Chapter 378 Alliance
Bai Yunfei and the four of them approached in one direction quickly with a tacit understanding, but before they met, those pursuers started their intensive search again.

After several very dangerous dodges, Bai Yunfei finally reunited with those four people.

One of them looked at Bai Yunfei in shock, and said, "I really didn't expect you to be able to survive until now, and you can, but they are hunting you down hard, you are really too powerful."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "As long as you are careful, you can always avoid it, and besides, you are also quite powerful."

The only woman among these few people frowned slightly and said, "But the road ahead is not easy. There are too many of them left. An opponent of a thousand people."

The man who spoke first sighed and said, "If it wasn't for the five of them being accidentally killed by those people, the ten of us would really be able to win the first place together."

A fat man snorted slightly, and said, "Who made those five people so arrogant, thinking that if they found some third-level equipment and third-level martial arts, they would be invincible in the world, and they dared to fight with hundreds of people non-stop? He is looking for death."

Bai Yunfei coughed slightly, and said, "Let's not talk about anything else, let's see what to do first. After all, there are still about [-] people waiting for us. We must use the surrounding environment to weaken the situation again." Check out their people."

The woman frowned and said, "Now they form a team of 500 people and keep searching, and no one will leave the team at all. So if we want to weaken their strength, we must kill 500 people at once. .”

The other people all said with a little dejection, "This is simply impossible. Let alone 500 people, even if there are 300 people, it is enough for five of us to drink a pot."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "I think it's really possible. As long as we make full use of the surrounding environment and set up some traps, we may not be able to kill these people."

After carefully studying all the terrain in the safety zone, the woman sighed, and said, "The surrounding terrain is not good for us at all. We can't find such a harmonious place."

Bai Yunfei looked at the map silently, calculated the time for a short while, and then calculated the best ambush location, and said with a soft smile, "I have found a very good ambush place, as long as it is there a little If you operate it, you should be able to eliminate some pursuers."

Looking at the place given by Bai Yunfei, the other four people were slightly surprised and said, "Are you crazy? How could this place be an ambush place? I'm afraid they would have discovered and killed us before we got there." gone."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Haven't you guys discovered something different by now?"

The woman shook her head, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "What could be different?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Didn't you realize that we can set traps at will, but those hunters can't set any traps at all, they can only chase us blindly, in other words, even if we After we dug a huge deep pit, we went in and arranged it better. Even if they walked over our heads, they would not notice our existence, so we can take advantage of this and move over slowly .”

Another person was a little surprised and said, "You want to dig a tunnel. Go over there and dig a safe place on the ground, so that we can hide in it and not be discovered by them."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "Things are not as simple as you think. If it were so simple, then I am afraid that everyone just needs to dig a huge deep hole in the ground? It is still possible to get there through a passage. But if you want to take advantage of this to hide in the ground, you will be completely buried in it even for a short while, and you will be completely suffocated to death."

The woman nodded slightly and said, "That's true, because the ground will recover by itself at any time, so if we really plan to hide in the ground, it is equivalent to burying ourselves alive in it, but why did we arrange it before?" But the trap has not recovered?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "That's because the traps set up were not triggered, so they haven't been recovered. If you don't believe it, you can go and see those traps that were not dealt with after punishment, and they have all been restored to their original state. "

At this time, the safety period was refreshed again, and it happened that the safety zone just shrouded Bai Yunfei, so he chose the best ambush location.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "It seems like God's will, we have no choice."

Everyone nodded slightly and agreed. After Bai Yunfei's idea, they quickly ran towards that direction.

When he was about to reach the safe zone, Bai Yunfei stopped in his tracks and said to everyone, "There should be quite a few pursuers hiding in front of us. We will go there in an authentic way from here, just to avoid their chasing and intercepting us."

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly dug the passage, and within a short while, they passed through the ground and entered the safe zone.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly said anxiously to everyone, "Then we must leave the ground immediately, otherwise we will be buried alive in it later."

The woman also noticed the abnormality on the ground and immediately rowed upwards with Bai Yunfei. After a while, the five of them left the ground, and they returned to their original state just after they left the ground.

But at this moment, they were surprised to find that more than 30 people were missing at once.

Bai Yunfei understood in an instant, came over, and said with a smile, "It seems that someone must have discovered the entrance we entered, so they wanted to come and chase us from inside, but they never thought that the ground would refresh and tell them to bury them alive inside."

The others also smiled slightly. After all, if they can lose one enemy at this time, they will save a lot.

Bai Yunfei looked around cautiously, then nodded to everyone, and said, "There is no danger around, hurry up and set traps around."

(End of this chapter)

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