Chapter 379 Self-sacrifice
After the other four people heard Bai Yunfei's words, they quickly set up traps. In this way, everyone began to cooperate for the first time, but the cooperation was relatively tacit, and within a short time, all the traps around were completely covered. Deployment is complete.

Bai Yunfei looked around, nodded slightly, and said, "It's not bad. Now we still need to lure them here. The more people we can attract, the better."

The woman asked directly, "If you can lure many people over, how sure are you and how many people will you kill?"

Bai Yunfei calculated silently, and after a while the time was calculated, and said, "There is no problem with more than 1000 people. Of course, it would be the best if they could all be brought here, although it may not be possible to get all of them here." Killing, but the difference is almost the same, as for the remaining remnants and casualties, it will be easier to deal with."

The four of them looked at each other, and said with a smile, "In this case, the final victory depends on you. The four of us can't help you anyway, so let the four of us use our residual heat, maybe we can do it." Let the four of us fly into the sky."

Bai Yunfei froze for a moment, looked at the four of them with some puzzlement and said, "You guys are so willing to hand over your final fate to me? You know me, it's the first time you cooperate, and you don't even know each other's names, Are you so willing to believe me?"

The first man who spoke said with a smile, "Anyway, the four of us are useless, we can only help you here, and you can kill 500 people at the beginning, which is enough to prove your strength." Ability, and the place you chose is also very powerful, plus we are already desperate, why don't we fight it out with the four of us, maybe it can really make the four of us soar into the sky."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Since that's the case, then I will do my best to make us win."

The four people looked at each other, and then directly attacked the person inside. Their attack was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

All the pursuers rushed towards this side with a whimper, because in their eyes, as long as these four people were killed, they would be stable, so they all rushed towards this side in a hurry rushed over.

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly. Sacrifice is inevitable, but the more voluntary the sacrifice, the more psychological impact it will bring to people.

I saw those four people exerting their unique skills with all their strength, fighting and killing all the pursuers non-stop.

All of a sudden, all the pursuers didn't dare to approach, because once approached, they would be torn to pieces by four people. However, as time passed, more pursuers came and gave them courage, All of them rushed up like locusts in black.

As time passed, the hunters suffered a lot, but at this time, one of the four people was accidentally thrown down by others, and was directly torn into pieces. In the end, there were only three people , is still fighting.

Bai Yunfei checked it, and in just such a short time, he had already killed more than 200 pursuers.

Suddenly there was a scream, and another person was lost. Now only the woman is left, and the man who talked with before is still alive, but now the two of them are in a very bad state, and it can be said that they are Exhausted.

The hunters around became even more frantic. After losing so many people, they still haven't killed these two. If they let them escape, everything would be in vain, so all the hunters were even more fearless. Death, came here to kill, and all the pursuers from other places gathered here, surrounded the two of them tightly inside and out. Alive, now they all want to kill the woman and the man.

Bai Yunfei looked around, and found that there were no traces of pursuers, and the ambush site they had set up was already crowded with pursuers.

Bai Yunfei activated the trap mechanism quickly and saw that they collapsed in the fighting place, and all kinds of mechanisms were activated.

After the screams, Bai Yunfei did not act rashly, but waited quietly.

Up to now, there are more than 300 pursuers who have not died, and most of these 300 people must be hidden inside.

As for the fugitives, Bai Yunfei was the only one left, which meant that as long as Bai Yunfei died, it would be over completely.

Bai Yunfei waited for everyone to appear, because he believed that not all of the 300 people were inside, so he waited quietly. While waiting, he also set up some new small traps around .

But it is a pity that as time passed, Bai Yunfei was surprised to find that no pursuer came out of the trap.

Bai Yunfei frowned, and instead of stepping forward to check, he quickly left here, because he always felt that this was very abnormal.

Bai Yunfei felt that there was nothing wrong, because there were more than 100 hunters in the trap, quietly hiding around, waiting for Bai Yunfei's arrival, while the remaining 200 were hunters, who were slowly moving one by one. Searching around the trap.

At this moment, some of them accidentally touched the trap but it did not cause any loss of personnel, only a few of them were injured.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had already fled and set up a trap in the center of the safe zone.Just as he was about to finish setting up, he suddenly found that some of the traps he had set up before had all been touched, which meant that someone had already walked towards him.

He left here quickly, but before leaving, he left some small surprises for them.

At this moment, dozens of pursuers came here quickly, but they were not in a hurry to find Bai Yunfei, but all sat in the center, waiting for the nearest safe zone to appear.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly in the distance, because he found that the traps he had set up were still ten meters away from the pursuers. As long as they were within ten meters, they would surely fall into the traps, but it just happened to be such a coincidence , they are not close.

However, Bai Yunfei was not in any hurry, but waited quietly, because he knew that at this time, he should not be in a hurry, as long as he was in a hurry, he would lose everything.

(End of this chapter)

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