Chapter 245
Miao Lanlan snorted disdainfully, and said, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense? If you research it yourself, who will believe it?"

Liu Xian'er frowned and said, "What I said is absolutely true. Have you ever seen me tell a lie, whether you believe it or not, I have already told you."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Little girl, I advise you not to believe your senior sister's words, otherwise you will be sold by your senior uncle, and you still count the money for him. Your senior uncle treats you like a pawn That's all, I think you still, if you turn your back on the shore, you can still save a little life, otherwise you will die soon without a whole body."

Miao Lanlan said disdainfully, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense? My uncle is definitely not that kind of person."

Bai Yunfei shook his head lightly and said, "Then why did your uncle not detoxify you while you were poisoned?"

Miao Lanlan laughed and said, "You are really interesting, I am poisoned, do you think I am a three-year-old child? I am not poisoned, don't I know it myself? You think I can believe this Just save your nonsense."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "You are really good enough, you don't listen no matter what you say, the reason why you didn't notice this poison in you is because he has been in your body for a long time, and you have already I'm used to it, so I didn't notice it, if you really don't believe it, you can try it yourself."

Miao Lanlan said doubtfully, "How to try?"

Bai Yunfei said indifferently, "Take a silver needle and stick it on your left shoulder, just take a look for yourself."

Although Miao Lanlan said that she didn't believe Bai Yunfei's words, she still faithfully took out a silver needle and stuck it on her left shoulder.

But the moment the silver needle was pulled out, both Miao Lanlan and Liu Xian'er were taken aback.Because of that silver needle.It has turned pitch black, and corrosion has begun to appear in the middle.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "After a few more hours, you will directly corrode to death."

Miao Lanlan was a little unbelievably stupid on the spot, and said, "What's going on? Why don't I feel anything? What kind of poison did I plant? Could it be that my uncle really gave me the poison, but Why don't I feel anything?"

Liu Xian'er also took a quick pulse, and said incredulously, "How is this possible? Why is there really no sign of poisoning? Everything is so normal. If it wasn't for the silver needle just now, I would never have imagined it. Lan Lan's body will be poisoned."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "I have to boast, the person who poisoned him is indeed capable, and he can actually concoct such a silent and colorless poison, he is indeed a genius at playing poison, but it is very difficult." It is a pity that he met me, and it is very good to find out whether a person is poisoned."

Liu Xian'er said anxiously, "Brother, is there any way you can accept the poison in her body? If you continue to delay like this, he will definitely die."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you also have the poison that can save her. Have you forgotten the detoxification pill you got? He can cure the poison in her body, just take it for him." .”

Liu Xian'er reacted immediately, and quickly took out the detoxification pill, and Miao Lanlan took it.

I saw Miao Lanlan spit out a mouthful of blood, which directly corroded a big hole in the ground.

Miao Lanlan was taken aback, looked at the corroded hole, and said, "How is this possible, I was really poisoned?"

Liu Xian'er carefully looked at the corroded hole, and after smelling some of the ingredients inside, her expression changed slightly, and she said, "How is this possible, there is actually an ingredient of fairy grass in it? You know, these ten pieces of grass are only available to me." After it was formulated, how could it fall into his hands?"

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "Immortal Grass, what is that?"

Miao Lanlan also looked curiously, Liu Xianer wanted to wait for Liu Xianer's explanation.

Liu Xian'er sighed slightly, and said, "This is a poisonous weed made by me based on various poisons. The reason why I named it Immortal Grass is because it is like an ordinary grass, but once, Mixed with poison, it can make the poisoned person ecstatic, and he would never have imagined that it is extremely poisonous. I just don’t know why it means that he will get the fairy grass that I prepared.”

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "It's not easy, it must have been taken away by you when you weren't paying attention, and the reason why he wants to kill you is probably because he doesn't want you to use such poison on him." body."

Miao Lanlan said with an ugly face, "I said why I felt so ecstatic a few days ago, it seems that it should be the poison he planted on me a few days ago, he regarded me as his experimental product, really Damn, to be deceived by this old fox until now."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "Now you can understand that your senior sister is not the person you imagined, right? Your senior sister is just not good at expressing feelings with others. That's fine, now the grievances between you have been resolved." Yes, but there are still more grievances that need to be solved by you, your uncle is now, already, coming here soon, and he is still here with a secret weapon."

Liu Xian'er looked at Bai Yunfei in confusion and said, "Brother, do you know something else? Or have you arranged eyeliner by his side?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "This is just a habit I kept before, no matter how weak the enemy is, we must take it seriously and collect their information. If the information is not in place, there may be some Accidents, I have to do it, know myself and the enemy all the time, so as to ensure that I will not encounter any danger."

Miao Lanlan frowned, snorted slightly, and said, "I don't care what secret weapon he has, I must settle accounts with him, and he dares to use me, I must make him look good."

Liu Xian'er shook her head slightly and said, "Junior Sister, no, Big Brother Bai said he has a secret weapon, which means that he really has some, very, powerful secret weapons, so we still have to be careful, otherwise, we will really meet him." into danger."

Miao Lanlan shook her head slightly, glanced at Bai Yunfei and said, "With him here, I don't believe anyone can hurt us."

(End of this chapter)

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