Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 328 The Death of the Spirit Stone Cult Leader

Chapter 328 The Death of the Spirit Stone Cult Leader

The leader of Lingshi Cult turned pale. He didn't expect that the secret weapon he took out would be blocked so easily. Just as he was distracted, a sword quickly came to him, instantly killing him. He stabbed and was sent flying.

Li Zhan said coldly, "It's beyond self-control for a trash like you to sneak up on me."

The leader of Lingshi Cult lay weakly on the ground, unable to stand up again.

Shi Po immediately went mad and killed Li Zhan.

At this time, Gao Meng came to the side of the leader of the Lingshi, and directly killed the leader of the Lingshi with an axe.

The leader of Lingshi couldn't believe himself until his death, that his head would be chopped off with an ax by a boy who was only in his teens. He never thought that he would die so wronged.

The reason why Gao Meng fought directly instead of talking nonsense with him was because he kept in mind what Bai Yunfei said to him, that he would kill the enemy directly, and he should not say too much, because if he said too much, it would be easy for others to take advantage of him. And enter.

At this time, Shi Poyi had already devoted himself to fighting hard, so he didn't realize that the leader of Lingshi Sect was dead.

However, Li Zhan had already noticed the death of the leader of Lingshi, but he didn't care too much, but put all his attention on Shi Poyi. After all, this is a strong enemy, and his life will be in danger if he is not careful.

After Gao Meng killed the leader of Lingshi, he left here directly, and did not intend to go forward to help Li Zhan deal with Shi Poyi.

Gao Meng knew in his heart that even if he stepped forward to help, he might not be able to defeat Shi Poyi, so he might as well just accept it and leave here quickly.

Not long after Gao Meng left, Shi Poyi took a few steps back after fighting with Li Zhan. At this moment, he also found the dead Lingshi leader, roared madly, and killed Li Zhan desperately.

Although Li Zhan was a little hard to resist, he didn't have any thoughts of retreating, because he still had his real hole cards not revealed, and he didn't intend to let Shi Poyi go just like this. The reason why he and Shi Poyi were so stalemate , that is nothing more than wanting to use Shi Poyi to hone his own strength.

At this time, Shi Poyi, due to old age and frailty, gradually lost his physical strength, and the strength of his attack also involuntarily dropped a little.

Li Zhan slightly intensified his strength and saw through it instantly. He still felt that his hands were numb, and some small scars began to appear on his body. Obviously, the traces left by the fight just now. He knew that if he didn't leave , will die here, so Shi Po looked around with the intention of retreating, wanting to escape from here quickly.

Li Zhan has already noticed that Shi Poyi no longer has any desire to fight, frowned slightly, took two steps back, and said lightly, "You don't have to think about escaping under my hands, I advise you to be serious." Fight with me, otherwise, you will really die here."

Shi Poyi took this opportunity to take a breath, and said coldly, "If you were still breastfeeding when I was in the world, do you think that I am no longer your opponent now that I am old? You are underestimating this old man." , the old man wants to leave, no one can stop me."

After finishing speaking, Shi Poyi used lightness kung fu directly, wanting to leave here, but Li Zhan had expected it, and directly stabbed in the past with a quick sword, but Shi Poyi's lightness kung fu was indeed very superb, and it really made him slowly break away from Li Zhan Sight.

Li Zhan frowned immediately, and quickly shot many hidden weapons towards the place where Shi Poyi fled.

But it is a pity that he escaped on purpose, but there was some blood on the ground, and it was broken, and he also suffered some injuries.

Li Zhan did not continue to chase, but left here after frowning slightly on the spot, because he was very confident in his hidden weapon, and he believed that even if Shi Poyi could escape, he would be seriously injured. Self-cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to come out of the arena again.

At this time, Shi Poyi was indeed seriously injured, but he still had the strength to fight. However, he was rushing crazily now, trying to escape, but he came to a broken house by mistake.

At this time, in the broken room, Gao Meng was sitting on the ground resting, Shi Poyi just barged in like this, directly startled Gao Meng, but when he saw clearly that it was Shi Poyi, his expression turned pale. Changed, pretending to be stupid, and said to Shi Poyi, "Old man, why are you injured? May I help you come in and sit down?"

Shi Poyi secretly gathered his whole body's strength with his right hand, and once Gao Meng thought that it would be unfavorable to him, he would directly kill Gao Meng.

Gao Meng didn't seem to know, he went over and helped Shi Poyi into the broken house, let him sit down, and quickly went to get some food for Shi Poyi to eat.

Shi Po frowned once, instead of catching the food in Gao Meng's hand, he adjusted his breath secretly, but found that he was actually poisoned by a strange poison in his body, if there was no antidote, he would surely die.

Gao Meng saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart, but he didn't show any expression. Instead, he said with a worried face, "Old man, are you really okay? If it doesn't work, I'll find a doctor for you. I believe, wait." I have called a doctor, and I will definitely heal your injuries."

Shi Po looked at the idiot in front of him, and sighed slightly. He didn't expect that when he was about to die, there would be a idiot beside him, but this was God giving him a chance. A good successor will not let his inheritance be lost like this?
But if Shi Poyi knew that the leader of their Lingshi Sect was killed by Gao Meng, I really don't know how he should face.

At this time, Shi Poyi said to Gao Meng with a kind face, "Silly boy, it's useless to ask for a doctor. No one can heal the wound on my body. I'm afraid I'm at the end of my life." Open my eyes, I can actually meet someone like you, are you willing to accept the inheritance of our Lingshi Sect?"

Gao Meng said with a naive face, "I'm just a stupid boy, and my talent in martial arts is very poor. How can I take on such a big task? I'll go find a doctor for you right now, and I believe it will be cured." You are hurt, so when the time comes, you can find some talented successors by yourself, rather than handing over to me a person with such low talent."

(End of this chapter)

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