Chapter 620 Stealing the Iron Whip
Bai Yunfei slowly hid around, wanting to see what kind of tricks they were playing, at this moment a man came out of the tiger's cave.

I saw this man said to his companions around him with some unhappiness, "The tiger has been killed by someone, I really don't know who killed it."

The few people around said angrily, "What can we do? Without the bones of this tiger, how can we save the patriarch?"

The man shook his head slightly and said, "Don't panic, there are only a few tribes around, just go to them and search one by one, you will definitely be able to find out who killed the tiger, and then ask him for the tiger bone That's it."

One of the older men frowned slightly and said, "But now there are rumors that outsiders are here to make trouble for us. I'm afraid all the tribes don't have the time to deal with us. What should we do?"

The man who spoke before sighed slightly and said, "This damn outsider won't come sooner or later. It's really annoying to have to come at this time. If you can really catch them If so, we must cut them into pieces and use them to sacrifice to heaven."

The older man sighed and said, "If you want to kill these outsiders, you must use the ancestor artifact to kill them completely, otherwise they will be able to come back again and continue to take revenge on us." of."

People around looked at the older man curiously and said, "Are you talking about our ancestral artifact that has been kept in the ancestral hall? I can't see what is so powerful about it. How can it kill What about the outsiders?"

The older man sighed slightly and said, "You don't know, although she looks very ordinary now, but when it is used, it is very powerful, but it takes the user's life to be able to use it." Activate it. And it must be used by the patriarchs of the past generations."

Bai Yunfei was a little startled when he heard it from a distance, and he suddenly understood that there must be something in their clan that could affect them. This should be the weapon that has been repeatedly emphasized and can completely kill them.

It was those people who quickly left here and headed to the surrounding tribes, and Bai Yunfei thoughtfully followed behind them.

I saw that these people spent the next few days wandering around the entire tribe, but they didn't find the existence of the tiger, and all of them returned to their tribe in dejection.

Bai Yunfei watched their tribe slowly from a distance, and found that their tribe was not too big, only a few hundred households.

The largest one in the middle should be their ancestral hall, because there are many memorial tablets there.In front of their tablets, there is something like an iron whip enshrined there.

And there are obviously more guards here than in other places. Two strong men have to stand there all year round to guard.

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, when the night slowly fell, Bai Yunfei quickly set fire to the surrounding houses, and the whole tribe quickly became lively.

Immediately, all the people in this tribe were in a hurry to put out the fire, including the two people who guarded the ancestral temple, and quickly joined the team to put out the fire.

Bai Yunfei dodged in directly, and quickly took the iron whip in his hand. He didn't care about the abnormality of the iron whip in his hand, and left here quickly.

Bai Yunfei ran ten miles in one breath, then slowly stopped, looked at the iron whip in his hand, and immediately looked at the iron whip in his hand with joy.

Because the iron whip in his hand is very extraordinary. Although it looks ordinary, Bai Yunfei can feel that it is full of very powerful energy, which can completely destroy a person's soul. This iron whip can be said to be It is specially designed to deal with those with strong souls.

When Bai Yunfei was checking the iron whip, the tribe he stole the iron whip had already discovered the loss of the iron whip, and immediately everyone went crazy.

All the people in the entire tribe were dispatched and rushed towards Bai Yunfei's direction. Obviously, some of them could sense the direction of the iron whip.

At this time, Bai Yunfei also noticed the abnormality of the iron sheet in his hand, frowned slightly, put it directly into the backpack, and then quickly continued to flee to the end of the world.

Bai Yunfei accidentally entered a new tribe while running, but this tribe is a small tribe, there are no guards in it, and all the people have rested, so Bai Yunfei's uninvited visit , they did not notice.

Bai Yunfei quickly escaped from here using his lightness kung fu and escaped again, and the people from the tribe behind had already chased him here, but when they saw the small tribe standing in front of them, they immediately thought it was the people from this small tribe. Got a ghost, launched an attack without saying a word.

In just a short moment, all the people in the entire small tribe were killed.

The patriarch of this small tribe died without knowing why these people attacked them.

All the pursuers of that tribe looked at an old man again when they found that there was nothing they wanted to find in this tribe.

The old man frowned slightly and said, "It should be that we made a mistake with this small tribe. It is absolutely not that we dare not provoke our Storm Tribe. That prop, the guy of our ancestor, I will look it up carefully."

I saw the old man spit out some unfamiliar language quickly, and finally spit out a mouthful of blood to apply, and pointed to the northwest direction weakly and said, "That nasty thief is in the northwest."

All the people from the Storm Tribe quickly chased towards the northwest.

The old man was carried by several young and strong people, and they quickly chased him out.

Bai Yunfei kept running wildly, but gradually his speed also slowed down, because he has now arrived in a strange place, and there are all enemies around him, he dare not walk in large distances, he can only walk here carefully and slowly. For Bai Yunfei, it was an extravagant hope to move forward quickly and want to get rid of the pursuers, because the iron whip in his hand was like a locator, locating his position all the time.

At this moment, dozens of people suddenly appeared to block Bai Yunfei's way. They had already discovered Bai Yunfei's existence before, and they didn't make any noise. Instead, they gathered their hands and quickly surrounded Bai Yunfei.

(End of this chapter)

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