Chapter 619 Kill the Tiger

The reason why Bai Yunfei felt that this house was a little weird was because the house was too clean, as if someone had lived here before, which was obviously a little unreasonable.

Bai Yunfei quickly searched the whole house, and found that there were indeed some cheats in this house. After putting all these cheats in his backpack, he quickly searched for other houses, and found that the other houses were exactly the same as this house. Yes, it's all like someone has lived here.

Bai Yunfei thought to himself, the reason why there are so many houses here is that there are people living here, but it seems that there are people living here, it should be the aborigines here, if it is really like that , that is to say that the current situation is very critical.

Bai Yunfei thought of this, so he quickly left here and entered the forest again, but this time he did not enter the previous forest, but the forest to the east.

As soon as Bai Yunfei entered this forest, he felt a very strong aura ahead, and this aura was moving in his direction, rushing towards him quickly.

Bai Yunfei frowned, and hurriedly ran towards that direction. Sure enough, he found a fierce tiger running crazily towards this direction. Moreover, the momentum of this tiger was completely unreserved, and it exploded completely. He is used to being the overlord here.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly hid on a nearby tree, watching the tiger cautiously, judging from the tiger's aura, his strength was almost the same as his own, so he didn't plan to confront the tiger head-on confrontation.

At this moment, suddenly there was a howling sound of wolves from all around.I saw seven or eight golden wolves appearing.

The tiger roared directly, then raised its right paw in an instant, and slapped one of the wolves to death.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because she didn't expect these golden wolves to be so bad, and they were all killed by this fierce tiger with a single punch.

The tiger directly opened his bloody mouth and swallowed all the wolves into his mouth, and seeing that the tiger's belly didn't grow any bigger, it was obvious that he could continue to eat a lot.

Seeing that the tiger had left here quickly, Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, jumped down directly, and carefully followed behind the tiger.

After wandering around, the tiger didn't find any animals, so it returned to its own woodland and lay down on the ground to rest.

Bai Yunfei watched from a distance, and after thinking for a while, he quickly hid around again, but he planned to take a good rest here and delay the time, after all, if he stayed here for one more day, he As long as it is safe for one day, with the existence of this fierce tiger, there shouldn't be too much trouble.

After looking for some food, Bai Yunfei found a hidden place to rest, his place was not too far from the tiger.

But Bai Yunfei was very sure that the tiger would not notice his existence. Bai Yunfei lived here slowly, but the good times didn't last long. Bai Yunfei only lived here for three days, and the tiger started again. Looking for food everywhere.

Bai Yunfei looked at the tiger who seemed to be starving like crazy, and suddenly had an ominous premonition, and sure enough, just like his premonition, the tiger actually sensed his existence, and quickly rushed towards him, although it didn't Attacked him, but Bai Yunfei knew that his position at this time was in jeopardy.

The tiger kept bumping into the big tree under Bai Yunfei's feet, trying to knock Bai Yunfei off, but Bai Yunfei quickly used lightness kung fu to escape to other trees, and the tiger kept bumping into the tree, slightly He shook his head and quickly left here.

Bai Yunfei didn't intend to just let the tiger go, but set some small traps in the tiger's lair.

Bai Yunfei quickly hid in the innermost part of the tiger's cave, waiting for the tiger to come back.

Bai Yunfei didn't wait too long, and the tiger came back, and the tiger came back hungry. When he returned to his cave, he smelled Bai Yunfei's smell, and immediately roared and quickly returned to the cave. .

But before he entered the hole, he triggered the trap, and in an instant, many wooden thorns rushed out quickly, stabbing at the tiger.

But this ferocious tiger is very extraordinary. It turned around and its tail knocked all those wooden thorns to the ground.

The tiger roared angrily towards the inside of the cave, and when he found that there was no movement inside, he was a little angry. Up to now, he had not found Bai Yunfei hiding inside, and after destroying all the traps on the Zhejiang side, he finally After returning to his own cave, he lay down in his nest and rested.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly at this time, and directly and quickly activated a new trap, only to see several boulders quickly fall from its hole, trapping it in a very narrow place.

The tiger immediately stood up angrily, but looking at the boulders around him, he had no way to knock them away, he could only growl in the direction of Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly stabbed the weapon in his hand towards the tiger, followed these gaps, and directly killed the tiger.

After the tiger was killed, Bai Yunfei activated the mechanism again to move the boulders away. Bai Yunfei quickly put away the tiger's body, and put all the things it dropped into his backpack.

This time it can be said to be a big harvest. The things dropped by the tiger are more abundant than the things he searched before, which may be the reason why he belongs to the boss level in this forest.

Bai Yunfei was not in a hurry to leave here, because of the existence of this tiger, there would be no danger in the surroundings at all. Although it may not be possible to wait for a long time, but if it can be delayed for a day, it is considered a day.

As time slowly passed, Bai Yunfei had already stayed around the Tiger Cave for a week, and now there were only ten days left before his survival ended.

After Bai Yunfei searched for some prey as usual and searched for all the things they dropped, he returned to the surroundings of the tiger cave again, but at this time he found that there were several uninvited guests around the tiger cave.

Bai Yunfei carefully watched the uninvited guests, but the uninvited guests didn't do anything, they just stood around the Tiger Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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