Chapter 238 Iron Mountain Palm

Just as Bai Yunfei was picking up this person's things, suddenly there was a sound of fighting in Liu Xian'er's room next door. It was obvious that Liu Xian'er's sneak attack had failed.

After Bai Yunfei picked up everything, he quickly jumped towards Liu Xian'er's room.

I saw Liu Xian'er kept using the beauty fist, but was suppressed by the big black-faced man on the opposite side.

Regarding Bai Yunfei's sudden arrival, the black-faced man's expression changed slightly and he immediately wanted to find a way to escape.

But it's a pity that Bai Yunfei didn't hesitate at all, and brandished the iron sword in his hand, and quickly stabbed at the black-faced man.

The black-faced man immediately took a few steps back, dodging Bai Yunfei's iron sword, but at this moment Liu Xianer exploded and punched the black-faced man directly in the ribs.

The black-faced man endured the pain and wanted to escape, but suddenly the iron sword in Bai Yunfei's hand passed through his chest. It turned out that at the moment he jumped out of the window, Bai Yunfei threw the iron sword in his hand just right. It pierced into the chest of the black-faced man.

The black-faced man immediately fell to the ground, dead, Bai Yunfei and Liu Xian'er quickly picked up the black-faced man's belongings.

Bai Yunfei, seeing the black-faced man dropped the secret book, nodded slightly and said, "It turns out that the secret book he learned is level three, and the iron mountain palm can just restrain your beauty fist."

Liu Xian'er said thoughtfully, "It turns out that it's not a tertiary movie, but an invincible existence, and it actually has the effect of restraining each other. Doesn't it mean that as long as you learn a few more martial arts, you can deal with those people very well?" ?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "You're right, indeed, each martial art has mutual restraint, but in it, there is a limit to learning martial arts, it doesn't mean that you can learn as many as you want. That’s right. Only after you actually get No.1 can you learn all the martial arts cheats you got.”

Liu Xian'er nodded and said, "I really didn't expect that fighting is really so difficult. It seems that I have learned too much."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, as time goes by, you will definitely be able to make further progress, so don't be so anxious, first train slowly, the basic skills are the most important."

Liu Xian'er nodded, and said curiously, "Brother Bai, are we still waiting here?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "Don't wait here, I'm afraid if there are people around, they probably won't come here again, we have to go to a new place to ambush now."

Liu Xian'er nodded, followed behind Bai Yunfei, and quickly arrived at the place where Bai Yunfei was an elephant.

Liu Xian'er looked around, and said slightly in amazement, "Brother Bai, this place is really hidden enough, we can just wait here."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "This place is naturally more hidden, but it is not particularly safe, especially with this elephant here, it is very easy to reveal the location, so we still need to go to other places to hide."

Liu Xian'er looked around and said, "Where are we going? Are we going to stop riding this elephant?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "Now find a hidden place around, and take a rest, these things, restore your strength, this elephant will be useful later, this is a rare bait, as long as you wait until When they come here, it is when they die."

Liu Xian'er and Bai Yunfei hid not far from the elephant, and they ate something to rest for a while.

As the moon climbed into the sky, the whole land became dark, and Bai Yunfei and the others became safer.

Liu Xian'er was already a little tired and fell asleep beside her. Today was a very exciting day for her. She had never had such an exciting life like today.

Bai Yunfei looked at Liu Xian'er who was sleeping soundly, and sighed slightly. The reason why he recognized Liu Xian'er as his younger sister before was because he felt very sorry for this girl.

As for why she felt very sorry for this girl, it was because when Bai Yunfei saw Liu Xian'er, he was surprised to find that the luck in Liu Xian'er's body was actually zero, which meant that she might die unexpectedly at any time.

When Liu Xian'er rescued Qiao Jin, her luck did not improve because of it, but directly turned into a negative number. What's more, she would lose her life at any time, which was obviously very abnormal.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Bai Yunfei hadn't been saving her life, he would have died long ago. It is precisely because of this that Bai Yunfei felt very sorry for the fate of this kind girl.

If it were other people, even if they died in front of Bai Yunfei, Bai Yunfei would not care, but he couldn't see how these kind people gave everything silently, but in the end, nothing came to a good end. Died directly.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said lightly, "Now you have been given a chance to resist your fate, but I don't know if you can break free from your own fate, so as not to let yourself die in vain."

Liu Xian'er, who was sleeping, seemed to have sensed something, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, obviously she was having a sweet dream at this time.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and continued to look around cautiously, because no one knew if there would be other wild animals or enemies approaching the door at night.

What Bai Yunfei was worried about was not, it didn't make any sense, because in the previous battle, didn't those black shadows who attacked people appear at night?
The next day gradually brightened up.Bai Yunfei yawned a little tiredly, because he didn't sleep all night, so he was slightly tired at this time, but to him, this kind of tiredness was nothing at all.

Liu Xian'er opened her eyes and looked at the tired Bai Yunfei, who said slightly embarrassed, "I'm really sorry, Brother Bai, I accidentally fell asleep last night, you must have not slept at all last night, right?" , or you should go to sleep now."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said seriously, "I'm afraid I don't have any time to go to bed now, just take a look at the remaining number of people."

Liu Xian'er checked the remaining number of people curiously and screamed, "How is it possible, there are only 100 people left. Before, there were more than 1000 people? Why, so many people were lost in one night?"

(End of this chapter)

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