Chapter 330 Goodbye Huang Tianying

Gao Meng still didn't quite understand Bai Yunfei's words, but he knew that Bai Yunfei would never lie to him, so he said seriously to Bai Yunfei, "I know, brother, I will definitely visit those scholars carefully. If they really As you said, if you are full of wisdom, then I will definitely not underestimate them."

Bai Yunfei rubbed his chin, chuckled, and said, "In this case, I'll just let Brother Qin take you there. There are very few things in the Jianghu that he doesn't know about. With him By your side, just to teach you the experience of Jianghu."

Gao Meng nodded slightly, and went straight out to find Qin Hai.

"Destiny has officially started, I hope you can quickly improve your strength." Bai Yunfei looked at Gao Meng's back and said lightly.

Bai Yunfei also left here and went outside, because now he needs to meet an old friend, and this old friend is Huang Tianying.

When Bai Yunfei found Huang Tianying, Huang Tianying was practicing this sword technique there.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, found a few stones on the ground, and quickly shot towards Huang Tianying.

There was a sound of breaking through the air from these stones, and they quickly came to Huang Tianying. Huang Tianying quickly waved the sword in his hand, and instantly those stones were all blocked back.

A sword also appeared in Bai Yunfei's hand, and he quickly blocked those few stones back again.

I saw these stones flying back and forth in Bai Yunfei and Huang Tianying's hands like ping pong balls.

Seeing that these few stones finally couldn't withstand their back and forth beatings, they all turned into powder, Bai Yunfei and Huang Tianying quickly intertwined together with the swords in their hands.

I saw Bai Yunfei and Huang Tianying, after a while, the two fought for dozens of rounds.

But the two were purely competing in martial arts, so they didn't have any murderous intent, so after a while, both of them stopped and stepped aside.

Huang Tianying looked at Bai Yunfei happily, and said, "Brother Bai, why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Recently I have nothing to do, I can go out for a stroll, and I just happened to see you too, but I really didn't expect that I just haven't seen you for a few years, and now you are so high, I'm afraid if you do it again. Keep practicing, and sooner or later you will surpass me."

Huang Tianying rolled her eyes slightly, and said, "Brother Bai, don't laugh at me here, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with you in this lifetime. But Brother Bai, you definitely didn't have nothing to do to see me , tell me, is there something else to bother me?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I really need to ask you something, but it's still early to say hello to you."

Huang Tianying frowned slightly, and said, "Is it about Xiao Gaomeng? Could it be that you are almost unable to stay in this world?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Fang Tian has begun to recover to his previous strength, so he started to test me again, but he has not been too presumptuous, but I have a hunch that Fang Tian will sooner or later You will come to test me too."

Huang Tianying shook her head in confusion, and said, "Is there any difference between Heaven and Heaven?"

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he said, "The way of heaven is equivalent to showing the gate to heaven and earth. You should be able to understand this explanation."

Huang Tianying chuckled and said, "Brother, you are still so interesting, but you didn't expect Tangtang Tiandao to be called the gatekeeper. If he hears this, he won't be angry, so he will directly ask you to settle the score?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I'm not exaggerating, he really seems to be the gatekeeper to the world!"

Huang Tianying said with a smile, "Don't worry, big brother, I promise you, when you leave this world, I will take good care of Xiao Gaomeng, and no one will bully him."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled lightly, and said, "And I also left him a small backup, I left him four masters as a firm backing."

Huang Tianying said with some puzzlement, "Why don't I know, you still left him a backhand, so who are the four people you mentioned? I want to see, how good is someone who can be called a master by you?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "The situation of the four of them is almost the same as yours, but their talents are not as high as yours. Now their strength has just stepped into the Martial Emperor level. I believe that in a few years they should You have entered the level of Emperor Wu."

Huang Tianying frowned, and said, "Although I haven't walked in the rivers and lakes these years, I have heard some rumors in the rivers and lakes. There are four of them, and their strengths are all at the level of Martial Emperors. I'm afraid they are the four of Kuanglong." Alright."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, it's the four of them, and the four of them can't be used now, how long it will take to get here, and their families have all been settled. The four of them came here After you come here, I hope you can train the four of them well so that they can enter the Emperor Wu level as soon as possible."

Huang Tianying smiled lightly, and said, "It seems that these four people really please you, otherwise you wouldn't have let them come here specially, but don't worry, Brother Bai, I will definitely send them to you." The breakthrough of the early training of the four becomes Emperor Wu level."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Of course I have confidence in you. You must know that you are now a mighty Martial Lord-level powerhouse, and you are about to surpass me soon. How can I be worried about you?"

After looking at herself slightly, Huang Tianying sighed, and said, "Speaking of my current strength, I still have some inexplicable reasons, I don't know why, I just cultivated casually, and my strength is constantly expanding. Will there be some side effects?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "These are because after you gave me your energy back then, the whole world thought you abandoned evil and followed good, so they will give you a reward of great luck. This is because of the reward of great luck, That’s why it allows you to break through the bottleneck, as easy as drinking water.”

Huang Tianying frowned slightly, and said, "Brother, did you arrange this in advance, or you already knew about it, so you took the energy from my body away."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "That's natural. I wouldn't experiment with innocent people. Back then, I had already considered the way out for you, but I didn't expect that this world is really generous."

(End of this chapter)

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