Chapter 617 Chased
After Bai Yunfei killed some people around him, he collected some things and quickly left here. However, when he left, he also set up some traps, hoping to delay the arrival of the rest of the people.

Not long after Bai Yunfei left, a large number of people came here quickly. After seeing the dead person, they notified everyone and quickly investigated the surroundings.

But just as Bai Yunfei expected, the things he arranged didn't hide from them for a long time.

Soon, these people rushed towards the direction Bai Yunfei was leaving.

Bai Yunfei set up some traps in the back, changed direction again, and played hide-and-seek with the pursuers.

I saw that those chasing soldiers quickly came to the traps that Bai Yunfei had set up before.

One of the leading men among the chasing soldiers quickly stopped at the place of the trap, and made everyone stop. After a quick investigation, he actually removed all the traps that Bai Yunfei had set up. .

After destroying all the traps, that person took the rest of the pursuers and quickly chased in Bai Yunfei's direction again.

Bai Yunfei changed places again, because he had already noticed that there was a wave of pursuers quickly chasing him. Obviously, none of the traps he had set up had any effect. of the master.

Bai Yunfei didn't plan to confront them head-on, because he didn't know what their strength was, so he could only retreat temporarily and wait for the opportunity to give them a real ruthless fight.

But after Bai Yunfei arrived at a very good ambush location, he set up an ambush and set up many traps, but some of these traps were very serious, and some were obviously very secretive.

Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei expected, those chasing soldiers quickly came to his trap. As for the obvious traps, they were all easily cracked, so they were careless and didn't notice Bai Yunfei's attack. Those hidden traps, several people stepped on the traps in an instant and were killed by the traps.

The man in the lead was suddenly a little angry, and after quickly looking around, he sent a team to chase after Bai Yunfei at a false place, but what Bai Yunfei didn't expect was that nod The man in front of him actually made the rest of the pursuers quickly search around.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, directly and quickly took the knife in his hand, and waited for the people around him to come, killing one counted as one.

But fortunately, the previous couple had already quickly chased the front, so there are only 30 people left here, which is not too many, and they are all looking for it, so Bai Yunfei has only two enemies to face. Personal only.

When the two came to Bai Yunfei's place to search, Bai Yunfei rushed out, and under the horrified eyes of the two, he cut their throats off instantly with the knife in his hand and killed them.

The death of the two alarmed the surrounding people, who immediately discovered Bai Yunfei's existence, and all of them brandished their weapons and charged towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly kicked one of them flying, and the knife in his hand quickly killed the person behind who wanted to sneak up on him.

The rest of the people had already surrounded Bai Yunfei, it was too late to escape, and the leading man was also staring at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect you to be able to find it so quickly. I really admire you. You must know that in other places, no one can escape my trap. How could you guys find it so quickly?" To be able to dismantle it so easily, I really underestimate you."

The man in the lead said coldly, "You damn outsider, you dare to kill my clansman. Today you must be captured and sacrificed to the heavens."

Bai Yunfei snorted disdainfully and said, "Then we have to see if you have the ability to catch me back, but don't let me run away or kill you all, then But it's embarrassing."

The man suddenly became a little angry, and directly and quickly directed all the clansmen to kill Bai Yunfei, obviously intending to hack Bai Yunfei to death completely.

However, Bai Yunfei was snorted, and the aura on his body exploded directly. Although he can't reach his true strength in it now, the things he collected can already allow him to display his true 50% power here. % strength, that is not what these people can resist, and I saw that all these clansmen were quickly dealt with by Bai Yunfei.

The man saw that all his clansmen were dead, and suddenly red gas began to appear on his body in anger, and his aura was also getting bigger and bigger.

"Could this be the madness in the legend? I really never thought that people here could perform such a secret technique. It's really an eye-opener." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

I saw this person directly and quickly brandishing the scimitar in his hand, and quickly slashed at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and quickly used lightness kung fu to dodge, but he didn't expect that he was still stabbed in the leg.

Bai Yunfei looked at his injured leg and frowned slightly. He didn't expect this person to be so fast after casting the secret technique.

Bai Yunfei directly threw the knife in his hand towards that person quickly, and the moment he threw it again, Bai Yunfei also stepped forward one by one, and quickly hit this person's chest with both palms, directly Knock this person out.

But Bai Yunfei didn't expect that his attack didn't have any effect at all. The man seemed to have lost his mind, without any pain in his body, and continued to fight Bai Yunfei desperately.

Bai Yunfei frowned immediately, and quickly changed his attack method again, kicking a series of quick kicks, but he didn't expect that that person was already prepared, and directly and quickly waved the scimitar in his hand, towards Bai Yunfei. His legs were chopped off.

If Bai Yunfei wanted to continue kicking him in a row, his legs would definitely be cut off by his scimitar, so Bai Yunfei could only quickly stop his attack, take a few steps back, and make another plan.

After Bai Yunfei looked at this person for a while, he frowned slightly, he didn't expect this person to be so difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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