Chapter 347 Hide and Seek

Heizi nodded slightly, and said, "I see, Brother Bai, I will definitely pay attention to this aspect. But Brother Bai, if we run like this now, will there be some danger in the safe zone?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "The road I'm taking should be considered safe, because there are no traces of anyone around, so I can pass here with confidence, but I can't guarantee it when I get to the front, because whoever I don't know which direction the other party will come in from, and where they will go, so I can't help but meet them here."

Sure enough, before the soldiers ran far, Bai Yunfei made all the soldiers stop, because there were some man-made traces around, obviously some soldiers passed by here.

After Bai Yunfei asked the soldiers to do a rough job, he came to a rough conclusion that the number of soldiers walking from here was about 80.

Heizi said with some doubts, "Brother Bai, shall we continue to move forward, or take a detour?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Yunfei said, "It's more convenient to take a detour. If you follow their tracks, you won't be caught. It's better to take a detour around their traps."

Bai Yunfei controlled all the soldiers, quickly bypassed this place, and quickly ran towards the neighbors from a place where there were no traces of people, but at this time, because there were already people, so even in places where there were no traces, he was very careful.

It was because of Bai Yunfei's carefulness that he escaped many dangers. Bai Yunfei didn't expect that he was just being vigilant normally, and actually discovered many traps. Obviously, this was deliberately done by someone. laid out here.

Heizi gasped slightly, and said, "The traps here are really ingenious, and what's even more inconceivable is that there is no trace of anyone coming and going around. It seems that he is a master at setting traps."

Bai Yunfei nodded and said, "Yes, he is indeed a master, and he is a very powerful master. I didn't even notice that there was a trap. If it's not normal, be careful. I'm afraid you won't even know what happened when you die." dead."

Heizi sighed slightly and said, "If everyone trains here, I'm afraid everyone will march and fight, and they will definitely fight with one against a hundred."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Being able to enter here is a coincidence, or a person with great fortune. It is your fortune that you met me, so you can be here. But what you said is indeed good In fact, it is not the martial arts that are the most important here, but the experience here, because here you can be unscrupulous, without worrying about any consequences, you can arrange anything at will, and realize any of your ideas. As for the final It doesn’t matter how effective it is, even if it fails, it’s tantamount to avoiding this kind of encounter in actual combat.”

Heizi nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, everyone has experienced it here. I'm afraid they will return to their own world. Let them go to march and fight. I'm afraid they will make the other party doubt their lives."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "You're right, you can definitely make them doubt their lives, but let's hurry up and find a safe place to hide, otherwise, we will be wiped out later."

After scanning the surroundings, Heizi shook his head and said, "I have checked the surrounding situation just now. According to the feedback from the perspective of the soldiers, I am afraid that we have no place to hide at all. There is such a piece of grass around. There is no cover."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "The location we are in is very bad. If there are people running into the safety zone behind, our place is the only way to go. If it is in other directions, it is fine, but if someone To come out behind us would be absolutely catastrophic for us."

Heizi also said slightly seriously, "Now we have to find a place to hide immediately, but Brother Bai, look around for yourself, there are really no obstructions."

After Bai Yunfei thought about it for a while, he said with a smile, "We are all on the edge of our horns now. Although there are no shelters around, these grasses are natural shelters. As long as we dig more deep holes on the ground, people will Lying inside and keeping the turf off our bodies is a natural defense, so that we can hide under the nose of the enemy and not be discovered by the enemy."

Heizi disagreed and said, "I don't think this method is very good, because now everyone will check to see if there are any traps around, so our little disguise can't deceive them at all."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I have already thought about this, so we need to choose a suitable position for cover, and I have already found this position, it is definitely a very good choice for us .”

Bai Yunfei quickly manipulated the soldiers, and entered the place he mentioned before. Today, the vegetation here is more vigorous, and the surrounding terrain is more sunken than other places.

Heizi looked at this natural place, laughed immediately, and said, "I really didn't expect it, why didn't I notice it just now, there is such a good place here, it is hidden here from us, I am afraid no one around will be able to find it, even if they Walking by us, I'm afraid I won't know, there are people hiding under here."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "With this place, I'm afraid we will have a bumper harvest in the future."

As time passed, Bai Yunfei and his soldiers had completely hidden their tracks. At this moment, a lot of soldiers appeared behind them, and they all rushed towards the safe zone. Come here, when they finally ran into the safe zone, all these soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, high-intensity running was very tiring for them.

However, the people who controlled these soldiers were also very vigilant, and let the rest of the soldiers rest, but separated out a few soldiers, and quickly dispersed towards the surroundings, apparently to check the surrounding environment.

But it is a pity that all those soldiers walked past Bai Yunfei and the others, and no trace of Bai Yunfei and the others was found. exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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