Chapter 327

But Daniel coughed with a worried expression on his face, and said, "Xiao Meng must not take any risks. There are so many people here that you are no match for them at all. You should leave here as soon as possible."

The people around also woke up slowly, and looked at Gao Meng weakly. Although they were a little surprised, they understood what was going on in an instant, and quickly said to Gao Meng, "Xiao Meng, listen to us quickly. Get out of here immediately, or you will be trapped here too."

Gao Meng stood up directly and said to the surroundings, "I know that you must be secretly protecting me, but the current situation is beyond my ability to handle. I believe you should also see that so many folks are suffering here. One more minute of delay and they could face their own lives, so I need your help to get them all out."

A slayer came out and punched Gao Meng, and said, "Young master, don't worry, the guards around us will clean up all the villagers for you, and we will definitely bring them back to the valley safely, but about The Lingshi Sect still needs the young master to find a way to deal with it."

Gao Meng nodded, and said seriously, "I see, you just need to ensure that all the villagers return to Xianyun Valley safely."

The Slayer nodded slightly, and then quickly started to act with several other Slayers. After a while, all the guards guarding the villagers were killed, including those outside. After that, all the villagers escorted by these slaughterers returned to their previous villages, and they hired some carriages to transport them all back to the valley.

After everyone left, Gao Meng thought for a while, and then directly set up a few simple traps here, which he learned from the slaughterers.

After setting up these traps, Gao Meng quickly left here. Now he needs to find out the real details of Lingshi Cult.

Not long after Gao Meng left, those masters of Lingshi Sect rushed over, but when they saw the corpses of their people all over the place, they suddenly went crazy, dozens of masters entered the mine , I want to see what's going on inside.There was only a bang, and the dozens of masters who entered the mine were all buried inside and no one came out, and the entire mine had completely collapsed.

The leading master suddenly roared madly towards the surroundings, because he knew that the dozens of masters who entered had completely died inside.

But at this time, Gao Meng didn't have it. Regarding all this, he came to the residence of Lingshi Sect cautiously.

But at this time, the Lingshi Sect seemed very deserted. Obviously all the servants and masters had been transferred out, so apart from a few guards, there was no one in the Lingshi Sect.

Gao Meng was thinking slightly, "The people of the Lingshi Sect are really bold enough, they dare to lead the Demon Sect to establish a sect, and they dare to mobilize all the masters so swaggeringly, obviously they have nothing to worry about. What is it?" With such a hole card, how dare they let them leave an empty resident so swaggeringly?"

Gao Meng would not dare to act rashly for a while, and could only slowly look at the residence of Lingshi Cult.

At this moment, a man in white clothes came here quickly with a sword in his hand, and beheaded the guards without saying a word.

And this is the leader of the Lingshi sect who flew out of it, looked at the man coldly and said, "We are already here in Tianyi, can't you give up the previous grievances?"

It turns out that this man is now Li Zhan, the Son of Heaven and Earth.

Li Zhan said coldly, "Even if you hide away to the ends of the earth, I won't let you hide. Today is the time to fully understand the cause and effect between us."

The leader of Lingshi Sect laughed and said, "Do you really think we don't have any foundation? If so, I will let you die here completely today."

At this moment, suddenly an old man appeared behind Li Zhan, and slapped Li Zhan with his palm directly, and the strength of this old man turned out to be a strong man at the level of Emperor Wu.

Gao Meng immediately wanted to remind Li Zhan behind him loudly, but before he had time to remind Li Zhan, he had already noticed that the sword in his hand quickly blocked it, and then landed lightly not far away.

The old man stared at Li Zhan with a slightly ugly face, and said, "I really didn't expect that a hero would be a teenager, and he would already be a strong man at the Emperor Wu level at such a young age. Everyone is a strong man at the Emperor Wu level. If the two of us really If you want to fight to the death, I am afraid it will not be good for anyone, why don't we turn gold into jade now, what do you think?"

Li Zhan's expression didn't change at all, and he said coldly, "Shi Poyi, the great elder of Lingshi Sect, is actually a sneaky villain. Do you think that palm you slapped me with all your strength just now can make the two of us reconcile?" ?"

After Shi Poyi glared at the leader of Lingshi Sect with some embarrassment, he smiled again and said to Lizhan, "I've said it before, it's all a misunderstanding, and it can be said that the two of us don't know each other. Where do these dogs really offend you, I will kill them now and make amends to you, what do you think?"

Li Zhan snorted slightly, the sword in his hand trembled slightly, and then quickly moved towards Shi Po once.

Shi Po was also a little annoyed immediately, and quickly took out a big knife to meet him.The leader of Lingshi Sect also took out the knife in his hand and quickly attacked him.

Gao Meng, who was watching from the side, suddenly looked angrily at the two shameless people, but his own strength was too low to be of any help at all, so he could only watch dryly from the side.

However, Li Zhan's strength is extraordinary. He actually played one against two directly, and he was able to deal with it very freely. Obviously, he hadn't used his full strength. They've all gone all out.

At this moment, the leader of Lingshi Sect suddenly took out a red stone from his arms, and quickly threw it at Lizhan.

Just before the stone reached the front of Lizhan, an explosion occurred, and a ball of flame appeared in it and burned towards Lizhan instantly.

Li Zhan didn't panic at all, he quickly swung the sword in his hand, and quickly blocked all the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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