Chapter 366 The World of Kewu
The man looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise and said curiously, "Where did you come from? You don't even know such simple knowledge!"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "I'm not from your world, I just came here by chance, and it won't cause you much trouble."

The man was not surprised. Instead, he nodded and said, "So that's the case, and this is the only way to explain why you don't even know such basic knowledge."

Seeing the expression of the man over there, Bai Yunfei said curiously, "Why aren't you surprised that I came to your world from another world?"

The man chuckled and said, "Is this so strange? In our world, people from other worlds come to our world. Of course, most of the people who come here are hospitable, but there are also some people. They came here to do evil, and we exist to get rid of those who do evil."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "I see, what the hell is that one you killed just now?"

The man sighed slightly, and said, "The one I killed just now is called the Yiren, and they evolved after some changes. They no longer have any reason. They like to hunt like wild beasts, but they still have one. A very terrifying ability, that is to devour, once the powerful people killed by them are swallowed by them, they will instantly become stronger."

Bai Yunfei nodded, looked behind the man, and said, "Is there still a strange beast?"

The man nodded and said, "There are indeed alien beasts, and they are also evolved from animals, but their strength is even more terrifying than those aliens."

Bai Yunfei looked behind the man and said, "Indeed, he is much stronger than that alien just now."

The man also felt instantly that something was wrong. Immediately after summoning the armor, he immediately dodged to the side, turned around and saw the strange beast behind him.

But what was very strange was that the strange beast didn't directly attack them, but watched Bai Yunfei from a distance and they didn't dare to go forward.

The man panicked and said to Bai Yunfei, "Get out of here quickly. This is a general-level beast. I can only hold him back. It will be very difficult to defeat it for a while. Go find it quickly." My companions, they are nearby, just tell them my name is Luo Yunfeng."

Bai Yunfei didn't leave, but said indifferently, "It seems that you have temporarily reached the general-level strength with the help of the armor's energy, but you don't really have the general-level strength. This should be your shortcoming."

Luo Yunfeng suddenly looked at Bai Yunfei in despair, and said, "I haven't left yet, don't you know the horror of this strange beast, he is at the level of a general."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and after scanning the situation here, he smiled wryly. He didn't expect that the highest level of strength here has reached the level of Martial King. The strength of this world is really pitifully low.

Bai Yunfei picked up a few stones casually, and shot towards the strange beast, only to see that the strange beast roared, before it could launch an attack, it was penetrated by those few stones of Bai Yunfei body, dead.

Luo Yunfeng looked at Bai Yunfei dumbfounded, and said, "What kind of strength are you? With a few stones, you can kill this powerful beast."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "What's so curious about this? As long as your strength becomes stronger in the future, you can also do what I am doing now, but what I am more curious about now is why you are so weak. Could it be that human beings have not passed on your strength?" Is it a powerful technique?"

Luo Yunfeng smiled wryly, and said, "Humanity as a whole is relatively strong now. Humanity in the past was not even as good as today's children."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "That is to say, the current human beings may perish at any time?"

Luo Yunfeng nodded slightly, and said, "You are right. Human beings are already in danger. Fortunately, Dr. Xia has developed armors. It is precisely because of these armors that we humans can get rid of the current situation." We are in a difficult situation, but the most powerful existence among the beasts of the First World War, if we attack us, there is still no way to resist."

Bai Yunfei said curiously, "What's going on here? How could your world have changed so much?"

Luo Yunfeng said with a wry smile, "This is all the work of those scientists. They discovered some powerful corpses left over from the ancient times. These corpses have been precipitated for tens of thousands of years, but they did not leave any traces, just like being alive." The same. Those scientists did experiments with these corpses, but who would have thought that an accident would happen."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "What's the accident? Could it be that the experiment failed?"

Luo Yunfeng shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's not that the experiment failed, but that the experiment was indeed a success, but because of an operation error, the information of the entire experiment was sent out, and the entire universe has undergone tremendous changes, and it is no longer the same as before. It is not a new kind of universe, but a new kind of universe, the whole world has also undergone tremendous changes, and all energy weapons have lost their effect."

Bai Yunfei said somewhat differently, "But don't your current armors also have energy?"

Luo Yunfeng shook his head and said, "This is different. Although the armors on us have energy, they all stimulate the potential of our own bodies. And most people can't bear such four seasons at all, so we armored warriors also have energy. It will be less and less, but now it is good to be able to resist the attacks of those aliens and beasts."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "Then what did the foreigner you mentioned bring you?"

Luo Yunfeng smiled slightly, and said, "They brought us some basic cultivation techniques, and it is because of these basic cultivation techniques that they will make our strength stronger and stronger, so that we will not be as strong as before. , just relying on brute force to fight."

Bai Yunfei appeared next to Luo Yunfeng in an instant, put his hand on Luo Yunfeng's body, and immediately checked the situation in Luo Yunfeng's body with his own spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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