Liu Xian'er frowned and said, "Brother Bai, don't you want to use that elephant to kill all those people?"

Bai Yunfei looked at Liu Xian'er slightly surprised and said, "How did you know? Don't tell me you also have such thoughts?"

Liu Xian'er nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, I thought the same way just now, but then I felt a little unsafe, because there might be people who think the same as us hiding around, and, in this large It seems that it is not easy to dodge those hidden weapons on the elephant."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "So we need a few young birds, so it will be perfect to implement this plan. Those few young birds can't bear it anymore. Look, the jungle on the left, that The grass on the side is constantly moving, which proves that someone is slowly crawling towards the direction of the elephant."

Seeing the grass over there, Liu Xian'er really moved after a while, but she didn't see any figure, she frowned slightly and said, "This man is really amazing, he can hide in the grass without being noticed, if you want to If you hadn't reminded me, I would never have thought that there would be a person there."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Actually, it's not just this person you're looking at. If you look at the upper right corner of this person, it's the tree fork."

Liu Xian'er looked carefully at the place Bai Yunfei was pointing at and found that there was a man above that position, but this man was dressed in green, so it was easy for people to ignore him.

Liu Xian'er said curiously, "Looking at the appearance of the two of them, they should be quite calm. Do you mean that these two people will act at the same time?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Girl, even if they don't act together, I will force them to act together. Just watch."

Bai Yunfei found a few pieces from the ground, but quickly threw them towards the hiding place of the two people.

I saw those two people rushed out like a conditioned reflex.

But when these two people went out, they all looked at each other in embarrassment for an instant, and then directly attacked.

Bai Yunfei directly pulled Liu Xian'er, and quickly came behind these two people, and the two quickly launched an attack one by one, killing them all.

After Bai Yunfei and Liu Xian'er quickly picked up all the things dropped by those people, they jumped on the elephant and rushed towards the people who were fighting.

At this time, the few people who were fighting with each other had already sensed the abnormality on the elephant's side, and they had already been prepared, and they all dispersed.

Bai Yunfei didn't force it, he just drove the elephant and left here quickly.

Liu Xian'er said with some pity on the back of the elephant, "Those people hid really fast enough, otherwise they would definitely kill a few of them."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Those two people were worth it last time. As for not killing other people, it doesn't matter. Now we are in a hurry. This elephant can quickly reach the safe zone. Don’t worry about being besieged by those savage tribes behind, as the few people just now have been here for such a long time, I’m afraid they will fall into their siege in a short time.”

Bai Yunfei led Liu Xian'er to run wildly all the way, but although the two were riding an elephant, they were also very careful to pay attention to the surrounding situation, because the bloody lesson of the previous man was still there.

Bai Yunfei and the others were very lucky to come to a place. In a small village, they saw thatched cottages all around. The doors here were closed, so no one should have been there.

Liu Xian'er, looking at these houses, immediately said happily, "The houses here are all closed doors, no one should have said that, let's collect them quickly, maybe we can get more cheat books."

But Bai Yunfei grabbed Liu Xian'er, and said seriously, "Don't worry, open the door and listen carefully to the movement inside, maybe there will be someone hiding inside waiting for us to go in, so that they can sneak attack us."

Liu Xian'er nodded, and according to what Bai Yunfei said, she carefully placed her ears on the wall of one of the houses, and listened carefully to the movement inside.

After a while, Liu Xian'er said, "There should be no one inside for a long time, and there is no movement inside."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and kicked open the door directly, but he didn't go in right away, but waited for a while, and then threw another piece of clothing in.

Seeing that the clothes fell on the ground intact, Bai Yunfei walked in with confidence, looked around, and said with a slight smile, "All the items around are there, there is no sign of anyone coming in, no one should have said anything about it, Be careful though."

Liu Xian'er nodded, quickly went to other rooms, and searched.

Although she did feel that Bai Yunfei was making a fuss, she still followed Bai Yunfei's method, after testing one by one, quickly searched for everything.

After searching the entire tribe, Bai Yunfei rode an elephant and left here, put the elephant in a very hidden place, and then came back again, closed all the doors, and hid in the into one of the houses.

Liu Xian'er hid in a house next to him, and the two could take care of each other at any time.

As time passed, the number of remaining people became smaller and smaller, and there were only about 1000 people left.

The tribe that Bai Yunfei and the others belonged to has not been cared for until now, but Bai Yunfei continued to wait in the room very patiently.

At this moment, as expected, the sound of the door opening came from the next room.After waiting for a while, the door of Bai Yunfei's room was opened directly, but the person inside didn't expect that there would be another person hidden inside.

When that person walked in swaggeringly, he looked directly at a cheat book on the ground, and didn't notice Bai Yunfei behind the door.

Just as he was bending over to pick up the cheat book, Bai Yunfei directly attacked him, piercing his heart with a sword, and killed him.

(End of this chapter)

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