Chapter 365 Leave this world
This is an old man who soared into the sky, came directly in front of Bai Yunfei, and said coldly to Bai Yunfei, "You have such a poisonous heart, you have such a cruel hand on so many people, don't you have any kindness?" heart?"

Bai Yunfei looked at the old man indifferently, and said, "You are Ji Tianzhang, the dean of Tianwu Academy, right? This is just a small warning for you. Don't think that you are invincible because you are ranked first in Tianwu Academy on the entire continent. There are many people who want to destroy you, so please keep a low profile for me."

Ji Tianzhang looked at Bai Yunfei with a gloomy face, and said, "Are you threatening me? You are really arrogant."

Bai Yunfei sneered, raised his hand, and slapped Ji Tianzhang again.

Ji Tianzhang was taken aback, and quickly resisted Bai Yunfei's palm, but he underestimated Bai Yunfei's palm and was directly sent flying by Bai Yunfei's palm.

Ji Tianzhang crashed into a big tree in an instant, was seriously injured and lay on the ground, unable to get up again, but he looked at Bai Yunfei in horror.

He really didn't expect that his majestic Martial Lord level powerhouse would be seriously injured by someone's palm so easily.

He originally thought that he was already a peak-level powerhouse in this world, but now he looked at himself as a real frog in a well.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "I know your reason for coming. Didn't you come here to avenge your nephew Guan Wei? Let me tell you clearly now that it was my brother who killed your nephew Guan Wei. If you If you have any dissatisfaction, you can come to me at any time. Of course, if I meet you next time, it will not be in the current state, and I will completely wipe your Tianwu Academy from this world."

But Ji Tianzhang spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a wry smile, "Don't worry, I will never come to trouble him again. Wherever he appears, all the disciples of my Tianwu Academy will stay away, so it's okay."

Bai Yunfei didn't even look at Ji Tianzhang, and left here directly.

But not long after Bai Yunfei left, what happened here was already known by those people from Ziyun Sect, and all of them were shocked immediately.

Bai Yunfei found Heizi, saw that Heizi was still there, quietly waiting for his childhood sweetheart to come out, smiled slightly, and said to Heizi, "I have taken care of your troubles for you, don't worry about that anymore. The forces behind Guan Wei have come to trouble you, and you can freely travel around the world."

Heizi looked at Bai Yunfei and said with a wry smile after hearing Bai Yunfei's words, "I don't see the power behind them in my eyes at all, as long as you give me some time, none of them will be my opponent, but Brother Bai , You definitely didn't come to tell me this, are you leaving this world?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "You are right, I am indeed planning to leave this world, but before I leave this world, I will say goodbye to you first, and take care of some small troubles for you by the way."

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "But Brother Bai, don't you still have a few years left? Why do you suddenly plan to leave here?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Some things happened temporarily, so I urgently need to leave here, but I will come back when I have a chance in the future."

Heizi said slightly regretfully, "But it's a pity that you were not allowed to attend my wedding."

Bai Yunfei waved his hand casually, and a storage bag appeared again, and he threw it to Heizi with a slight smile, and said, "I will give you some small things here as gifts for your wedding, I hope that when I see you, It's not as weak as it is now."

Heizi nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, I will definitely not be as weak as I am now. When you see me again, I will definitely stand at the top of the world and wait for you."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said, "It's useless to just stand at the top, only to constantly transcend yourself, this is the real thing."

Heizi smiled wryly, and said, "I still intend to become the most high-end master in this world first, let's talk about it, my current strength can only belong to the middle level, and it is still low. I should wait until I can truly protect myself. Keep breaking through yourself."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "It's all up to you to remember. Only by relying on your own strength to gain strength is the strongest, and if you rely on external strength, it is not the strongest strength at all."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he burst out laughing, and saw that the whole space began to tremble continuously, a black hole appeared in front of Bai Yunfei, wrapped Bai Yunfei inside, and disappeared without a trace up.

When Bai Yunfei opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in a new world. This new world had a very strange name called Kewu World.

Bai Yunfei raised his eyebrows, and dared to call Kewu time, which means that the science in this world should be very developed.

Bai Yunfei looked around, he planned to find a place to rest temporarily, but he didn't expect that he was stopped by a very strange person before he walked a few steps.

After Bai Yunfei looked at this strange person, he said lightly, "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

I saw that person uttered a strange cry, and then quickly rushed towards Bai Yunfei, and at the same time, several tentacles appeared on his mouth.

Just when Bai Yunfei wanted to fight back, a flying knife suddenly flew from a distance, cutting off the man's tentacles in an instant.

A man wearing armor appeared in front of Bai Yunfei and punched that strange man flying.

I saw that the armored man took out a sword again and instantly killed the weird man in half.

However, Bai Yunfei was surprised to find that the dead strange man was not left with red blood, but green blood.

After the man in armor killed this strange man, he immediately removed the armor from his body, changed into casual clothes and walked in front of Bai Yunfei.

"Why are you so bold to walk in this forest by yourself? If I hadn't come quickly, you would have been eaten by this strange person."

Bai Yunfei was a little puzzled and said, "Is the Yiren you mentioned the one you killed just now? How could he bleed green blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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