Chapter 331 The cruel truth

Huang Tianying smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Bai, you said that you are so young, why are you doing so many calculations all day long, aren't you tired?"

Bai Yunfei sighed, looked at the sky, and said, "Of course I'm tired, but I can't help but calculate that if I don't handle it properly, everything will become a Buddha."

Huang Tianying shook her head slightly, and said, "This is impossible, you are so strong, how can you do it?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "You haven't seen those real strong men. If you saw them, you wouldn't say such things again."

Huang Tianying didn't have any fear, instead she said with a fighting face, "I really want to see how strong the so-called strong are?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "It's not easy to think of meeting him. When you see him, it proves that the world you live in is about to be destroyed."

Huang Tianying's eyes widened in surprise, and said, "How is this possible? Could it be that Ren Qiang can really destroy the world at will in the end?"

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said seriously, "You are right. When a person is extremely powerful, he can indeed destroy the world. Besides, the person I met is not the real ultimate."

Huang Tianying was a little stunned, but now some really couldn't accept the real reality. He really didn't expect that there would be people in the world who could destroy the world.

Bai Yunfei didn't explain anything, and he didn't comfort anything, because if a person wants to make his martial arts journey far, he must accept this reality, and only by crossing this hurdle can he truly realize his true self. Grow up, otherwise everything is for nothing.

After a long time, Huang Tianying let out a long breath and said slightly, "I know, I believe that one day I will be able to destroy the world."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes and said, "I just told you about a general state, and I didn't ask you to be a demon king who destroys the world, and do you think the world is so easy to destroy? The reason why that person dares to be unscrupulous The destruction of the world is because that world violated the law of the great way, so it will be destroyed, as long as you do not violate the law of the great way, no one will come to destroy you."

Huang Tianying was a little puzzled and said, "Then what is the law of the great way? No one has ever mentioned it. Who knows if you will encounter its law?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, you can just cultivate according to your current situation, and you will never touch the law of the Dao. If you accept the inverse energy from before, then Maybe one day you will touch the law of the Dao and bring about destruction."

Huang Tianying chuckled, and said, "Since that's the case, then I can rest assured. Besides, I probably won't be exposed to inverse energy again in my life."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I probably won't touch it again, after all, even though I took it away from you, you still have a trace of it on your body, and this breath should be able to block it for you. Other inverse energies touch you."

Huang Tianying nodded slightly, and said with confidence, "If that's the case, I'm relieved, but it seems that I haven't cultivated hard enough. I originally thought that it would be a good cultivation level to reach the Martial Venerable level, but now It’s still not enough, I have to continue to practice.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If you want to practice in the future, you must develop your own martial arts on the basis of the martial arts I handed over to you. Only then can you really go far Otherwise, you will never break through to the strength of Wu Zun level."

Huang Tianying smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, I've already noticed this, and now I'm integrating my own, my own perception, and creating my own kung fu."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "I'm really relieved then, you are the most potential I have ever seen, although I had a few people who looked up to me before, but their potential is much lower than yours, they Being involved in a lot of miscellaneous matters, there is no such thing as you that can improve your strength without any worries."

When Huang Tianying saw that Bai Yunfei said this, there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes, he smiled slightly, and said, "I believe they should all be very important people to you."

Bai Yunfei laughed a little, and said, "You are right. They are indeed very important people to me. It is because of these concerns for relatives that they support me to go on."

Huang Tianying smiled softly and said, "In that case, can I also become the person you care about in this world?"

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Of course, not only you, but also Gao Meng are the people I care about in this world."

Huang Tianying nodded slightly, looked into the distance, and said with a soft smile, "Brother Bai, the four people you mentioned are here now, should I pick them up, otherwise, the four of them will definitely not be able to get in." here."

However, Bai Yunfei didn't ask Huang Tianying to pick up Yang Yi and the four of them to come in, but smiled lightly and made Huang Tianying look at the four of them as a joke.

When the four of Yang Yi came here, they found that there was smoke everywhere, and the four of them actually lost their way here, which was a very incredible thing for the four of them.

Wu Long frowned, and said to the three of Yang Yi, "Brother, is this going to be the way to go?"

Yang Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Second brother, you are right. If this continues, I will die. Although there will be no danger to my life, I will suffer some torture, so we must find a way out now. "

Qin Long looked around for a while, sighed slightly, and said, "Brother, what you said is simple, but how can we leave? There is no one around here, how can we find the way out?"

Qin Hu nodded in agreement, and said, "We really can't do it, so let's take a rest where we are, and when the surrounding fog clears, we should be able to find our way out."

Wu Long shook his head slightly, and said, "Fourth brother, can't you see it? The fog here will never dissipate. If we can go up, there will be no such thing as Misty Villa."

(End of this chapter)

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