Chapter 374 Zhang Tianhe died
Bai Yunfei looked at the thoughtful Dongfang Yu at the side, smiled slightly, and said, "Well, have you already guessed something?"

Dongfang Yu frowned, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Did you already know?"

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said lightly, "Do you still remember why I was unwilling to save him last time? This is the reason."

Luo Yunfeng was a little puzzled and said, "Why don't you want to save him? No, hasn't he changed his original intention until now?"

Bai Yunfei sighed, and said, "Don't you guys see it by now? He has a huge weakness, and that is family affection. For his so-called filial piety, he gave up everything."

The people around were all silent, because they knew Zhang Tianhe better than Bai Yunfei, and Zhang Tianhe was indeed such a person.

Although a person's filial piety is a very good virtue, this kind of filial piety is based on a person's suffering, that is selfishness.

I only heard Zhang Tianhu sneer at Zhang Tianhe and said, "Don't you still want to kill your parents with your own hands?"

After Zhang Tianhe was stunned for a moment, he dodged his parents' attack again and said to Zhang Tianhu who was beside him, "You really turned all your parents into strangers, you bastard, you can really do it! "

But Zhang Tianhu looked at Zhang Tianhe with disdain and said, "You think everyone is as stupid as you, just wait quietly for a while, and parents will definitely gain wisdom again, so that they can be like me , live forever.”

Zhang Tianhe said with an ugly face, "If parents gain wisdom again, it will be very painful. This is definitely not what they want."

Zhang Tianhu sneered, and said, "Then you are wrong, this is exactly what parents want, and this is what I asked for their wishes, so I transformed them."

Zhang Tianhe stood in place like a lightning strike. If it was really his parents' wishes, he really didn't know what to do?But if it is not stopped, the identities of the two sides will be different now.

But what surprised everyone was that Uncle Zhang and his wife, who had originally attacked Zhang Tianhe, had undergone a huge change at this time.

Zhang Tianhe also carefully watched the different changes in his parents.

Bai Yunfei glanced at it, and said coldly, "Now it's time to make a real decision."

Dongfang Yu's body trembled involuntarily, and the thing she was most worried about happened.

Seeing Zhang Tianhe's father, a gleam of wisdom appeared in his eyes at this time, and he was no longer the chaotic look before.

Zhang Tianhe's father said coldly to Zhang Tianhe, "You unfilial son, are you planning to kill me too? Your brother made our family an eternal existence with good intentions, but you don't appreciate it and want to kill us all. Kill me, why do I have an unfilial son like you."

Zhang Tianhe opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to respond to his father's words. After all, the status of the two sides is fundamentally different. Zhang Tianhe belongs to human beings, but his parents and his younger brother belong to Stranger.

Zhang Tianhu smiled and said, "My dear brother, how do you choose now? Are you on our side, or on the side of those backward ants."

Zhang Tianhe covered his head in pain and said to his father, "Can't you all live in peace with human beings? Why do you have to fight to the death?"

Zhang Tianhu said coldly, "Is this your answer? You really disappointed us. Since you don't want to stand with us, then you should completely stand with us and be destroyed."

Bai Yunfei frowned but did not make a move. Instead, he sighed and said, "It's all fate. Since he has already made a choice, he has to bear the consequences of making such a choice."

I saw that something huge happened to Zhang Tianhe's body at this time, his height and appearance were constantly changing, and he turned into a half-human, half-human appearance.

Seeing the changes in his body, Zhang Tianhe was not surprised at all. Instead, he looked at Zhang Tianhu and the others with a bitter face, "Compared to you now, I am the real monster. It doesn't matter which side you want to decide whether to live or die." Something happened."

Bai Yunfei slowly jumped down from the city wall, looked at Zhang Tianhe lightly and said, "Is this your choice?"

Zhang Tianhe smiled bitterly, and said, "I don't have any choice at all other than making such a choice, so let me fend for myself."

Bai Yunfei said coldly, "Since you feel such pain, how about I give you a treat?"

After Zhang Tianhe was slightly stunned for a moment, he nodded with some relief, and said, "Thank you so much, I can finally sleep well for a long time, don't worry about it, and worry about these things."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and after taking a picture of him, he left and walked directly towards Zhang Tianhu and the others.

At this moment, all the alien beasts went crazy, and those aliens who were under Zhang Tianhu's control also became crazy, and they were no longer under his control, and all rushed towards Bai Yunfei.

Zhang Tianhu was also slightly investigating, but then he also lost his mind and rushed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei spun quickly, and saw countless flying knives shooting all around, all those strange beasts and people who rushed towards him were all killed by the flying knives.

After Bai Yunfei cleaned up all the alien beasts and aliens around him, he stood in place and looked in Zhang Tianhu's direction.

Because when Zhang Tianhu rushed halfway to Bai Yunfei, he stopped again and ran backwards frantically, allowing him to dodge Bai Yunfei's throwing knife.

It's just that Zhang Tianhu is no longer as rational as before, and now his eyes are red and staring at Bai Yunfei's mouth, and the voice in his mouth has become very weird.

"You damn alien, you dare to stop me, I will let you be destroyed today!"

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly with disdain, and said, "Do you really think that you are still superior before? Now that the whole world is in ruins, even if you recover now, so what, won't you still be destroyed?"

Zhang Tianhu stared at Bai Yunfei and said coldly, "If all humans are wiped out, I can be completely resurrected and become stronger, even able to transcend."

(End of this chapter)

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