Chapter 377
After Bai Yunfei frowned and calculated for a long time, he came to the conclusion that it was very difficult to win the final victory.

Bai Yunfei looked around, then looked at the safe zone, then nodded slightly, and began to complain, with the mentality of killing as many as he could, he began to constantly set up traps.

As the traps kept getting worse, Bai Yunfei gradually felt better.

And Bai Yunfei also gradually understood that this mode is not really without any means of survival, one is that traps can be set up, but killing these pursuers will drop some very strange trap props, or wonderful martial arts, these things can help him continue hunting the remaining pursuers.

At this moment, more than 100 pursuers ran past him wheezingly, but they didn't get close to where Bai Yunfei was, but ran quickly beside him.

Bai Yunfei carefully watched the more than 100 people chasing and left here, frowning slightly.

Because these pursuers left here in such a hurry, it meant that they should have found the traces of the rest of the people, so they went there in such a hurry.

At this moment, on the upper left of Bai Yunfei, more than 50 pursuers appeared again, also rushing in that direction, but their route happened to pass through the trap area that Bai Yunfei had set up.

Bai Yunfei immediately hid his figure very well, quietly waiting for the more than 50 pursuers to take the bait.

Sure enough, the 50 pursuers didn't notice the existence of these traps and ran forward without thinking. Suddenly, all 50 pursuers fell into Bai Yunfei's trap at the same time, a huge deep pit There were many wooden thorns buried inside, and more than 50 hunting soldiers died in an instant.

Bai Yunfei looked at the 50 pursuers who had died and frowned slightly, because he found that the heads of the more than 50 pursuers did not fall to the ground, and the bodies were separated, but they also died. Obviously, what the person said before was not true. not correct.

After Bai Yunfei picked up all the things they dropped, he quickly left here, but now he is sure that the reason why those people saw that some people were hit, their sure-kill blow is not like this, And it will be saved, it should be that he didn't really kill them, and only by killing them twice can he really solve them.

The death of these 50 pursuers instantly attracted the attention of all the pursuers. All the pursuers set their targets here and quickly surrounded them.

Bai Yunfei didn't panic at all. Instead, he had already set up traps around him again. He even rearranged the pit traps. After sorting out, Bai Yunfei didn't stay here, but directly He quickly left here according to the secret passage he left before.

The reason why Bai Yunfei was able to dig so many deep pits, and also dig a passage to leave here very quickly, is all thanks to the props dropped by one of the pursuers, which was a claw, which was used to dig the soil very quickly.

Bai Yunfei looked around cautiously, and found that no one was paying attention, so he quickly came out, this time lying on the ground, carefully watching those pursuers who were walking into the trap.

However, these hunters are very vigilant. Obviously, they are also afraid of traps around them, so they did not go forward boldly, but were all probing. However, after probing for a long time, they found that there was no abnormality, so they went Some of them relaxed, but when all the hunters gathered together, they didn't find any clues about the fugitives. After all these hunters didn't understand, they quickly searched every piece of land like they were searching for land. place.

But their search touched the mechanism, and dozens of pursuers all fell into the mechanism in an instant, and when other pursuers wanted to rescue, they stepped into other organs again. All organs are activated.

There was only a rumbling sound, and after a while, the pursuers had already suffered heavy losses, and only dozens of people were left panting there.

Bai Yunfei had been waiting for this moment, and quickly jumped out. Harvesters kept stalking their lives from behind. When the pursuers realized, there were only ten people left, and ten of them were not Bai Yunfei at all. His opponent was easily harvested by Bai Yunfei.

After Bai Yunfei took a quick look at the battlefield, he left here and headed for a new safe zone.

But Bai Yunfei didn't know, because his knife made all the pursuers panic, because the number of people who died this time was too many, it was equivalent to five or six hundred people died in this area, which is equivalent to about 600/1 of the people died.

The four remaining fugitives all looked at all this in dumbfounded. They did not expect that just one person could kill 600 people directly, which is simply unbelievable.

Bai Yunfei arrived at the new hiding place on time, and this place had just been searched by some hunters, so it was considered safe here, and Bai Yunfei took a rest here.

Bai Yunfei checked the remaining number of people, and was a little surprised to find that after his random jumping up, together with the other four people, and their continuous efforts, the number of pursuers was actually directly reduced to 2000.

After recovering his physical strength, Bai Yunfei planned to join those four people, because the road ahead would be too difficult for one person to win alone. Although the lethality of setting up traps can become very large, the range becomes smaller , so the number of hunters will also increase. The trap has already played a role, and it is not too big.

And the other four people also have the same thoughts as Bai Yunfei. They have now recognized Bai Yunfei's strength, so the four of them also want to unite with Bai Yunfei, because only in this way can they have a certain chance of winning. If it is still called the previous fight alone, I am afraid that no one will win the final victory.

And the hunters at this time have also realized that if the battle is not resolved as soon as possible, they will all encounter dangerous people. To win, they must find the remaining five people quickly, otherwise, they can only Passive defense, in the final encirclement, waiting for the arrival of the enemy, but that is too passive for them, because no one knows from which direction the remaining five fugitives will attack them.

(End of this chapter)

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