Chapter 335 Bai Yunfei's Plan
Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, looked at Miss Jia and the wretched man who were constantly fighting on the ring and said with a slight smile, "Then tell me why both of them can become warriors, especially that wretched man, You can actually become a strong military commander, but you can only struggle hard."

Heizi frowned, and said helplessly, "Does it need to be said? Of course I don't have the talent to practice martial arts. If I had the talent to practice martial arts, I would definitely be as strong as them."

Bai Yunfei smiled and nodded, and said, "You're right, they do have the talent to practice martial arts, but you're wrong about one thing, if you can own wealth that can rival a country, then you can buy some panacea , In that case, you can also become a warrior, although the warrior you become like that does not have any potential, but it is still a warrior after all."

Heizi shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Brother Bai, don't make fun of me here. Of course I am self-aware. Once I really become wealthy, I'm afraid the end will be very miserable." , because my current financial resources have been targeted by some people, if I really have more property, I am afraid that I will be silenced in minutes."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with some satisfaction, "Yes, you have a unique vision. If you become a warrior, I'm afraid you will be able to go far, far. I dare not ask for it."

Heizi suddenly looked at Bai Yunfei curiously, and said, "Brother Bai, we just met today, even an hour ago, we didn't recognize each other, so why did you help me?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "I'm just idle and bored, and I plan to find some fun things for some people so that they won't have to stare at me every day."

Although Heizi doesn't know who Bai Yunfei is talking about, he knows that the person Bai Yunfei is talking about should be very powerful, but if he knows that what Bai Yunfei is talking about is the way of heaven in their world, I don't know if Heizi will dare to accept it. Bai Yunfei gave him the opportunity.

Heizi said firmly, "If I can really become a warrior, no matter how hard it is, I won't give up."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "I also believe in my vision. I believe that you will not let me down, but before that, let's watch the good show on the ring here."

Heizi nodded, but he no longer has any interest in watching the wonderful fights in the martial arts arena, and now he only wants to become a martial artist as soon as possible.

Of course Bai Yunfei knew what Heizi was thinking now, but he didn't nod, but watched the cat catching mice on the ring with great interest.

Of course the cat is Miss Jia, and the mouse is that wretched man.

I saw that wretched man running fast, constantly attacking Miss Jia from the side, but no matter whether he succeeded or not, he immediately retreated, absolutely not willing to fight, which made Miss Jia furious immediately.

But this Miss Jia's strength is really not covered. Although he has been taking this wretched man and has no way to do it, she can still maintain the output in her hands very well.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said to Heizi, "The competition in the arena will be of great help to you in the future, so hold your breath and watch the competition in the arena carefully."

After Heizi was stunned for a moment, he immediately abandoned all distracting thoughts and concentrated on watching the competition on the ring.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yunfei chuckled, he never thought that this sunspot could get rid of his distracting thoughts so quickly.You know, it is very difficult for a person to completely eliminate his distracting thoughts, but this sunspot can quickly eliminate his distracting thoughts, which proves that he also has some talents.

But at this moment, Ms. Jia on the ring seemed to have reached the limit of her endurance, and she burst out with a powerful aura in an instant.

I saw Ms. Jia waving the sword in her hand quickly, and shot towards the direction of the wretched man. Due to the speed in Ms. Jia's hand, in the eyes of some people outside, it seemed that many people appeared. The sword shrouded that wretched man.

The wretched man also fell to the ground in response. There were several wounds on his body, but they were not fatal, and he was directly kicked off the ring by Miss Jia.

Ms. Jia took a short breath, and went directly to the back of the ring to rest. At this time, a strong man appeared on the ring, waiting for a new challenger to come up.

Heizi was slightly surprised and said, "Brother Bai, it seems that Ms. Jia must have exhausted herself too much, otherwise she would not let other people fight in the ring instead of him. You must know that he spent all of the previous few times alone. The challenge is to beat everyone down."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "It seems that some people's calculations should have failed, but I think it must be someone who is good at calculations because Jia Yuanwai was able to obtain such a large fortune. Someone took advantage of such a loophole. But the more it is like this, the more you can see that what happened today must be very fun, very fun."

Heizi asked curiously, "Why Big Brother Bai? Why did you say that? Why did you say that his plan failed? Does he still have a chance of winning?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Of course there is a chance of winning, and it's still very high. Just look at it. Today, that person's plan should be to exhaust all the people in the arena, and then he will go on stage to challenge." Miss Jia, and one more thing, I may not have noticed before, the strong man on the ring, although the strength of the peak level of generals, but if he appeared, he would also be the peak level of generals, defeat him, Then Miss Jia will have no choice but to stand up to meet the challenge, and he can still achieve his goal."

Heizi took a breath, and said in a puzzled way, "Why is this person so powerful, and he can still mobilize such people? Who the hell is he? He can actually have such a great ability, so he will come directly to propose marriage." Isn’t that all right? Why bother with these little tricks?”

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "He is demonstrating, and he is also showing his strength, just to give himself a higher right to speak in the Jia family in the future, instead of being controlled by others after he gets married."

(End of this chapter)

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