Chapter 387 Cut off contact
The rest of the people in the battlefield space carefully observed their surroundings. Obviously, they already knew that the enemies in front of them were just decoys, while the real enemy was hiding in the darkness and was planning to swallow them all. .

The voice of the man holding the long gun before became very cold, and he said to several people, "It will be very bad for us if we go on like this. We must find the hidden person, otherwise, we will all be in danger here."

The rest of the people nodded at the same time, and said helplessly, "I knew I wouldn't have accepted this task at the beginning. I thought it was a very simple task. Looking at it now, this task is simply a deep pit. Anyone who comes here will fall into it." This deep pit."

At this time, Fan Yong knew that his chance had come, so he quickly let the other soldiers continue to shoot arrows, while he himself quickly stepped back a few steps, taking advantage of the confusion to get out of here and quickly head towards the direction of the imperial city Ran.

Bai Yunfei saw that Fan Yong had already left here, so he smiled directly, and released a few more hidden arrows, and finally left here quickly.

And the few people in this space were caught off guard by the back arrows of the Baiyun Feidi class in an instant, and all of them were seriously injured, and then they were stabbed by arrows overwhelming the body and directly became a huge hedgehog.

After several days and nights of rushing, Fan Yong finally arrived at the imperial capital. He didn't have time to rest, so he ran towards the palace quickly.

But at this moment, someone blocked his way again, and saw a man in armor holding a sledgehammer silently blocking his only way.

I saw the big man said with a little disdain, "I really didn't expect that those bastards could still let you pass. If I wasn't here to guard the last pass, I'm afraid I would really let you pass. We will all be punished at that time." .”

Fan Yong's face was very embarrassing at this time, pointing to the big man and said, "Do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand? This is the foot of the majestic emperor."

The strong man snorted slightly disdainfully, and said, "Going to a small world, the emperor dares to be so flustered. I think your world really wants to be completely destroyed. If it wasn't for this time, sir, my task is to stop it." , not destruction, if it were to be destroyed, I would definitely destroy all of your world, so as not to worry you ants here."

In the dark, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and directly summoned a Slayer.

I saw that the butcher rushed towards the strong man directly and quickly, and launched a fatal attack on him without saying a word.

The strength of this strong man is very extraordinary, but when he fought, he broke out all his own strength, and he was actually a strong man at the level of Wu Zun.

The Slayer quickly took the weapon in his hand, and kept fighting head-on with this strong man.

Fan Yong was a little puzzled at the side, he didn't know who this new person was and why he was here to save him, but he knew that he couldn't stay here for a long time, so he quickly ran into the palace from other places, He ran quickly in the direction of the emperor.

Bai Yunfei was behind him, slowly following, but the people around didn't find any trace of Bai Yunfei at all, they only saw Fan Yong running towards the main hall.

In this way, Fan Yong ran all the way into the main hall, saluted the emperor inside without saying a word, and quickly said, "The opportunity we have been waiting for, Your Majesty, has finally come."

Fan Yao did not blame Fan Yong for his recklessness, but said curiously, "What you said is true, how sure are you?"

Fan Yong shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm not sure, but we have no choice now, we can only choose to gamble."

Bai Yunfei appeared directly and took the big seal in front of Fan Yao into his hands, and said with a slight smile, "No need to read, now I am [-]% sure that I can help you completely free, no need Let you be controlled by the damn thing."

The guards around were shocked, but Fan Yong waved his hand directly and said to Fan Yao, "Your Majesty, he is the hope I mentioned, but I didn't expect him to appear here suddenly."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "The main reason is that I think this month is really too long, and accidents may happen at any time, so I should solve it as soon as possible and start getting on the plane, so I went directly to the palace. Come for a stroll inside."

All the people present had black lines on their faces, this is the place where the emperor lives, and the person in front of him is actually brazenly saying that he came here for a stroll, he really does not know what to do.

Bai Yunfei looked around and saw that everyone didn't quite believe what he said, so he smiled softly and said, "I don't want to be a good boy with you here, so I'll help you get rid of it completely, so it's okay Bar."

Fan Yao frowned, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Heroes, if you can really solve those damned guys for us and prevent us from being manipulated by them at will, I am very grateful to you, but you and I Does this great seal in your hand have anything to do with it?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Of course it is related, and the relationship is very important, because this big seal contains your spiritual energy and your dragon energy, these things can help you completely get rid of those things. Human control, and your world will never be controlled by human beings again.”

After thinking for a while, Fan Yao said, "What you said is true, you wouldn't deliberately deceive us here, right?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I'm definitely not deceiving you, just wait quietly for a while, and you will obviously see the new changes."

Bai Yunfei quickly took the big seal in his hand and waved it up and down quickly, only to see that the whole world had really changed and trembled continuously.

Bai Yunfei opened his eyes slightly, and said, "It can be said that the work is done now. You only need to wait quietly for a day to get rid of it completely, and you will be truly liberated. But there is one thing you must remember. That is, no one is allowed to touch this great seal during this day. If someone touches it, it will fail. If it really fails, then you should be responsible for the consequences yourself, and don’t bother me any more.”

(End of this chapter)

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