Chapter 363 Heizi Breaks Through
At this time, Heizi was also very strong in the ring, but all the disciples who were fighting against him were easily defeated by him.

Heizi was standing on top of the ring right now, there was no one to challenge him anymore, so he was left aside like this, while the others competed with each other on the sidelines.

Heizi didn't care about this either, he just stood quietly on the ring, waiting for the others to decide the winner, so that he could advance to the next competition.

But at this moment, a man suddenly sneaked up behind Heizi, holding a long sword, and quickly stabbed Heizi's back.

Heizi, who had been closing his eyes all this time, suddenly opened his eyes, swung the long knife in his hand quickly, and directly knocked the man behind him into the air. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't kill people due to martial arts, the man might have been killed immediately. Heizi cut it in two.

Heizi was also a little impatient by that person, and now he didn't want to wait here for the result, so he took the initiative to attack.

At this moment, everyone in the arena was overwhelmed by Heizi's powerful aura, and then all the disciples were knocked out of the arena like dumplings.

However, Heizi's control method was very good, it didn't hurt them, it just forced them off the ring, and didn't hurt them.

At this moment, an old man directly appeared on the ring and said to Heizi coldly, "Where do you come from? Why are you here to participate in the competition? According to your powerful strength, there is no need to join our Ziyun Pavilion ? What are your intentions?"

Heizi smiled lightly, and said, "Whoever said that to participate in the ring competition must join your Ziyun Pavilion. I came here just to prove my own strength, and then I want to find someone."

The old man said thoughtfully, "It seems that you want to find an acquaintance, but you don't need to participate in this kind of ring competition, because as long as you can pass the few levels of my Purple Cloud Sect, you You will be able to find the person you want, and no one will stop you."

Heizi hesitated for a moment, looked at the old man and said, "Why haven't I heard of it before, and there is such a rule, if I knew, I would never waste my time here, it wouldn't be you doing it here on purpose." Lie to me."

The old man smiled slightly, and said, "Do you think I look like the kind of person who is joking? Don't worry, I am definitely not deceiving you. You only need to ask about this matter and you will know."

After Heizi raised his eyebrows lightly, he said to the old man, "In that case, please take me to your test."

The old man chuckled, then left here with Heizi, heading for a new place.

Bai Yunfei also felt something interesting, so he followed their lives directly. He didn't intend to show up now, but planned to secretly see what's interesting here.

Not long after, they came to a cave, but there were four disciples guarding it outside the cave.

One of the disciples bowed to the old man and said, "Third Elder, what is your business here? Don't tell me you want to bring this little brother by your side to participate in the test?"

The third elder nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, this little brother, he planned to come to find someone, but he went to participate in the ring competition by mistake, so I brought him here to participate in the test."

The four disciples smiled slightly, and said to the third elder, "In this case, we will completely open the mechanism now."

I saw the four disciples came to their respective positions and collectively turned under a stone lamp. After hearing a clicking sound from inside the cave, there should be no movement.

One of the disciples reminded him, "You have to think about it. Now that the organs have been opened, as long as you go in, you won't have any regrets. As long as you can leave here alive, you can enter Ziyunzong to find what you want." I've found someone, and there will be someone to help you when the time comes, so you don't have to worry about getting lost in Ziyun Cave, of course the premise is that you must pass this test."

Heizi nodded slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely pass this test."

Heizi directly stepped into the cave, and sure enough, he realized that there was no way out, so he swaggered forward.

Because Heizi and Bai Yunfei had a background in hunting for treasures before, and he also trained in the chicken-eating battlefield, he avoided these traps very easily.

Heizi passed all kinds of tests with ease along the way. For him, these tests were like child's play, and they were not comparable to those organs in the hidden treasure.

The elders and some disciples who had been watching outside all stared at Heizi in astonishment, passing through many barriers as if they were taking a walk.

One of the elders frowned and said to the people around him, "How did this kid get through so many difficulties so easily? Could it be that someone leaked the secret to him in advance? Tell him something about it, so Will he spend it so easily?"

The third elder shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple, can't you see it? His lightness kung fu is very outstanding, and his understanding of traps is also very good, which is beyond the reach of ordinary disciples." In comparison, I don’t know who the expert taught the disciples is really terrifying, I can imagine that their generation will probably live under his shadow.”

The other elders were also a little silent, because they knew that there would always be a few evildoers born in every era, and these perverted evildoers definitely cannot be seen with the eyes of ordinary people.

Bai Yunfei quietly listened to those people's discussions, smiled slightly, looked at Heizi who was still working hard, and was very satisfied, after all, Heizi has achieved such an achievement in less than half a year in Westinghouse It must have been a huge effort to achieve this step.

At this time, Heizi also encountered a very huge problem, that is, the last level, but in this last level, a battle formation appeared directly waiting for his arrival.

The reason why Heizi stopped here was because the battle formation was arranged by seven people, but the auras of the seven of them were exactly the same.

 Thank you Yun Yongpeng for rewarding and supporting the three chapters to express my gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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