Chapter 246

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, as far as your senior uncle is concerned, he is still not your senior sister's opponent, so you can just watch your senior sister's performance today."

Miao Lanlan opened her eyes wide, and said incredulously, "Are you joking? You asked my senior sister to deal with my senior uncle. I am a delicate and weak woman, and I am a weak girl who deals with someone with high martial arts skills. Are you doing this on purpose?" Are you making fun of my senior sister's life?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Don't underestimate your senior sister, she is not as weak as you imagined."

Liu Xian'er nodded seriously, and said, "Don't worry, I also just want to fight with my uncle to settle the grievances between us."

At this moment, Luo Wuqing had come here quickly, but he looked at Miao Lanlan who had not died yet with some differences.

Miao Lanlan snorted slightly and said, "Why is it so strange that I didn't die?"

Luo Wuqing nodded slightly, chuckled, and said, "I'm really surprised, you didn't die after being poisoned by me, but I think it was your senior sister who saved you, it seems that my previous decision was indeed right. Your senior sister is indeed an obstacle blocking me, and none of you can leave here today."

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly disdainfully, and said, "Old guy, did you forget about me? Isn't the qualification given to you that day not enough? Do you want to try it again?"

Luo Wuqing snorted slightly, and said, "That was just a small accident, I will never make such a low-level mistake again, boy, I must let you taste it today, what is the Wan Poison Bone Eater. "

Liu Xian'er stood up and said seriously to Luo Wuqing, "Master, the grievances between us have to be settled thoroughly, and they won't make a move today."

Luo Wuqing laughed and said, "You are indeed very talented, but it's a pity that you are not my apprentice, otherwise, you would definitely not be as successful as you are now. I can make you the most dazzling existence in the whole world." .”

Liu Xian'er shook her head and said, "Not everyone thinks the same as you. I just want to stay in one place quietly and improve my strength quietly, but I don't want to be as outstanding as you are. However, Master Uncle, why do you have to have trouble with us?"

Luo Wuqing shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "This world is so cruel, there is nothing at all, it is fair to say that you should obediently accept your fate, and let me completely solve your pain today."

After Luo Wuqing finished speaking, she raised her palm and slapped Liu Xian'er.

Liu Xian'er directly used the beauty boxing technique, quickly blocked in front of her, resisted Luo Wuqing's punch, and then punched Luo Wuqing's chest.

Luo Wuqing was slightly distracted after being amazed by Liu Xianer's boxing technique, but then he reacted and quickly blocked Liu Xianer's punch.

Luo Wuqing took a few steps back, slightly surprised and said, "What's going on? What kind of boxing technique did you use? How is this possible? Shouldn't you be able to practice any martial arts? How come you can practice martial arts? And actually , the strength has reached the general level?"

Liu Xian'er smiled slightly, and continued to attack Lu Wuqing, attacking while saying, "That's because I have noble people to help me, and I have completely solved my problem of not being able to practice martial arts. Now let us completely solve our problem." between the grievances."

Luo Wuqing and Liu Xian'er were attacking each other, the two fought fiercely for a while, and no one could do anything to the other, after all, the strength of the two of them was equal, and they were both masters of poisoning, so neither of them could do anything for a while. Half will win.

Miao Lanlan looked at Bai Yunfei with a little surprise and said, "Is it your credit that my senior sister can practice martial arts? How did you do it? You can actually let my senior sister have a physique like hers to practice martial arts, and her strength Surpassed me?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "This is just a small deal with your senior sister. After all, I can't be by her side to protect her all the time, so I let her have the freedom to protect herself." Only then can I leave here with peace of mind."

Miao Lanlan blinked her big eyes and looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "Do you think you can let me improve my strength quickly like my senior sister?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "I can only improve the strength of your senior sister, as for the others, I can't do anything. However, your cultivation talent is not too weak, as long as you pay close attention to cultivation, it shouldn't be too weak. "

Miao Lanlan sighed, but now she doesn't have any thoughts of being jealous of her senior sister, he is just sincerely happy that her senior sister can practice martial arts.

At this time, Liu Xian'er and Luo Wuqing have already fought each other for hundreds of rounds, but at this time, the two of them are still hard to tell the winner.

After Luo Wuqing met Liu Xian'er's palm, he took a step back, only to see that his palm turned black.

Luo Wuqing didn't care, but directly and quickly patted Liu Xian'er who was facing her next time.

Liu Xian'er had obviously noticed the strangeness in Luo Wuqing's hand, and directly and quickly backed away, dodging his palm, and then took out a very small pill from her hand and threw it at Luo Wuqing in an instant.

Luo Wuqing, although he also noticed it, but he didn't have time to dodge, the pill hit him, and a puff of smoke appeared, covering his body in an instant.

Luo Wuqing's face turned dark immediately, and he looked at Liu Xian'er in horror and said, "What kind of poison are you? Why haven't I experienced such poison before? Why has such poison never appeared in this world?" ?”

Liu Xian'er shook her head slightly, did not explain, but looked at Luo Wuqing seriously and said, "Uncle, are you admitting defeat now?"

Luo Wuqing laughed a little, and said, "Yes, I lost, but I never bow to anyone, I will definitely do it again, and I will come back to seek justice this time."

Luo Wuqing directly used lightness kung fu and left here quickly.Liu Xian'er didn't stop her in any way, just watched Luo Wuqing quietly and left here.

Miao Lanlan was very anxious and said, "Senior sister can't let him go, otherwise he will come to revenge us if he knows."

(End of this chapter)

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