Chapter 336
Heizi shook his head slightly, and said a little incomprehensibly, "Brother Bai, you have spent so much effort with this person, what's the use of it just to demonstrate? This will indeed improve his status in the future, but I'm afraid it won't improve much. After all, Jia Yuanwai dotes on Miss Jia very much. Generally speaking, Aiwujiwu shouldn't make things difficult for his son-in-law."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "It's really hard to say, people's hearts are so close, and no one knows what the other person is thinking, so this person who hides behind spends so much time to improve his status."

At this time, the white-faced man who had changed into a black-faced man jumped up directly.

The white-faced man laughed and said, "I don't think the two of us should fight anymore. I am destined to be the son-in-law of your Jia family, so in order for the two of us to get along well in the future, you should go on obediently, or don't blame me later I'll put shoes on for you."

The brawny man frowned and snorted coldly, "Then you beat me first before you talk."

The white-faced man directly took out a big knife, and quickly slashed at the strong man.

And the strong man took out a long spear directly beside him, and quickly resisted it.

I saw that these two people were going back and forth, and within a short period of time, they had already fought for dozens of rounds, and in these dozens of rounds, the two of them were almost head-to-head. Looking at the people in the audience, they were all excited.

After the white-faced big man couldn't attack for a long time, he was not in a hurry, instead he continued to entangle with the strong man with a smile.

At this time, the strong man was slightly anxious, because he found that he hadn't taken down the opponent so far, which was obviously not good for the next challenge, so he could only quickly defeat the challenger Otherwise, their young lady will face the fate of being besieged continuously.

But it is a pity that because the strong man was too anxious, he accidentally cut his back with the big knife in his hand by the white-faced man.

The white-faced man chuckled and said, "I, Tieniu, don't want to bully an injured person. You'd better admit defeat, or the wounds and blood on your back will kill you."

The strong man frowned slightly, shook his head coldly, and said, "Unless you knock me out of the ring today, I will never admit defeat."

Tieniu laughed, and launched a fierce attack directly at the strong man.

Facing Tieniu's frenzied attack, a strong man gradually found it difficult to hold on, because he had been severely injured, so he gradually lost his strength.

At this moment, the strong man suddenly felt dizzy, which was obviously caused by excessive bleeding. Before he could react, he saw a huge blade hit his chest, directly killing him. I shot it myself.

Seeing the strong man fall off the ring, Tieniu laughed and said directly, "I won the fight, Miss, come out and fight me, so that I can marry you quickly."

This is an old man who came out and said with a soft smile to Tieniu, "This strong man, don't worry, you just fought a battle, and your physical strength is exhausted. You should rest on the side and wait until your physical strength recovers." Let's challenge my young lady later."

Tieniu shook his head and said, "I won't rest, let your lady come out quickly. I can't wait to call your lady now."

The old man said with a smile, "This brawny man, please go to the side and rest first. Rules are rules. If you really don't want to abide by them, you will be disqualified."

Tieniu frowned, and had no choice but to reach the designated place, sit down and rest.

Bai Yunfei said to Heizi calmly, "They are both equally strong, but why did this man named Tieniu win?"

After thinking about it carefully, Heizi said, "It was because the strong man was too anxious that he showed his flaws, and the iron bull was very calm and didn't show any weaknesses, so he succeeded."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "You are right, so when you are fighting with others, you must not have any anxiety, no matter how dangerous the situation is, and you must not panic, because the more panic, the faster you will die. "

Heizi nodded, and said, "I see, Brother Bai, I will definitely pay attention to this when I fight with people in the future, and I will never make such a mistake."

At this moment, a young man dressed in white and holding a fan came to the arena lightly.

I saw the young son-in-law say to the old man on the ring, "I'm here to challenge now, who am I going to challenge?"

The old man smiled slightly, clapped his hands and recommended a middle-aged man to come up.

The middle-aged man clasped his fists at the young son with a pair of gloves in his hands and said, "Your opponent is me. As long as you can defeat me, you can rest on the sidelines like the one just now. When it is finalized, there will be no more." If anyone comes to challenge and only the two of you are left, the two of you can decide one person, and the winner will compete with my young lady. As long as you win, congratulations, you will become the uncle of my Jia family. "

The young son frowned slightly, and said, "It's still such a trouble, anyway, just follow your rules."

After the two sides saluted again, the middle-aged man quickly attacked the young son-in-law first.

I saw the exercises that middle-aged men can display, open and close, full of power.

The young son kept on performing lightness kung fu, quickly dodging the middle-aged man's attack, and the fan in his hand even slapped it a few times from time to time.

Heizi was a little puzzled and said to Bai Yunfei, "Brother Bai, how strong are the two of them?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "There is no comparison at all. The middle-aged man's strength is at the peak level of a general, but the young son is already at the level of a military commander. If there are no accidents, this The young son should be able to fight with Miss Jia."

Heizi was even more puzzled and said, "Why didn't that young master solve the battle directly? Instead, he played with the middle-aged man?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Don't you see it now? This young son is just for fun, I guess he just went up there, he didn't really want to marry Miss Jia and this son also brought guards with him." Well, the strength of this guard is not low."

Heizi nodded and said, "No matter how high it is, it probably won't be too high. The strength of the King of Martial Arts can be regarded as a top expert here, and his safety can indeed be guaranteed."

(End of this chapter)

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