Chapter 364 Sudden Trouble

The seven people in the last level said in unison, "Boy, you are so powerful that you managed to get here so easily, but passing the level of the seven of us is as difficult as reaching the sky."

Heizi frowned slightly, and said, "No matter how difficult it is, I will definitely be able to get through it."

The seven continued to say, "Actually, the seven of us were not here to guard the checkpoint, but who told you that you don't take our checkpoint seriously, so we have to let you know how powerful our Purple Cloud Sect is."

Heizi's face was full of black lines. He didn't expect that he could break through the previous checkpoint so easily, which caused some reluctance on the part of them.

Heizi prepared slightly, then said to the seven people, "Now I am going to challenge you."

These seven people still have a sense of justice, and said at the same time, "You can take a rest, and when you recover to the peak, you will compete with us."

Heizi shook his head slightly, and said, "No need, I'm ready."

The seven people quickly waved the swords in their hands, enveloping Heizi inside.

Heizi frowned slightly, and quickly swung the long knife in his hand, constantly resisting the swords they stabbed from all directions.

And the elders and disciples outside were all talking about it.

One of the disciples said with some pity, "I'm afraid this person can only stop here, he will never pass this level, because the seven-star chain sword array is not so easy to break."

An elder also sighed slightly, and made his own remarks, "Although this person's strength is indeed quite strong, it's a pity that his background is still too small, and he doesn't understand the battle formation at all. Great, if he launches an attack before they set up the formation, there is still a possibility to break through the checkpoint, but it is a pity that he chose head-to-head, so it is very difficult to win."

The third elder smiled softly and said, "Wouldn't it be better to save him from underestimating our Purple Cloud Sect."

Bai Yunfei didn't pay attention to these people, nor did he speak loudly, and these people didn't realize that Bai Yunfei was not from their Purple Cloud Sect.

Heizi who was trapped in the sword formation also took a little serious at this time. He originally thought that even if they were seven people, no matter how they unite, they might not be able to hurt him, but she found that she looked down on these people a little, because He found that these seven people were like babies of the same body, and they could cooperate with each other to reach an incomparable state of tacit understanding.

At this moment, Heizi became serious, put away the long knife in his hand, and took out a long spear. There was a faint cold light on the long spear, which showed that this long spear was not an ordinary weapon, but a Take the rare magic weapon.

He has been waving the long spear in his hand quickly, just like a wandering dragon, wandering quickly in the siege of these people.

Hearing only the sound of clang clang clang, the sword formation of the seven people was directly smashed by Heizi with brute force.

All those people flew upside down, and the swords in their hands were all broken into pieces.

Heizi said indifferently, "Let's make a deal, let's make a deal, now I should be regarded as passing the test."

One of the men stood up and said with a wry smile, "Of course you have passed the test. I never thought that the invincible formation of our seven brothers would be broken so easily by you. Your strength is truly terrifying."

Heizi smiled faintly, and left here directly.

When Heizi walked out of the cave, everyone was excited. They didn't expect Heizi to succeed.

Heizi walked directly in front of the third elder, and said calmly, "I have successfully challenged now, can you allow me to find the person I want?"

The third elder smiled wryly, nodded, and said, "Of course you can find the person you want to find, but you should tell who you want to find. After all, the Purple Cloud Sect is so big, you will definitely not be able to find it by yourself." of."

Heizi nodded and said, "The person I'm looking for is Zi Qing'er."

After thinking about it carefully, the third elder found that he had no impression of the name at all, so he looked at the people around him and said, "Which one of you knows Zi Qing'er?"

The elder who had been at the end came out at this time and said, "That is my latest apprentice."

Heizi immediately came to the elder and said happily, "Then where is Qing'er now?"

After looking at Heizi carefully, the elder said after a moment of silence on Heizi's face, "You should be the Brother Heizi that Qing'er has been talking about. It's almost time to leave the customs, you go there to find her."

After Heizi happily asked about the location, he quickly rushed towards the elder's cave.

After Heizi left, all the elders were a little bit happy, because they could already see that this Heizi should have come here to find someone he liked. Will stand by.

Bai Yunfei looked at the happy faces of the people around him, and nodded slightly. He didn't expect that the relationship between the people in Ziyun Sect would be so harmonious. This is really a rare scene, and he can It can be seen that these elders treat all disciples equally, no matter whether they are low or high.

Bai Yunfei looked at the sky outside, and frowned slightly. He didn't expect that troubles would come.

Bai Yunfei left here directly and quickly, and came to the mountain outside Ziyunzong, facing the sky and shouted coldly, "You actually dare to come to cause trouble for me, believe it or not, I will completely destroy you now, Originally, I just didn't want to cause any trouble, but you actually dared to cause trouble for me, so I will teach you a profound lesson."

Bai Yunfei directly took out a bow and arrow, and quickly shot it towards the sky.I saw countless arrows all piercing the sky quickly and falling towards the distance.

At this moment, countless screams sounded, and in the meantime, there were hundreds of people in the corner below Ziyunzong mountain, all of them were shot by arrows and were nailed in place, but these people did not All of them died, but it was almost the same if they didn't die. They were wailing there one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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