Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 386 People in the battlefield space

Chapter 386 People in the battlefield space
After Fan Yong frowned slightly, he said to Bai Yunfei, "I have no choice but to discuss this with His Majesty. If he agrees, I will inform you again. Do you think this is feasible? "

Bai Yunfei nodded boredly, and said, "You can do whatever you like, but I want to remind you that they will never do nothing and will definitely try their best to prevent me from seeing your emperor, so I can only Wait for you for a month, and after a month, I will directly rely on my own method to meet your emperor, because I don't want to waste any time in your world."

After Fan Yong frowned slightly, he nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you that within a month, I will give you an answer as soon as possible. If I don't give you any answer within a month, it means that I am really serious. It's just like what you said, if something unexpected happens, then you can do whatever you like, anyway, I'm a dead person, so it's useless to me at all."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "Since you know, then you should do everything possible to protect your own life. But don't worry, I don't think you are a short-lived person, at best you are imprisoned."

Fan Yong turned his head and left, Bai Yunfei quickly gathered troops and returned to their imperial capital.

At this time, the old man asked curiously, "Master, are you really planning to waste a month here? This man named Fan Yong certainly doesn't have such a great ability to let you meet the current emperor. I'm afraid you have to ask for more money." You rely on your own methods to get those things and cut off the connection between them."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Of course I know he's not capable enough to ask me to meet the current emperor, but he can take me to find their emperor and let me know what their emperor looks like. Isn't it a good help?"

The old man was a little puzzled and said, "But doing so may even fail, because you haven't thought that this Fan Yong will never have any chance to see the emperor. I'm afraid he won't even be able to enter the gate of the palace. Then all your plans Isn't it all in vain?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "If it's someone else, I really don't know if he can enter the palace, but don't underestimate this Fan Yong, and according to the previous information, the current emperor, Fan Yao."

The old man suddenly realized, "It seems that the relationship between Fan Yong and the current emperor should be very close or even possible. He is also a member of the royal family."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "As long as you keep following him, you will definitely be able to find the emperor. Then we will be able to secretly judge what can help us completely cut off the connection between them."

The old man chuckled, and said, "I'm afraid they would never have imagined that you, a dignified top expert, would be a gentleman on the beam."

Bai Yunfei smiled evilly, and said, "I don't care what other people think, I only care about my own heart, what I think, so I will do what I think of, and I will never go against myself. heart, because only in this way can I make my path go further, if I have to go against my own heart, then why go on going on.”

The old man smiled slightly and said, "You are right. If you really violated your own heart, I am afraid that this person will no longer have any rights, and this person will probably be like a walking dead. feelings."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, quickly performed lightness kung fu, and followed behind Fan Yong. As expected, this Fan Yong went back and made arrangements, then quickly left the barracks with a group of soldiers, heading towards the imperial capital. The direction hurried back.

Bai Yunfei followed them slowly, not in a hurry, because of this, no one found that Bai Yunfei would actually follow them.

Halfway through the road, Fan Yong stopped and hurried on, while all the surrounding soldiers quickly surrounded him as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Bai Yunfei stood in the distance, stunned for a moment, watching the sudden situation, then narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect that it was someone from the battlefield space, and the time passed so quickly.

At this time, Fan Yong punched him directly, and said, "I don't know why you all blocked my way?"

One of the men holding a spear said coldly, "There is nothing to guard here, and no one is allowed to pass here, so you should go back and forth from there obediently."

Fan Yong frowned and said, "Who are you guys? Don't you know who I am? You even dare to block my way. I think you are really impatient."

All those people in the battlefield space couldn't help laughing,
One of the men in blue clothes held a fan in his hand, pointed at Fan Yong and said disdainfully, "Even if you have two hands with you waste materials, I'm afraid you can't do it."

Fan Yong was suddenly a little angry, and gestured to all the soldiers behind him.

The soldiers behind him quickly took out their bows and arrows, and shot at those people in the battlefield space.

When those people in this space were faced with so many arrows, they all watched with slight disdain as one of the fatter men quickly took out two shields and spun around them.

Seeing that all the arrows had been knocked down by these two shields, the fat man said disdainfully, "You still dare to use back arrows to injure people, but you still want to injure us with your methods. Since you are so ignorant, we will let you sleep here forever."

But at this moment, an arrow suddenly appeared from nowhere, and directly shot the man holding the shield through his throat.

All the people in the battlefield space were taken aback, because they didn't sense any attack at all, and those who were known for their defense died just like that.

At this time, Bai Yunfei put down the bow in his hand. He shot the one just now, because he knew that if he didn't add that man who is known for his defense, he might not have any chance to kill Fan Yong. Get away from here.

It was because of this thought that he took advantage of the chaos and shot an arrow, which ended up killing the man who is known for his defense.

(End of this chapter)

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