Chapter 326 The village was attacked

Qin Hai was taken aback immediately, and said in a puzzled way, "My lord, are you planning to leave here? Where are you going? Can I follow you?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "In a few years, I will leave this world. After all, I can't stay in one world for long, so after a few years, Xiao Meng will depend on you to take care of me."

Qin Hai directly misunderstood it, and suddenly said in horror, "My lord, what do you mean by what you said? Could it be that you have suffered from some terminal illness? Or is there something wrong with your practice?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "What are you talking about? I am living well, and you are cursing me to die sooner."

Qin Hai said aggrievedly, "You yourself said just now that you would leave this world in a few years."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "I just said that I want to leave this world, but it doesn't mean that I will die. I don't belong to this world. I belong to a plane traveler, which probably means that I can Traveling in various worlds, now you understand."

Only then did Qin Hai understand, his eyes widened slightly, and he said in disbelief, "I just didn't expect you, my lord, to be able to go to other worlds at will. This is simply too powerful, but can you also take me with you?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "My current ability can only guarantee that I can't take you there alone."

Qin Hai pointed to the surrounding soldiers slightly in surprise, and said, "But why can they let you go to other worlds, but we can't?"

Bai Yunfei didn't explain, but said indifferently, "Didn't you find out that they are different in the past few years? Unless you are willing to become like them, without your own emotions."

Qin Hai slightly nodded his head knowingly, and said, "Young Master, can we meet again in the future?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Of course we will see each other again in the future, and it's not about life and death. As long as your strength improves, your life will increase, and the day when we meet will not be too far away at all." Yes, but all of this is based on your strength."

Qin Hai nodded slightly, and said earnestly, "I understand, son, I will not waste time recklessly, I will definitely increase my strength quickly, and strive to gain a firm foothold in this world."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "As long as you have this determination, you will be able to become your best helper after Ah Meng returns from this experience."

Qin Hai was a little puzzled and said, "My lord, will there be someone on the way who will embarrass Ah Meng?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "You are right, there are indeed people who will make things difficult for him, but it is just some small difficulties, I believe he can definitely get through it, and this is his own You have to rely on yourself to get through the catastrophe."

At this time, Gao Meng was already driving on the road at full speed, and saw the white horse he was sitting on galloping towards the territory of the Demon Sect.

Gao Meng, after traveling for a month, finally entered the territory of the Demon Cult, and quickly arrived at the village they were in before.

After Gao Mengdang entered his village, he found that all the villagers inside were seriously injured, and many young people had all disappeared.

Gao Meng frowned and went straight to the village chief, a little puzzled, and said, "Grandpa Bai, what's going on? Who did it? Didn't they know the previous warning? Could it be those bastards from the Devil's Cult who injured him?" of you?"

The village chief shook his head in pain, and said, "It's not those people from the Demon Cult. Because of the previous warning, the people from the Demon Cult no longer dare to embarrass our village. Then what did your sister tell those young people to arrest all of them? People from the Stone Sect, they captured the people in our village just to mine ore for them."

Gao Meng frowned suddenly, and said a little puzzled, "How come the Lingshi Sect has never heard of such a name?"

The village chief shook his head weakly, and said, "We have never heard of their names before. It is said that they all migrated from other places."

Gao Meng stood up angrily and said, "Grandpa Bai, don't worry, I will be able to save everyone."

But the village chief quickly stopped Gao Meng and said, "Xiao Meng, don't act recklessly. Those people's strength is for Gao Qiang, you should go back and call your brother."

Gao Meng shook his head lightly, and said seriously, "It will take another two months for me to go back and forth. I'm afraid when I come back, everyone's life is already in danger, so it's too late. I'm going to check their details now, don't worry, Grandpa Bai, I will never act rashly."

After Gao Meng bid farewell to the village chief, he quickly ran towards the mine. Sure enough, he found many strangers on the road, but they were all patrolling back and forth with a big knife in their hands. These people should be the so-called People taught by Lingshi.

Gao Meng knew that his strength was not too strong, so he didn't act rashly, but slowly walked towards those people and the place where they were patrolling. Gao Meng easily avoided their patrolling, mixed into the mine.

After Gao Meng came to the mine, he was very angry to find that all the people in the mine were dying. Many people seemed to be breathing in less and exhaling more, and their lives might be in danger at any time.

Gao Meng quickly came to the side of a young man, and whispered, "Brother Big Niu, how are you doing?"

Daniu slightly opened his eyes and whispered joyfully, "Xiao Meng... why are you here? Could it be that you were also captured by them?"

Gao Meng shook his head lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I wasn't caught by them, I came to rescue you, can you still hold on? If it really doesn't work, I'll rescue you first?"

Daniel shook his head and said, "We are all just fainted from hunger. The people who were thrown here by them are now in danger and may be killed by them at any time. You should save them first." , we are dragging you down anyway with this appearance, so we will die."

Gao Meng shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Brother Big Niu, I will definitely not let you die here, just wait for me to kill all the guards here, and then take you out of here."

 Thank you Yun Yongpeng for your support
(End of this chapter)

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