Chapter 616 Entering the battlefield
Old Zhan was slightly puzzled and said, "Without those magical energies, it would be very difficult and possible to kill a large area with your body alone. Even the master, you may be killed by some people in a wheel-to-wheel battle."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "Do you think I can still be lusted after by the so-called wheel war? I'm afraid my physical strength will recover faster than their consumption."

Old Zhan frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said thoughtfully, "It seems that Master, you should have obtained a great piece of information."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It is true that I have obtained some good information, but I can't tell you, so you don't have to think too much about it. I will definitely tell you when the time comes. Let me start the Purgatory Battlefield today."

Lao Zhan nodded slightly, and directly helped Bai Yunfei open the chicken-eating battlefield in purgatory.

Bai Yunfei instantly entered the chicken-eating battlefield in Purgatory.

When Bai Yunfei entered, he instantly understood the rules inside, and looked around with a slight frown.

The rules here are very simple, that is to survive, just do everything possible to survive, and there is no safe area here, everything is the most dangerous place.You may face all kinds of dangers at any time, as long as you can live safely in it for a month, you can be considered a successful identity, and then you can get a mysterious gift to improve your strength.And anything you get inside can be taken out.

Bai Yunfei recommended to quickly enter a few broken rooms, searched inside, learned some martial arts secrets inside quickly, and then left quickly, because the place was not too safe, when Bai Yunfei came to a Looking at the big tree, Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and quickly climbed up the big tree.

Bai Yunfei quickly checked in the distant direction on the big tree, but he didn't find anything unusual. Everything was quiet, but it was precisely because the surroundings were quiet that Bai Yunfei was even more uneasy.

But what Bai Yunfei didn't expect was that half a day had passed but nothing happened. When the night slowly fell, everything became dark and he couldn't see anything anymore.

After Bai Yunfei quickly ate some food, he continued to rest on the big tree, because the big tree is relatively safe now.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound, and the leaves of the big tree tilted quickly. Bai Yunfei quickly jumped to the ground, avoiding the fall of the big tree, only to find out that the big tree was directly chopped down by two people.

Bai Yunfei also made a sound when he landed, making the two people immediately discover Bai Yunfei's existence, and immediately took the ax in their hands and chopped towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei didn't dodge, but directly stepped forward, faster than the two of them, and he came in front of the two of them in an instant, and with a lift of his shoulders, he knocked the axes of the two of them to the ground. They patted the front, and the two flew out quickly, hitting the tree behind and falling to the ground.

Bai Yunfei quickly picked up the axes of the two of them and was instantly dealt with by the two of them. After killing the two of them, he directly found two cheat books on the two of them, studied them quickly and left here.

Bai Yunfei found a cave again, but this cave is not too safe, because there are traces of existence in this cave, but they are all traces of the existence of some wild animals, so Bai Yunfei boldly rested in it.

Bai Yunfei was very lucky. He stayed in this cave for two more days and didn't suffer any attacks. He had digested all his martial arts in these two days.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had already lived here for three days, and these three days were very easy for Bai Yunfei, and it wasn't really too chaotic.

At this moment, a beast came from outside the entrance of the cave, roaring and saw a black bear, howling continuously towards the entrance of the cave.

Bai Yunfei knew that there was no way to continue inside, so he walked out swaggeringly, but the black bear just froze in place, not knowing how to continue to attack or retreat.

Bai Yunfei didn't give the black bear too much time to think, and quickly swung the double axes in his hands, and directly slashed at the black bear.

Seeing that Bai Yunfei changed his mind to attack, the black bear immediately patted his chest angrily and wanted to attack Bai Yunfei, but Bai Yunfei's attack had already come in front of him, and the two axes quickly fell on the black bear.

But what surprised Bai Yunfei was that his double axes didn't cut into the black bear's body, but just hit its fur and got stuck.

The black bear immediately waved his paw angrily, directly knocking Bai Yunfei back several steps.

But at this moment, Bai Yunfei didn't retreat but advanced, a sword suddenly appeared in his hand, it directly pierced the black bear's heart, and the black bear fell to the ground inexplicably.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and quickly dragged the black bear's body into the cave.After a burst of busy work, Bai Yunfei put the black bear's two palms on the fire and slowly roasted it.

Bai Yunfei lived here very leisurely for a week. Although he encountered some wild beasts during the week, she killed them very cleverly and made him richer. You can live here well without relying on various intrigues and tricks.

But in the following time, Bai Yunfei was not so quiet anymore, just like the companions of the two people killed by Bai Yunfei have already started to surround this place one after another. They have obviously locked Bai Yunfei's position, only But I didn't dare to startle the snake, so I kept checking around slowly.

When they stepped here, Bai Yunfei had already found their tracks, quickly set up some small traps, and then took out the knife in his hand, and began to assassinate them continuously.

With the continuous killing, Bai Yunfei already knew their overall plan, Bai Yunfei was really helpless, because all of them can be said to be a legitimate conspiracy, even if you know, there is nothing you can do about them.

Although Bai Yunfei and the others really have no solution, but Bai Yunfei has his own solution, but Bai Yunfei believes that he will be able to break through the current predicament, and then slowly enjoy the last time in one place.

(End of this chapter)

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