Chapter 348 Quickly Evacuate

I saw that the soldiers at the back quickly passed by Bai Yunfei's soldiers after they passed by the surrounding soldiers and found that there was no one around.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei manipulated all the soldiers to attack violently, those soldiers who were directly frightened were caught off guard, and beheaded them all in such a dazed effort.

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled the soldiers, surrounded the few soldiers who were investigating, raised their knives and dropped them, and solved them all in an instant.

After dealing with all the soldiers, Bai Yunfei quickly controlled all the soldiers, searched all the supplies, and left here quickly, because this place was no longer suitable for ambush.

Heizi said with some reluctance, "Brother Bai gave up such a good place like this. Isn't it a bit too wasteful? If we continue to ambush here, no one should notice the abnormality here."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "The surrounding environment has been destroyed, and the remaining people are definitely human spirits. No one dares to bring them here, and if they give any clues, they will definitely launch an attack. , so you can’t take any risks here.”

Heizi nodded slightly, checked the number of surviving people, and said, "I really didn't expect that more than 2000 people died in just less than a day, and now there are only more than 1000 people left. It's really intense." of."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's time for a tough battle, the more dangerous it is at night."

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled all the soldiers and continued to walk towards the center of the safety zone, because he planned to take the lead first. After all, if he dragged to the end, he would be really passive.

After running for an unknown amount of time, they found a small town again, and the small town was in a mess. Obviously, it had already been searched, and there had been a fight.

Bai Yunfei still dispatched a few soldiers, and after quickly searching the entire town, he safely brought all the soldiers into the town.

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "Brother Bai, do we want to stay longer in this town?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Of course we have to stay here longer, because we are already very close to the center of the safe zone, and even if we refresh the new position again, we probably won't be too far away from us, so this position Just right."

Heizi nodded and said, "I'm here to reap the benefits of fishing, right Brother Bai?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "That's right, but there can be no battles, and we don't want any battles because we are almost at full strength now. If we can delay until the final decisive battle, our chances of winning are the highest. If you launch an attack rashly, even if you get some equipment, it will not be worth the loss."

Heizi nodded slightly, and said, "I see, Brother Bai, but the two teams outside seem to be slowly moving towards us, shouldn't we take more precautions?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, looked at the soldiers of the two teams slowly leaving from around them, shook his head, and said, "It's a very good thing for the two teams to play forward for us, Just wait quietly, and they dare not come to this village, because no one knows if there are any ambushes or traps in this village, so when they see that the village has been searched, so There's no need to take that risk."

Heizi said with some admiration, "Brother Bai, I really didn't expect you to be so insightful into their thoughts."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "This is just a small calculation, now we just need to wait slowly, but we must be careful to look around, and don't be surrounded by others at that time." , I don’t know yet!”

As time passed, there were still more than 100 people left on this battlefield, and many of the remaining 100 people were already remnants and defeated soldiers, but the soldiers who survived were all their strongest soldiers , if you are not careful, you can directly overturn the existence.

Although Heizi is a rookie, he can obviously feel that the surrounding environment has gradually become depressing, but they are lucky that they are still in the safe zone after the safe zone is refreshed.

However, Bai Yunfei said to Heizi with a serious face, "This village may not be able to stay any longer. If the safe zone is refreshed again, this village will definitely become everyone's primary target while we are still in the safe zone. So now we have to find a way to get out of here."

Heizi said worriedly, "But Brother Bai, didn't you notice it? There are already two teams around here for four weeks. If we leave here rashly, they will definitely find us."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "I've noticed it a long time ago, but now it's beyond our control."

Heizi said anxiously, "Brother Bai, I don't think we need to be so aggressive. Wait a little longer, maybe there will be new changes."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, directly manipulated all the soldiers, and began to set traps in the house, and then all the soldiers quietly left the village and quickly crawled away with the help of the surrounding grass.

Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei expected, not long after he left, countless attacks fell on the small village, but at this time there was no one in the village at all, so all the houses in the small village were collapsed. on the ground.

The party that launched the attack did not expect to see the small village where there should be a figure, but there is no figure at this time, and it was suddenly a little dazed.

Then the team quickly wished all the soldiers to come to this small village. Originally, according to his wish, he would leave here after building some traps.

But he never expected that Bai Yunfei would set many traps here, and even if the house collapsed, those traps were not triggered.

Then when more than 100 soldiers came here quickly, when they entered this small village, their tragic fate was completely decided.

After hearing a crackling sound, all the more than 100 soldiers fell into the deep pit, and were strung together into candied haws by some sharp wooden thorns inside.

At this moment, again, many soldiers searched towards the small village from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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