Chapter 675 Cloud Battle
Bai Yunfei yelled coldly to the outside of the cave, "If you don't want your wife to die completely, then hurry up and shut up, and don't let anyone disturb this place, or wait to collect your wife's body. "

I saw a middle-aged man stumbled and ran in quickly, stared at Bai Yunfei with hatred and said coldly, "Master, if you dare to hurt my wife even a single hair, I want you to die, please!" Can't die."

Ah Yao said quickly, "Father, this is my new master. He promised me that he could save my grandma. Master, he will definitely not hurt grandma."

The middle-aged man roared and said, "Yunyao, do you know what you are doing? You are going to kill your grandma completely. I have now found the medicine that can cure your grandma, just give me some more I will definitely be able to wake her up in time, but it is too late now."

Bai Yunfei snorted and said, "I'm afraid your so-called method of waking up your wife is also some unreliable method, and it is even possible to sacrifice some things to wake your wife up, but I don't need any You can wake up your wife completely, so you can just keep quiet now."

Bai Yunfei quickly slapped Ah Yao's mother several times.

Ah Yao's father quickly rushed towards Bai Yunfei, obviously he didn't want to see Bai Yunfei hurt his wife.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly kicked him back in the chest, kicking him flying hard.

"Daddy!" Ah Yao yelled worriedly.

"Don't worry, your father didn't suffer any injuries, it's just that I asked him to calm down outside." Bai Yunfei said very flatly.

At this moment, Ah Yao's mother spit out a mouthful of black blood, and slowly woke up.

Ah Yao's father also came out slowly at this time, seeing all this, he knew that he had wronged you, and Bai Yunfei immediately patted Bai Yunfei on his chest.

"This gentleman is really sorry. I don't know. It turns out that you can really save my wife. I was so rude before. If you need me to do something in the future, I, Yun Zhan, will never refuse. "

Bai Yunfei chuckled, "As I said before, I am Ah Yao's master, so this is just a small thing I did for him. You don't have to worry so much. You should accompany your wife now." go."

Bai Yunfei did not disturb the family of three, but walked out of the cave, took out a jug of wine, and drank lightly.

Old Zhan said to Bai Yunfei with some doubts, "Master, why did you come out of the Formless World? And your strength hasn't changed at all. What's going on?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Although I didn't improve my strength, I also met an interesting person. This is actually a very good trip, but his world is not suitable for me, so I just searched for it." In a world, I never expected to meet an interesting little girl in this world, and even accept her as an apprentice, this can only be said to be a coincidence."

Lao Zhan said slightly speechless, "But you really have too many apprentices now, you can hardly count the number of apprentices you have taught, don't you have any boredom?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "Seeing the continuous emergence of human geniuses, of course I can only be happy, and I will never feel bored. I am now looking forward to seeing their performance in the future."

Old Mo interrupted with some puzzlement, "Master, why do you care so much about these weak humans? Your current strength can already be called a god or even stronger. You don't need to do such things for these humans. It's just delaying you." Own time."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Then you are wrong, I am a human being, not a god, so I will never give up my identity as a human being, and helping them is also tantamount to helping myself, I will not regard them as ants , and I kill people who deserve to be killed, and I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately."

In the chicken eating space, Lao Mo looked at Lao Zhan with some puzzlement and said, "Why didn't you really stop her? Don't you know that he is going astray now?"

Old Zhan chuckled and said, "I don't think he entered some pictures, but this is the reason why the master himself can improve his strength."

Lao Mo sighed slightly and said, "You are right. Everyone has his own destiny. I am afraid this is his own path, and no one can replace it."

After Bai Yunfei finished drinking a pot of wine at this time, he looked at the surface of the water lightly, and said with a slight smile, "It's really interesting, but after going in for a while, a few water ghosts came out of the water It's really good, I'd like to see how long you can stay in it."

Bai Yunfei casually threw a few stones and hit some lotus leaves on the water.

After a while, many splashes began to appear on the surface of the water, and dozens of men in black jumped out of the water.

At this time, Yun Zhan had already walked out with his wife and Ah Yao, and when he saw the dozens of men in black, he said angrily, "You bloody bastards, do you really have to kill them all?"

The dozens of men in black looked at each other, and quickly rushed towards Yun Zhan, but Bai Yunfei and the others forgetfully ignored them.

But before Yun Zhan could take any action, Bai Yunfei directly shot countless stones and flew up quickly, all of them hit the men in black, and suddenly they appeared like they were being shot by machine guns. Leaving countless blood holes, he fell to the ground and died completely.

Yun Zhan swallowed involuntarily, and said to Bai Yunfei with a slight wry smile, "Thank you sir for your help. If it weren't for sir, I'm afraid I would have died under their encirclement."

Yun Yao looked at Bai Yunfei curiously and said, "Master, what kind of spell did you use just now? It's amazing that you can punch them all into holes with a single wave of your hand. "

Bai Yunfei waved at Yun Zhan, squatted down and smiled softly at Yun Yao and said, "If you want to learn, then I can teach you, this is just an ordinary hidden weapon method, but girls Family learning can indeed be used for self-defense.”

(End of this chapter)

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