Chapter 373 The base is attacked
Zhang Tianhe said with a wry smile, "What you said is not wrong at all. I did see him. What surprised me even more is that he is actually my younger brother."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "Then what did he tell you? He was able to make you lie without letting other teammates know."

Zhang Tianhe said helplessly, "It's very simple, that is, my parents are in exactly the same situation as me, and they have been kidnapped by my damn brother Zhang Tianhu. If I dare to speak about my parents, I will definitely die."

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, looked at Zhang Tianhe and said, "You are really confused, don't you know that even if your parents are alive, they will probably become the root of a person, there is no other possibility."

Zhang Tianhe said slightly sadly, "Actually, I've already guessed it, but I'm just thinking of getting lucky, but now it seems that he is purely using me."

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, and said, "You have to pay attention to things in the future, now all the hidden dangers in your body have been solved, but it doesn't mean that your brother won't come to trouble you."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he left here. In fact, he was not willing to help Zhang Tianhe because Zhang Tianhe should be the son of heaven and earth in this world because of the qi cloud on Zhang Tianhe's body.Even if he is not saved, he will definitely be able to get yesterday's fortune.But after saving him now, all this is not easy to say.

Bai Yunfei returned to his room and continued to rest.

As time slowly passed, Bai Yunfei had been here for a full month, but during this month, Bai Yunfei didn't do anything other than give advice on their cultivation. .

But in the past month, the strength of all the people in their entire base has grown rapidly, and they are no longer as weak as when Bai Yunfei arrived, and everyone has become a master of martial arts.

Just then, the aliens and alien beasts who had been motionless all this time suddenly rioted.

I saw them rushing towards the base mightily, obviously they wanted to completely destroy the base.

All the people have entered a state of intense combat readiness, carefully watching the crazy aliens and beasts outside the base, but neither side is in a hurry to launch an attack.

At this time, Zhang Tianhe lost his mind somehow, and jumped directly into the crowd of strangers, fighting non-stop, but there was only one direction for him, and that was straight ahead.

Dongfang Yugang wanted to organize everyone to rescue, but was stopped by Bai Yunfei Bai Yunfei said lightly, "This is the path he chose, there is no need for everyone to be buried for him, this is what he should do, here Just watch quietly, he will definitely not die so easily."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he looked at the sky, and said coldly, "I really didn't expect that you would start to recover by accident, but so what? You really thought that you could be destroyed again at any time now." Can you turn the world upside down?"

Bai Yunfei's soliloquy didn't attract everyone's attention, because everyone was focused on watching the battle below.

Naturally, Zhang Tianhe's cultivation base was a bit shorter than when they first cultivated, but his cultivation speed surpassed everyone else's. Now he is already a mighty Martial King-level powerhouse, and has already caught up with Dongfang Yu's strength.

The strength of King Wu instantly showed his extraordinaryness among these strangers.Whenever he was close to all the aliens, all their heads fell to the ground. Obviously, his sword skills are also very powerful.

Just like that, Zhang Tianhe actually killed him directly, and stopped in front of a very tall alien in the middle.

The aliens around Zhang Tianhe also stopped attacking, and surrounded them strangely.

Dongfang Yu frowned, and said, "What's going on here? Could it be that Zhang Tianhe and that tall alien don't know each other? Why are the other aliens wrong, and he launched an attack?"

Bai Yunfei said calmly, "That tall alien is Zhang Tianhe's younger brother Zhang Tianhu."

Everyone in the base was taken aback. No one thought that Zhang Tianhe's younger brother, Zhang Tianhu, could awaken his memory again. But since he had already awakened, why didn't he come back? Instead, he mixed with those people and even organized these artists to attack him. base.

Zhang Tianhu looked at Zhang Tianhe and said coldly, "My stupid brother, I gave you a chance to live forever, but you gave it up. You really let me down."

Zhang Tianhe frowned, and said to Zhang Tianhu, "You used to be a human being, don't you really have any compassion? Have you forgotten how well everyone treats you? Have you forgotten how father and mother treat each other well?" Is your upbringing grace? Are you worthy of your own heart for treating your parents like this? "

Zhang Tianhu said with a strange smile, "Why are you all still human beings, but I have become this kind of monster? But I understand now that this is God's reward for me. It can make me immortal and make me a monster." The overlord of the universe, so you should obediently wake up, I can make you immortal, and I can also let you retain your current wisdom and become the generals of my alien race, and then we can occupy the entire universe."

Zhang Tianhe shook his head slightly, and said, "Stop daydreaming here, wake up quickly, there is still time to look back now, but if you continue like this, it will never be possible to go back to the past. "

Zhang Tianhu looked at Zhang Tianhe and said, "Since that's the case, my brother and I will never have any relationship. Starting today, the two of us are enemies of life and death. I have to see who can survive to the end."

As Zhang Tianhu's voice fell, all the strangers around quickly rushed towards Zhang Tianhe, obviously they were already impatient.

Zhang Tianhe didn't panic at all, but roared angrily, and the knife in his hand quickly slashed back and forth, cutting all the strangers who approached him to pieces.

But at this moment, two strangers suddenly continued to rush towards Zhang Tianhe quickly, but after Zhang Tianhe was stunned when he saw the two alone, he didn't attack them, but retreated quickly. dodged their attacks.

Luo Yunfeng suddenly said in horror, "How is this possible? How could Uncle Zhang and the others have become strangers, and why are they still outside? How is this possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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