Chapter 676 Blood Jade

Yun Yao jumped up happily, and said happily, "Okay, I'll learn this."

Yunyao's mother smiled slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Thank you, Mr. Liusu, for saving your life."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You are his mother, this is just a matter of little effort."

Yun Zhan clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, sir, for saving my life. It's just that I can't figure it out now. Why do you plan to call my girl a disciple? You should know the reason for her body, and she won't achieve much at all. "

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "It's just that you don't know her. Her physique is very peculiar. She can gather Yin Qi in her body and improve her strength. It's a rare thing." constitution."

Yun Zhan scratched his head in some puzzlement and said, "Then why do I give him a lot of martial arts, but there is no way for him to improve his own strength, but sometimes he will feel even more uncomfortable physically."

Liusu rolled his eyes slightly and said, "What do you know? The martial arts you teach children are all based on hardness and softness, or they are more neutral, but I didn't hear Mr. Jia just said that our children are more suitable for comparison." Feminine, it can even be said to be feminine martial arts."

Yun Zhan was still a little puzzled and said, "But I also taught him some feminine martial arts, but it didn't play any role?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That's because you didn't find the right way to teach him real martial arts. Tonight is a good day. I'll show you her talent when the full moon comes."

Liusu frowned slightly, looked at Yun Zhan and said, "Brother Zhan, how could you offend these damn mice?"

Yun Zhan also said slightly puzzled, "I should have never been an enemy of them at all, and I have never had any contact with them. It's really strange why they ambushed me here, but I believe it won't take long." It will take me a long time to find out the truth."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "If my estimate is correct, it should be that something you obtained has moved their interests, and that's why they came here to kill you."

Yun Zhan took out a bloody jade pendant from his bosom with some puzzlement and said, "If it is related to the martial arts outside, it is only this blood jade pendant. But it was taught to me by a friend of mine. How could there be any?" So many people are staring at it?"

After Liusu thought for a while, his complexion changed, and he said a little ugly, "Brother Yun, you are so confused, don't you know what this blood jade represents?"

Yun Zhan said in a daze, "This is just an ordinary jade pendant, can it be involved in anything?"

Yun Yao snorted softly and said, "Father, you are so stupid, even Ah Yao knows what's going on, but you still don't know how stupid you are."

Liusu glared at Yun Zhan angrily and said, "Did you forget that 30 years ago, there was a murder case in Jianghu that involved this piece of blood jade in your hand."

Yun Zhan widened his eyes in disbelief and said, "Isn't this impossible? Could it be that the blood jade in my hand is the legendary blood jade? Isn't this too coincidental?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's not a coincidence, it's just that someone is misleading others and putting everything on you, so that he can really escape with his life."

Liusu sighed slightly and said, "Brother Zhan, I've only been in a coma for a few years now, how could you have made such a big mistake? And what kind of friends did you make who are so unpredictable."

Yun Zhan said with an ugly face, "This damn Qianjizi dared to plot against me. When I find him, I will definitely make him look good."

Liusu said with some puzzlement, "The Qianjizi you are talking about is the very famous Daoist Qianji in Jianghu? How did you get involved with him? Don't you hate these Taoists the most?"

Yun Zhan said with some embarrassment, "It's not that you have been seriously injured and have been frozen all the time, so I walked back and forth on the rivers and lakes, hoping to find a way to heal your injuries, and this blood jade was given to me by him. Yes, it said that there is a certain chance to cure you."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "But he really didn't lie to you. This piece of blood jade really has a chance to save people, but it's very difficult to save people."

Liusu was also a little confused at this time, and said a little puzzled, "If this can save me, then he is not really lying. Doesn't he know the importance of this blood jade?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If you are still confused, why not go to him directly? Why bother to dig into the corner here, the person who finds him will know what happened."

Yun Yao looked at the blood jade in everyone's hands curiously, blinked her big eyes and said, "Why do I feel like this blood jade is calling me?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Since that's the case, then you can pet him to see if he really intends to recognize you as the master."

Liusu looked at Bai Yunfei worriedly and said, "Sir, this blood jade is called the most ominous thing, and it won't bring any danger to Ah Yao."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Where is the ominous thing? Nothing is really bad, it just depends on one's heart."

Yun Zhan gritted his teeth, and gave the blood jade in his hand to Ah Yao.

I saw that this piece of blood jade began to continuously translate red light in Ah Yao's hands.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Don't irritate me completely, you should know what the consequences are, so stay safe for me, he has been accepted as my apprentice, if you make me anxious, you should be able to imagine the consequences. "

I saw that the blood jade became stable in an instant, very stable, and no longer had the strange feeling before.

Yun Zhan and Liu Su looked at each other and were a little surprised.Because the two of them never thought that there were really some abnormalities in this blood jade, but in the end they each understood.

That's the master that my daughter worshiped, but it's really very powerful. Didn't you see that even the blood jade who is making the agreement is very afraid?

Ah Yao opened his eyes at this moment, and said in disbelief, "Master, Father and Mother, why do I feel that I saw a lot of golden things, and there is also a very beautiful hall. And there are many other things around these things." Lots and lots of gray statue guardians, so interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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