Chapter 376 Death Pursuit Mode
The old man smiled faintly, and said, "Now you continue to wait here to reach the new world, or enter the chicken-eating battlefield space to play first?"

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said, "Let's play it, and open the latest mode for me, the death hunt mode. I haven't experienced this mode yet."

The old man nodded, and directly activated the death hunting mode.

Bai Yunfei instantly entered the death hunting mode, but he was very lucky, he became a fugitive directly and could pick up any props.

When Bai Yun quickly went to other things first, a person quickly appeared in front of him, why did Bai Yunfei launch an attack, but that person said loudly.

"Brother, don't launch an attack. We are in the same group, and I am also a fugitive. The hunters have not attacked yet, and they will have to wait a while before they attack us."

Bai Yunfei put down the knife in his hand, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm really sorry that I've become a habit. It's the first time I play this mode, and I'm still not used to it."

That man is also a familiar one, and he also joined the ranks of searching for things. While searching, he said to Bai Yunfei, "This time I was unlucky, and I became a fugitive. If I become a hunter, I can get another one this time." This is the secret book."

Bai Yunfei looked at the man with a little surprise, and said, "Why, don't any fugitives survive now?"

The man shook his head and said, "No, anyway, I have participated so many times, and I haven't seen a single escapee alive. Every time he was beaten to death during the finals."

Bai Yunfei nodded thoughtfully, and said, "You're right. When we reach the final battle circle, the space is too small to be able to use it at all. At that time, they will rush forward, and I'm afraid it will be really difficult to escape."

The man sighed slightly, and continued, "There are even more terrifying ones. If you don't completely dismember them, they won't really die at all. No matter how many injuries they suffer, as long as their bodies are not destroyed, they will die." They will be saved by other people and continue to attack us."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "This is really scary enough, it seems that the chance of surviving is really not high."

The man nodded slightly, seeing that there was nothing here, he said to Bai Yunfei, "No matter what, let's go find something quickly, maybe there will be some miracles."

Seeing the disappearing figure of the man, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because there were only ten people in total, so they had to cooperate and help each other, but from the appearance of the man just now, it could be seen that he was not No hope of winning, no complaints, no hope of winning, certainly not fighting to the death in a real battle, most of them can paddle, it's no wonder that they can win.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and gave up the idea of ​​joining forces with them, so he searched in other directions, but the supplies here are really rich enough, and within a short while, Bai Yunfei had already searched for them. A set of three levels.

Bai Yunfei focused on searching for hidden weapons, poisons and other things, because these should have a great effect on them.

At this moment, the safety zone appeared, but Bai Yunfei and the others were lucky, they were all in the safety zone, but the other nine people were all far away from Bai Yunfei.Three of them are together, and the remaining six people are also scattered, but they are also consciously leaning together.

It is equivalent to saying that Bai Yunfei is alone now, and it is very difficult to join them on the other side alone.

It is estimated that those nine people have completely given up on Bai Yunfei, because after all ten people are together, they can kill more, but if it is only one person, he is really dead if he dies, and there is no possibility of resuscitating him.

Bai Yunfei didn't care about those people's thoughts, but quickly searched the things in front of him, set up some small traps, and then quickly left here.

And those pursuers have all appeared at this time, searching from the outside to the inside.

Bai Yunfei hid on a tree at this time, and frowned slightly as she looked at the most worthless thing passing by under the book, because she did not expect that this time the hunters would actually have dozens of people acting collectively, giving him the current Strength, it is simply impossible for one person to kill dozens of people.

At this moment, the trap he set before was accidentally stepped on by those pursuers.

At this time, all the pursuers rushed over there quickly.

Bai Yunfei discovered that there were still a few pursuers under the book, but they didn't leave. Obviously they planned to go to other places.

Bai Yunfei found that those pursuers were already far away from him, and the few pursuers living below were still walking slowly towards that side.

Bai Yunfei knew that there was no need to delay, so he jumped off the tree immediately, and quickly cut the pursuers into pieces with the big knife in his hand.

Seeing that these dead pursuers actually exposed something, Bai Yunfei quickly picked up the things they dropped, and then quickly left here.

At this moment, all the pursuers also began to slowly approach this side. Obviously, they knew that there must be someone here, so they wanted to kill one less now.

But they didn't know that Bai Yunfei didn't follow the direction they were going, but directly crossed the place they had just been, which was equivalent to leaving their encirclement.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei frowned suddenly, because he discovered that out of the ten fugitives, there were actually only five left now, that is to say, there were already five people, all of whom died immediately.

This was just the beginning, and in less than half a day, half of them were already killed or injured. I am afraid that the other few people are not much better.And what is even more desperate is that there are only ten people missing from the hunters.

Bai Yunfei frowned, he didn't expect the situation to be so dangerous.If he really waits until the end to be surrounded by these, no matter how powerful he is, he will be on the spot. But as the encirclement continues to shrink, sooner or later he will meet these pursuers, and I am afraid that he will definitely die , this is simply a dead end.

But Bai Yunfei didn't really despair, but was constantly calculating the possibility of how to win.

(End of this chapter)

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