Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 630 Encountering the Battlefield Space Again

Chapter 630 Encountering the Battlefield Space Again
Bai Yunfei quickly came to the world where the decisive battle was to be fought.

Lao Zhan is also very rare, appearing in this world with Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, looked at the other side of the already dark battlefield space, smiled slightly and said, "It's really strange, they have already taken the path of recruiting soldiers now?"

Old Zhan smiled slightly, and said, "That's because after you fought a big battle in their world last time, their personnel can be said to be very scarce, and they can't withstand any consumption, so they left In other worlds, looting soldiers is an option for resources to invade other worlds."

Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, "It seems that they have a new countermeasure, but I hope this time they can give them a heavy blow, so as not to make them think how powerful they are all day long."

Old Zhan smiled slightly, and said, "Look at our own configuration, and you will know how the final victory of this battle will be."

Bai Yunfei looked at the person on their side who was about to resist, frowned slightly and said, "I really didn't expect him to call other foreign aid. It seems that it is really inevitable."

Lao Zhan smiled lightly and said, "This Luo Xiaoyu is a rare military talent. Although he can't show it in other aspects, he can be said to be able to do well in the formation of troops." We are also ranked in the top ten in the chicken space.”

Bai Yunfei looked at his soldiers again, although there were only 10 soldiers on their side, but these 10 soldiers gave Bai Yunfei the feeling that they were all in one.

Bai Yunfei's eyes lit up slightly, and he said with some interest, "It's just that I didn't expect that she could train such a powerful army. It's really good, and I can see that all the soldiers of these troops have practiced the martial arts in our space." , it's really interesting."

Lao Zhan smiled lightly and said, "Master, you are right. This is indeed a very interesting thing, so I let you watch it here."

Bai Yunfei looked at the time, smiled softly and said, "I'm afraid it won't be long before they should have the first battle. I don't know how the two sides are preparing."

Lao Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Now they are forming troops on both sides. I'm afraid it won't be long before they confront each other for the first time. Then we can see their strength."

Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, "How do you rule those soldiers in the battlefield space? Why do I feel that the soldiers there don't seem to have their own souls, as if their souls have been erased and become puppets. "

Old Zhan nodded slightly and said, "Master, you are right, it is indeed like this over there, because the soldiers there were all forcibly robbed, so there is no loyalty at all, so they will Erase all their souls and turn them all into puppet soldiers, so that they can display their powerful strength even more."

At this moment, both sides suddenly beat the big drum quickly.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "It's about to start."

I saw a pair of small armies appearing in the armies of both sides below them, and the rapid spring breeze, obviously this was a small contest between them.

The troops on Luo Xiaoyu's side are all in black armor, while those in the battlefield space are all in red armor.

Luo Xiaoyu's army directly appeared in a cone-shaped formation and rushed into the enemy's barracks.

It directly tore the opponent's army into a huge hole, and began to quickly kill twice.

Soon the armies of both sides retreated after fighting again, but the enemy only had a few soldiers left, and Luo Xiaoyu didn't lose many soldiers.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Luo Xiaoyu should have discovered the abnormality of the other party, it seems that there is a good show to watch."

Old Zhan nodded slightly and said, "To deal with these troops without their own souls, ordinary formations are of no use at all, because no matter how you fight, they will never give birth to any fear, so they will not There is no retreat, so to deal with such an army, it only needs to strike quickly around to make them a little flustered, not knowing which side to attack is the perfect strategy."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You're right. Although they are not afraid of death, they also lost the point of human thinking, so they don't have their own independent thinking and can only rely on orders to complete. It is the biggest restraint for them, without their own thoughts, they will not know how to proceed to the next step, as long as there is something different from his order, they will directly and completely panic."

Sure enough, a strong man with a big ax appeared directly from Luo Xiaoyu's side, quickly came to the front of the two armies, and yelled loudly at the other side, "You sons of bitches, you have the ability to compare with grandpa!" Let you see how powerful Grandpa is."

And a man with a pale face appeared directly and quickly in the enemy camp. The man didn't say anything, but directly rushed out on a horse, and the spear in his hand was also fiercely aimed at the man. The strong man stabbed over.

The strong man frowned slightly, quickly patted the horse he was sitting on, and rushed out quickly, but the ax in his hand didn't slash directly and quickly, but also slashed like the man The same charged up.

When the two horses met, the two quickly waved their weapons and exchanged hands, but at this moment, the strong man took out a big knife from behind again, and slashed the pale man The man's body was chopped off immediately.

Bai Yunfei's eyes lit up slightly, and he said in surprise, "I really didn't expect such an operation to exist. You must know that it is a very dangerous thing to use dual weapons immediately, but it can be done so perfectly. It seems This strong man is really a good general."

Lao Zhan also nodded slightly and said, "Yeah, I really didn't expect him to be so powerful, and he can use dual weapons so smoothly. What's even more unbelievable is that all of his weapons are heavy weapons, which is obviously possible." Said to be a very good fighter."

The brawny man was also mocking loudly at this time and said, "You son of a bitch, it really doesn't matter. If you have the ability, come and continue to fight with grandpa."

(End of this chapter)

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