Chapter 631 The end of the war
But what is very strange is that no one from the enemy camp has come out to confront this strong man at all. Obviously, they are also thinking about who to send to completely eliminate this strong man.

At this moment, the war drum sounded again, and a big man with a painted face was seen galloping out on horseback with a mace in his hand.

I saw the big man with a painted face quickly swinging the mace, and hit the strong man's head.

At the same time, an arrow suddenly appeared from behind, and it quickly shot into the heart of this strong man.

The strong man was taken aback immediately, and quickly blocked his heart with the ax in his hand, but he didn't expect that the arrow was very big, and the mace was also thrown at him. The cooperation was very tacit, and he suffered a loss immediately Dismounted.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoyu quickly waved the military flag, and two big men appeared directly from the formation, all of them were holding long spears, and quickly supported the strong man.

After both sides had retreated to the camp, Luo Xiaoyu frowned slightly and waved the flag quickly, and all the soldiers quickly moved forward.

Bai Yunfei said with a little interest, "This is an intention to forcibly attack, but it's a bit too reckless to do so, or do you have a higher plan?"

After watching it for a long time, Lao Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know what he wants to do now, but he chose to attack with the whole army, so he must be fully confident."

The enemy army also obviously discovered this situation. Although they don't know why they suddenly provoked the entire army to attack, they didn't dare to show weakness, and directly and quickly controlled all the soldiers to press on the whole line.

But when the distance between the two sides was still a few hundred meters, they all stopped suddenly, no one moved forward, and all looked at each other.

At this moment, as if the two sides had made an appointment, countless arrows shot into the sky quickly.

All the soldiers on Luo Xiaoyu's side quickly set up their shields to block the arrows falling from the sky, but the people on the other side of the battlefield space did not have time to resist, and lost a lot of soldiers in an instant.

I saw that they had obviously discovered their own disadvantages and ordered directly, making all the soldiers rush towards this side desperately.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with some disdain, "Now that the outcome is decided, I really didn't expect the opponent to be so stupid, and he is not suitable to be the leader of an army at all."

Old Zhan also said with a slightly wry smile, "At the beginning, I saw that they looked good, but I didn't expect that during the real battle, they would look like this."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "But from the side, our people here are really good, if you do have any large-scale war in the future, they will definitely reduce many casualties. "

Lao Zhan said with some emotion, "Yes, once caught in the battle of large armies, I am afraid that no matter how strong a master is, it will be difficult to escape from it."

Bai Yunfei really felt that all of his God Slayers were full of fighting spirit, obviously they were all affected by the battlefield, and wanted to come out and fight.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's not the time for you to come out, you wait together, when you can really come out, it will definitely surprise everyone."

Killing Gods all stopped, quietly waiting for their real chance to make a move.

Just this time, a huge reversal has taken place on the battlefield, because the soldiers in the battlefield space have lost a lot of soldiers before they rushed halfway, and the remaining soldiers are still rushing forward desperately. , but was blocked by the spearmen at the front.

When the drums sounded to withdraw the troops, Luo Xiaoyu didn't lose too many people on his side, but more than half of the people on the other side of the battlefield had already lost more than half of them. Obviously, Luo Xiaoyu won an overwhelming victory in this battle.

As the night slowly fell, all the soldiers carefully guarded their surroundings to prevent the enemy from coming to attack.

Bai Yunfei was not affected by the night, it was still the same as during the day, and he could clearly observe the movements of the people in the battlefield space.

Dozens of black shadows quickly emerged from there, and their purpose was obviously to assassinate Luo Xiaoyu directly.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, because Luo Xiaoyu had already set up a net on his side, waiting for the assassins over there to arrive, obviously he had expected that enemies would come to assassinate them.

But as soon as those assassins stepped into the camp, they were surrounded by all the soldiers and killed instantly.

Dozens of soldiers quickly put on the clothes of these assassins and fled here.

These soldiers returned to the enemy's barracks very smoothly, and there was no obstruction at all, so they were allowed to enter the general's camp.

Lao Zhan smiled lightly and said, "It's a good strategy, but it's a pity that they don't seem to be able to do anything against such an enemy. They just sacrificed the lives of these soldiers in vain. Pity."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "Then you are really wrong, those soldiers are not their real rear, they are really the enemy's rear."

Old Zhan said a little puzzled, "All these soldiers don't have their own souls, do they still need to eat?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Although they don't have their own souls, their bodies still need to eat, so there is still a lot of food and grass in the rear to support them in fighting. If their food and grass are destroyed, This fight will end sooner."

Lao Zhan smiled slightly and said, "It's really a ghost, but this will also push the other party to a dead end, and I'm afraid it will directly kill the net."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "Then you're wrong, they won't really kill the net, but just evacuate here quickly, and they will definitely not attack this world again in a short time."

Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei said, the food and grass in the rear were directly burned, and all the soldiers in the general's camp were killed, but the person in the battlefield space had already revealed his face, but his face at this time It was very embarrassing, and did not organize all the soldiers to attack or resist, and directly and quickly led all the soldiers to escape from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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