Chapter 385 Grand Marshal Fan Yong

Bai Yunfei directly turned into a terrifying killing machine, but all the soldiers who walked in front of her were chopped into two halves by him, or even cut into flesh.

And the person who controlled these soldiers shouted loudly, "He is only one person. When you get tired sooner or later, kill him quickly. After killing him, everyone will feel sad, and even can be directly promoted to the fiefdom."

Bai Yunfei realized that the soldiers around him became even crazier after hearing that person's words, and immediately became slightly annoyed, and directly shot a throwing knife at the person who spoke.

I saw that the life-threatening throwing knife killed that person in an instant. After that person died, all the surrounding soldiers hesitated for a while, but then launched an attack on Bai Yunfei recklessly.

Bai Yunfei naturally didn't understand why these soldiers were all attacking him like crazy, but now was not the time to think about these things, after all, the battlefield was not the time to be distracted.

After a lot of hard work, all the surrounding soldiers were chopped down by Bai Yunfei's halberd, while all the soldiers performing had some fear and did not dare to move forward.

Bai Yunfei found that all the soldiers were not as crazy as before, and shouted to the surrounding soldiers, "If you don't want to lose your life, get out of here quickly, otherwise, no one will sympathize with you if you die here, don't you? Have you thought about the young and old in your own family?"

But after waiting for a long time, Bai Yunfei was surprised to find that although all the soldiers were afraid of his strength and did not dare to step forward, none of them dared to be deserters. This made him feel that this chaotic world is really wonderful , There are still such soldiers.

At this time, a middle-aged man in plain clothes walked up to Bai Yunfei quickly, and waved his hands at the surrounding soldiers.

I saw that the soldiers who were planning to fight Bai Yunfei here, all of them left here quickly.

The middle-aged man said to Bai Yunfei, "The foreign intruder told me why you came here?"

Bai Yunfei looked at the middle-aged man and said curiously, "It seems that your identity is not simple, but you can rest assured that I will never have any bad thoughts about your world, I just come here to play That’s all, and by the way, I will help you to be completely freed, so that you don’t have to be controlled by those people anymore, killing each other, and bring you eternal peace.”

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, and said, "You really just want to come here for fun, so if that's the case, don't worry about the things here, just leave here as soon as possible."

Bai Yunfei looked at the middle-aged man with some curiosity and said, "What kind of identity are you here to know so many things, and why don't you dare let me meddle in my own business? How do you know that I am in charge?" How about something like this?"

The middle-aged man said with an ugly face, "Because I am the Generalissimo Fan Yong who led the army this time. The secrets I know are not what you can know. You must know those people, one or two, although they are really different. It’s nothing, but there are more people behind them, and they are all very strong, and all the rebels were killed by them.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "You don't need to tell me, I know their methods before, but if you knew that I was the same person as them before, then you wouldn't be so afraid, but you don't have to put on a show. In this way, I am different from them now, I am here to help people like you who are manipulated by them, so you don't need to be so vigilant towards me."

Fan Yong looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement, and said, "You were partners with them in the past, so why are you fighting against them now? Could it be that you have turned your back on the dark and turned to the bright, and you are no longer willing to be their minions?"

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "I'm more familiar with their situation than you are. It's not a pawn, but for profit. Every time they come here, they have a mission. As long as they complete the mission, they can get rich rewards." You can quickly improve your own strength, so you will see an endless stream of masters."

Fan Yong said with a slightly ugly face, "According to what you said, all of us are their sparring products. Our role is to let them improve their strength quickly. If there is a day, we will not be able to play any role." Will it be completely destroyed by them?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "Then you are wrong, as long as your world is not destroyed, it will always be useful to them."

Fan Yong gritted his teeth and said, "Just now you said that you have a way to control our world and completely get rid of the control of these people?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, I do have a way to make your world out of their control and become an independent existence, but it requires some things."

Fan Yong quickly said, "What do you need? If I have something, I will give it to you free of charge. Even if I don't have it, I can report it to the emperor for you and let him search for it for you. I believe I can give it to you." You search for what you want."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "You don't have to be so nervous, your emperor has all the things I want, so you just need to find your emperor, and that's it. As for what it is, I don't know, I have to go through your emperor. I'll find out later."

Fan Yong was a little hesitant for a moment, he didn't know whether to believe Bai Yunfei's words, after all, meeting the Holy Majesty was a very important matter, if Bai Yunfei was an assassin, then he would punish even the Nine Clans.

Bai Yunfei also clearly saw Fan Yong's hesitation, and knew why he hesitated.

After thinking for a long time, Fan Yong said to Bai Yunfei, "Is it necessary to see the Holy One? Is there no other possibility?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "There is no other choice, I must meet your emperor, so that I can be sure of what I need to save your world. If you are worried that I will harm your emperor, then I will I think you shouldn’t have to think so much, if I’m really in the wrong direction for you, I’m afraid your emperor will already be dead by now, don’t doubt whether I can do such a thing.”

(End of this chapter)

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